Chapter 30: Leng Qingqiu's Outburst

Cold Qingqiu walked up to Lu Chengwen, and looked into his eyes expressionlessly:

"Chengwen, I think what you said makes sense. Even though others don't believe it, I believe you. Tonight, I will urgently convene a high-level meeting to determine the specific details of investing in the transformation of the shantytown."

Lu Chengwen was not a fool. He could tell from Cold Qingqiu's expression and eyes that she was being stubborn.

"You want me to invest in the shantytown? Fine, I'll invest in the shantytown. 

Are you really trying to deceive me, or are you changing your tune and obediently giving in? It's up to you."

Long Aotian didn't understand Cold Qingqiu's mindset, his face already grim.

Long Aotian was also confused.

Shantytown transformation? Would anyone dare to touch that thing?

Government officials are lobbying everywhere, and none of the four major families in Xuecheng have agreed.

It takes a long time, is a large investment, involves many stakeholders, and the situation is extremely complex. A small mistake could lead to major problems.

Each element is deadly on its own. Any large corporation considering investing in such a project needs to carefully consider whether they have the capital and ability to handle it.

The first person in charge of this project was from the south, but he couldn't handle it halfway through and ran away.

Because of this project, there have already been three people who jumped off buildings.

Shantytown transformation is no longer a hot potato, it's a burning iron, let alone holding it, even touching it would hurt you!

Long Aotian said, "Qingqiu, regarding the shantytown transformation project, I advise you not to get involved. The situation with that project is very complicated, and you don't have enough understanding of the construction industry..."

Cold Qingqiu looked at Long Aotian coldly, "Do I need to understand so much? As long as Chengwen supports me, that's enough, right, Chengwen?"

Lu Chengwen: "Um..."

Long Aotian said urgently, "The amusement park project has a short cycle, and the situation is easy to judge. As long as we quickly secure that piece of land, we will be invincible, and there's much to be done. Shantytown, on the other hand, is uncertain about the future, and it's laborious."

"Even if that's the case, with Chengwen's support, I'm not afraid of a little hardship. Right, Chengwen?"

Lu Chengwen: "Um..."

Long Aotian became anxious, "Qingqiu, why don't you understand? I'm doing all this for you. I don't want you to jump into the fire pit. I don't want Qianfeng Group to decline. I know revitalizing Qianfeng is your dream, and I came here for your dream."

Cold Qingqiu said, "What revitalizing Qianfeng? I'm a woman. A woman's biggest dream is to marry into a good family. Chengwen and I have already decided to get engaged next month, married by the end of the year, and have children next year... Right, Chengwen?"

Lu Chengwen: "Um... Gulp..."

Long Aotian thought, who is this person?

Can't she see such an obvious business opportunity? Why would she go to work on a shantytown transformation project with Lu Chengwen?!

What's wrong with Cold Qingqiu? Did her brain suddenly shrink?!

Cold Qingqiu looked at Lu Chengwen with determination, "Chengwen, I trust you. Look at me and tell me, which project do you want me to do?"

Cold Qingqiu's gaze made Lu Chengwen extremely uncomfortable.

Lu Chengwen didn't know how to reply for a moment.

[Is this silly girl really trusting me? Does she want to work on the shantytown transformation project with me just because she thinks I'm talking nonsense and wants to spite me?]

[Darn it, I refuse to believe that I can't deal with a little girl like you!]

"Oh, of course," Lu Chengwen made up his mind, "I do see potential in this project, but the decision-making power lies with you in Qianfeng Group. I'm just making a suggestion."

"Good!" Cold Qingqiu decisively said, "Since you suggested it, I'll follow your lead."

Long Aotian couldn't sit still, "Qingqiu, let's discuss this first..."

"No need to discuss." Cold Qingqiu was already angry, pushing the door to leave, "I'll immediately convene the team and hold an emergency meeting to discuss the investment plan for the shantytown transformation project. I'll negotiate with the relevant parties tomorrow."

"You're making a mess!" Cold Tianhao was angry now, "How can you be so impulsive about such a big matter? I'm the chairman of Qianfeng Group. I don't agree with this!"

Cold Qingqiu turned to look at Cold Tianhao, "Father, it was you who arranged for me to marry into the Lu family, you gave me the power and responsibility to manage Qianfeng comprehensively. You also told me personally that my personal happiness and gains or losses are not important, the long-term interests of Qianfeng are above personal happiness. I, Cold Qingqiu, go along with whoever I marry since I'm engaged to Chengwen, he will be my husband in the future. My husband's words are like commands to me, I will execute them unconditionally! Chengwen said he wants me to invest in the shantytown project, so I trust him."

Long Aotian hurriedly said, "Qingqiu, think it through. Lu Chengwen isn't worthy of your trust."

Cold Qingqiu looked at Long Aotian, "Is that so? Then tell me, who should I trust?"

Cold Qingqiu's eyes were red, and tears moistened her eyes:

"In my whole life, I've never found anyone I can trust."

"When I was a child, I idolized my father and imitated him everywhere. I learned his thunderous methods, his domineering decisiveness, his preference for talent, his calm wisdom... But I found out that my father's strength and cruelty exceeded my imagination."

"Every time I encountered difficulties or sadness, he never hugged me or comforted me like other fathers do. He only scolded me, humiliated me, looked at me with that ruthless disappointed gaze, telling me I was worthless!"

"When I grew up, for the sake of the group's interests, the biological daughter must marry into another family. In his eyes, Qianfeng is his child, and I'm just a useless daughter."

