Chapter 48: Get Out of Here

[surprise! an extra chapter]


Dragon Ao Tian looked at Iron Lump King with a displeased expression.

In his heart, he thought, "I've taught you so much, yet you still don't understand. What's there to be angry about?"

Dragon Ao Tian gritted his teeth and said, "You've got the wrong person!"

Lu Chengwen hurriedly said, "Mr. Iron, I don't like wasting time on idle talk. If we're going to sign the contract today, give me your word."

"Sure!" Iron Lump King immediately replied, "Absolutely, signing the contract and payment will be done in one go. I'm efficient in my work."

Dragon Ao Tian was about to erupt, "What can you do? Have you even figured out what's going on?"

Iron Lump King immediately became furious, "Get out of my sight! I've tolerated you for too long!"

Dragon Ao Tian widened his eyes, hardly able to believe that the Iron Lump King, a mere northern sub-boss, would dare to speak to him like this!

"What did you say? Say it again."

Iron Lump King was enraged, clearly trying hard to suppress his anger.

He grabbed Dragon Ao Tian's collar and lowered his voice, "You brat, I came here today with a mission. If it weren't for the fact that we need to cooperate with our young master to show off, pretending to be civilized and entrepreneurial, I would have dragged you out and beaten you for thirty minutes!"


"I warn you, our young master is a natural talent, a hero of his generation. Look at him!"

Iron Lump King grabbed Dragon Ao Tian's chin and turned to Lu Chengwen.

"Our young master is handsome and charming, adept at flirting, outstanding in appearance, surrounded by beauties, and enjoys the favor of everyone. And look at you!"

Iron Lump King said indignantly, "With your demeanor, you are clearly raised by wolves, exuding the stench of a poor loser. Yet you dare to call yourself the vice president of Qianfeng Group? Over there, the big boss is cuddling with our young master, coquettishly begging for favors. How dare you repeatedly challenge our young master?"


"If you know what's good for you, you'll obediently serve our young master, maybe you'll have some usefulness. Keep acting arrogantly, and I'll kick you to death!"

Dragon Ao Tian was trembling with anger.


Iron Lump King shouted, "Get out of here!"

Dragon Ao Tian couldn't hold back anymore, roaring loudly, "You damn well open your dog eyes and look clearly at me! I am your young master!"

Iron Lump King was stunned and glanced at Lu Chengwen.

In Lu Chengwen's heart, there was a sense of panic, but on the surface, he appeared indifferent, lying on the chair with his eyes closed.

Leng Qingqiu rubbed Lu Chengwen's thighs like a horse-riding technique, while Xu Xuejiao plucked a grape from the fruit plate and fed it to Lu Chengwen's mouth. Lu Chengwen didn't even bother to open his eyes.

Iron Lump King laughed, "Kid if you want to impersonate a big shot, at least take a leak and look in the mirror. Have you seen what you're like? Only that's called a young master! Surrounded by beauties, pretending without a trace, that's the true nature of a young master! And you? Go home and eat sh*t!"

Dragon Ao Tian clutched his chest, "You... I..."

They both openly declared their identities.

Meanwhile, Leng Qingqiu completely saw through Dragon Ao Tian's true colors.

Haha, for the sake of swallowing the Leng family, Dragon Ao Tian had gone to great lengths. He deceived my old man into thinking he could attract investment consortiums, accepting only one percent interest on fifty billion.

Anyone who's done investments knows, that with such a large sum of money, one percent interest means you're essentially losing money!

Handing over fifty billion to others to make big profits while you just sip soup.

Is there such a fool in the world?

Dad actually believed this guy's words. It's truly desperate times calling for desperate measures, completely chaotic.

Brother Cheng knows everything. If it weren't for Brother Cheng, I might never have known how sinister this guy Dragon Ao Tian is.

Xu Xuejiao muttered to herself:

This person is so cunning! Clearly, he's from his own organization, yet he insists on pretending to be a big boss to invest, just to save face.

Makes sense, this way he can gain the trust of the Leng family. On the surface, it's investing in a business, but in reality, it's eyeing the tens of billions of assets of the Leng family.