"My only friend, I found out she secretly drugged my drink. I cried and asked her why, and she told me she hated me. She hated that I was smarter than her, hated that I was born into a wealthy family, hated that I was prettier than her, slimmer than her, hated my innate academic talent! She resented me, resented everything I was born with, which she could never achieve in her lifetime. So she wanted to destroy me!"

"My only love in college, I

 devoted everything to him! He was sunny, positive, a sportsman. Although he wasn't wealthy, he was the light that shone into my life. I thought I finally found someone I could trust!"

(Note: No toxicity, Cold Qingqiu is still a fledgling, too many readers complained, so I'm clarifying.)

"But on my birthday, he installed three cameras in the reserved hotel."

Cold Qingqiu smiled, tears covering her face, a terribly tragic smile.


Cold Qingqiu's voice trembled, "When I decided to give myself to him wholeheartedly, all he thought about was recording everything from all angles, then controlling me to get the Cold family's wealth."

Cold Qingqiu wiped away her tears, "Family, friends, lovers, all so indifferent. Tell me, who should I trust?"

Cold Qingqiu roared in anger, "Speak! Who can I trust!? In this world, is there really anyone who, regardless of appearance, money, or background, genuinely likes me, treasures me, and protects me from their heart? Is there? Will I forever be alone in this life? Is this world inherently so cold and heartless that the kind of trust I want simply doesn't exist!? Is that so?"

Land Chengwen felt a pang of sadness in his heart, filled with self-blame.

[I'm sorry, I didn't know, you'd been through so much misery before.]

[Sigh, it seems that no matter how much money one has, what people ultimately pursue is inner happiness and satisfaction. Although this may sound like nonsense to many, money really isn't everything.]

[Damn it, what should I do? My heart aches for her! If it weren't for having a mission on hand, I would definitely rush over and hug her right now.]

[No! I have to restrain myself, I can't let her know. Anyway, I'll treat her better in the future, whether it's in business or in life. When she's in trouble, I'll secretly help her. This poor girl, she's making me feel so uncomfortable.]

Leng Qingqiu's blurry teary eyes suddenly turned towards Land Chengwen, staring at him intensely.

Land Chengwen then lowered his head guiltily, remaining silent.

Long Aotian felt that it was time for him to step in.

"Qingqiu, I feel like I am that person! Yes, I'm here to love you, cherish you, accompany you, and protect you! From now on, you can trust me, you can trust me with anything. I'm willing to be the light shining into your life! From now on, my light will only shine for you."

Land Chengwen mentally threw a pile of feces at him.

[Spit! Disgusting! You're shameless, spouting nice words as soon as you open your mouth!]

[Are you doing this for Leng Qingqiu's happiness? You're clearly coveting the assets of the Leng family! Aside from the Leng family, there's also the Xu family and the Chen family. And lastly, there's our Land family.]

[Sigh, there's no way around it, this is your fate. Be together, maybe, for Qingqiu, this is the best outcome.]

Leng Qingqiu glanced at Long Aotian, "I've already decided, I'll believe in Brother Chengwen for the rest of my life. If he wants to deceive me, I'll let him. If he wants to harm me, I'll let him. If he wants to sell me for money, I'll set a high price for myself! Tomorrow is the big day for the official investment of the shantytown renovation project by Qianfeng Group. You guys just watch!"

Land Chengwen completely lost it.

[Sister, what's with your temper!?]

[Don't you understand? Did... did I mess up again!? Did I have the opposite effect!?]

Land Chengwen didn't realize that Leng Qingqiu had completely grasped her own cards and thought he had messed up.

His perceived situation was:

Long Aotian had chosen the right path for Leng Qingqiu, while he had timely proposed a wrong route.

Normally, he and Long Aotian would form a sharp contrast, and Leng Qingqiu would choose Long Aotian's correct investment path, feeling grateful to him, thus getting the plot back on track.

The female lead would then start advancing their dual storylines.

He could then naturally withdraw from this storyline and deal with the female leads in other storylines.

But now, unexpectedly, Leng Qingqiu's long-suppressed psychological issues had erupted!

Her rebellious mentality emerged!

Leng Qingqiu, who had always been calm and rational, never making mistakes, was now making big mistakes, huge mistakes!

She actually stubbornly chose her own wrong investment path!

Leng Tianhao angrily said, "Leng Qingqiu! You're the CEO of Qianfeng Group! Be a little more rational, did I teach you to make judgments and decisions based on emotions?! No matter how dissatisfied you are with me, how disappointed you are with this world, what I want is your ability, the ability to lead Qianfeng back to its peak! You're not allowed to touch the shantytown renovation project. Tomorrow, you'll go and handle that piece of land for me! If you don't handle this well, there won't be a place for you in Qianfeng Group!"

Leng Qingqiu turned her head, looking at her father coldly.

With a mocking smirk.

"You gave me the power, now you have to accept the consequences. To revoke my executive power and decision-making power, you need to convene a shareholder meeting and officially announce the dismissal order about me. According to the regulations, this meeting requires a week of preparation time. I can finish what I want to do within a week."


Leng Qingqiu finished speaking and walked out of the room without looking back.

Land Chengwen was drenched in sweat.

Damn it! I've completely messed it up now!

Land Chengwen felt dizzy.

Leng Qingqiu, out of anger with him, had resolutely embarked on a dead end!

Leng Tianhao, because of his own wicked idea, was now looking at him with uncontrollable anger!

Most importantly, Long Aotian, his face darkened to the extreme, seemed like he was about to explode in the next second!

Damn it, I'm done for!