Invest fifty billion, and get the management rights of the Leng family's Qianfeng Group, then he would have more things to manipulate. He could gradually nibble away, or even swallow the entire Leng family industry.

This guy is cunning and has a strong background. Brother Cheng's caution is justified. We have to be extremely careful.

Lu Chengwen didn't want to drag things out any longer; he needed to quickly wrap up matters here.

"Mr. Iron, are you done or not? How long do you want to chat with him? Did I ask you to come here to talk to an idiot?"

Iron Lump King hurriedly said, "Sorry, Mr. Lu, we'll sign the contract immediately."

Lu Chengwen stood up, "Tomorrow morning, go to Great Saint Group and sign the contract with my general manager. Don't waste my time with your nonsense."

Lu Chengwen stood up and was about to leave.

Iron Lump King hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, sorry for wasting your time. Take it easy, Mr. Lu, take it easy..."

Dragon Ao Tian thought thankfully, at least they didn't have a ready-made contract; otherwise... that fifty billion would've been as good as gone.

Dragon Ao Tian pointed at him, "You're good, huh, you're amazing!"

Iron Lump King looked at Dragon Ao Tian, "You, surname Dragon, you registered with me. I guarantee you won't live past the end of this month. Let's wait and see."


As soon as Lu Chengwen got into the car, he urged the driver, "Faster, faster, drive!"

The car sped away.

Lu Chengwen breathed a sigh of relief, constantly looking back to see if they were being followed.

Xu Xuejiao smiled and said, "Brother Cheng, did you enjoy yourself just now? Being served by two beautiful women, it must have been comfortable, right?"

Lu Chengwen looked at her, "Have you grown a conscience? Can't you see how dangerous it was just now? That Dragon Ao Tian is a dangerous person, and Iron Lump King and those four big guys are cold-blooded killers. Comfortable my foot!"

Leng Qingqiu said solemnly, "Lu Chengwen, even if it's just acting, the intimacy between you and Xu Xuejiao went too far, didn't it? Was it necessary to go that far? You need to explain, were you secretly enjoying it just now?"

Lu Chengwen looked at Leng Qingqiu in shock, "Is that what you're concerned about!?"

At this moment, Xu Xuejiao climbed to the

 front row, insert something like a USB into the USB port.

She climbed over from the armrest, still wearing a school uniform, a short student skirt, round and firm buttocks, and even white panties...

Lu Chengwen stared straight at Xu Xuejiao's scenery under her skirt, completely intoxicated. He mechanically murmured in his mouth, "I'm doing serious business, how could I have the mind to think about these things? Everything is just a show, I didn't really mean any of it..."

Leng Qingqiu grabbed Lu Chengwen's chin and turned it towards herself. "What are you looking at?!"

"Huh?!" Lu Chengwen snapped out of his trance. "Nothing, I wasn't peeking at Xu Xuejiao's white underwear."

Xu Xuejiao had already climbed back and said to the driver, "Turn on the multimedia sound system."

Then she glared at Lu Chengwen with a blush on her face. Lu Chengwen felt embarrassed and hurriedly explained, "I didn't see anything... just a little glimpse, I didn't mean to... it's just the angle at that moment..."

"Alright, listen up."

At this moment, the multimedia sound system transmitted the conversation between Long Aotian and Hua Xueni.

"This idiot!" Long Aotian's angry voice came through. "He can't even distinguish who the master is and dares to curse at me!"

Hua Xueni said calmly, "Subordinate can take care of him, venting the anger for the young master."

"Killing him is useless! I need the money in his hands, I need that fifty billion capital!"

Hua Xueni said, "Subordinate will go and snatch it back for the young master!"

Long Aotian sighed in frustration, "If snatching it is enough, why would I bother? I need him to cooperate willingly, to show off in front of Leng Tianhao! That way, I can replace Leng Qingqiu and become the president of Qianfeng Group, and then swallow up all of the assets of the Leng family!"

Hua Xueni said, "Just a mere Leng family, why go to such lengths? We only need to use some means..."

Long Aotian couldn't help but laugh, "Xueni, you are a genius in swordsmanship. But things here are not so simple, not everything is like kung fu, where you can rely on strength to crush everything."

"What I want is a complete and well-operated Qianfeng Group. I want the Leng family to be completely devoted to me, willingly becoming my financial support. In the later stage, I can let go and let them earn money for me behind the scenes, serving as my financial backing. There's no problem with snatching, but in the later stage, are you going to manage this Qianfeng Group or am I?"

"And Leng Qingqiu is mine! It must be mine! Such a stunning beauty, absolutely cannot fall into someone else's hands! As long as Leng Qingqiu becomes my woman, loving me wholeheartedly, then I control Leng Qingqiu, which is equivalent to controlling the entire Qianfeng Group."

Hua Xueni sighed, "Subordinate doesn't understand these, whatever the subordinate can do, just command, young master."

Long Aotian said in frustration, "I have a plan that can change everything!"


Suddenly, there was a loud noise from the speakers, followed by a screeching sound.

Xu Xuejiao sighed, "We've been found out."

Lu Chengwen looked at Xu Xuejiao, "You still eavesdrop?"

"Hmm." Xu Xuejiao proudly said, "I heard Zhao Gang persuading you in the car to block the fake medicine news, I heard it all."

Lu Chengwen realized, "Oh! So you knew I would definitely destroy it, and deliberately agreed with me to continue selling fake medicine?"

Xu Xuejiao laughed.

He and Zhao Gang didn't actually talk about destroying it in the car, but he could only admit it, otherwise, he couldn't explain why he was so sure that Lu Chengwen wouldn't sell fake medicine.

He couldn't tell her, "I hear your thoughts loud and clear?" If he did, she would be scared and run away.

"Yeah, that's right." Xu Xuejiao said, "So I knew, you, on the surface, may seem sleazy, frivolous, and lack intelligence, and you're also lustful. But, when it comes to matters of right and wrong, you are quite righteous."

Leng Qingqiu also smiled with relief, "I watched that press conference too, I think you're doing the right thing."

[Isn't this over? They've heard this whole conversation, they probably won't fall for Long Aotian anymore, how does this end?]

[The key is, they're all treating me like a good guy, how can that be?]

Lu Chengwen was frustrated to the extreme, "Anyway, this matter will be exposed soon. When that happens, Long Aotian won't let me off, and neither will Tietuo Wang. Just leave."

Leng Qingqiu said, "We can unite and deal with Long Aotian, and Tietuo Wang."

Xu Xuejiao glanced at Leng Qingqiu and, considering the bigger picture, said, "Yes, judging by the situation, his target is not only the Leng family, but also our Xu family, and even the Chen family are within his target range. If the Leng family falls, he will go after the Xu family or the Chen family."

Lu Chengwen felt utterly hopeless.

[Regardless of his goals and priorities, I'm basically doomed. You sticking with me will only bring bad luck, sisters.]

Lu Chengwen sighed, "Anyway, you should stay away from me. Get out of the car, go do whatever you need to do."

Leng Qingqiu wanted to say something more, but Lu Chengwen impatiently said, "Get out of the car!"

"What about us..."

"What about us?" Lu Chengwen shouted, "I am me, you are you, you jinx, do you still think you haven't caused me enough trouble?!"

Even though Leng Qingqiu knew Lu Chengwen was deliberately driving her away, she couldn't bear being scolded like this.

She pushed the door and got out of the car, "Lu Chengwen, you just don't trust me!"

The door closed, and Xu Xuejiao chuckled, "It's about time to leave. Did you really think Chengwen would keep licking your boots? Silly woman."

"You leave too."


"I said you leave too! Don't show up in front of me anymore!"

"Why do you have the right to scold me?!"

"It makes me happy!" Lu Chengwen widened his eyes, "Not happy, huh?!"

Tears welled up in Xu Xuejiao's eyes, "You're lying! You're deceiving people! You obviously like me!"

"I don't feel annoyed when I see you! Go away!"

Xu Xuejiao burst into tears and pushed the door to get out of the car.

Lu Chengwen sighed and rubbed his temples in frustration.

[Now I'm in big trouble.]