Chapter 55: Farewell to the Ex

Chapter 55: Farewell to the Ex

Lu Chengwen watched Lu Chengwu run into a room inside, feeling a bit confused.

"What's wrong with him?" 

Zhao Gang smiled and said, "As you know, the young master has always feared Miss Chen. Miss Chen used to take care of him for more than a year in the role of elder sister-in-law."

Lu Chengwen suddenly understood.

When he and Chen Mengyun were together, she was designated Lu Chengwen's main wife, practically strutting around the Lu family.

Back then, Lu Chengwu was quite mischievous, and Chen Mengyun took care of him like an elder sister, even more than she did for her brother.

But this turned into a nightmare for Lu Chengwu.

Chen Mengyun was very strict with him, and even Lu Guanghong couldn't intervene.

My goodness! How did Chen Mengyun come here? How did she know I was here?

With that thought, Chen Mengyun had already come in.

Seeing Lu Chengwen, she smiled shyly, both feeling a bit awkward and embarrassed.

Zhao Gang hurriedly said, "I'll go watch the door."

Lu Chengwen scratched his head, "Please, have a seat."

Chen Mengyun sat down awkwardly, unsure where to start.

Lu Chengwen walked to the fridge, "What would you like to drink?"

"Oh, anything."

"Just moved into the house, a lot of things are missing, only beverages and water."

"That's fine."

Chen Mengyun took a bottle of water, holding it in her hand, looking at Lu Chengwen, "Um..."

"Is there something?"

"Not really, I heard you bought a new house here, I happened to pass by, and coincidentally saw your car parked here, coincidentally saw Zhao Gang... and coincidentally nothing's up... so I just..."

"Oh." Lu Chengwen nodded, "Just passing by, huh?"

Chen Mengyun put down the water, "Regarding the shantytown project, what are you thinking?"

"I haven't thought about it, just that the country needs us to step up at this time, so I did."

Chen Mengyun laughed, "You saying that no one would believe it."


"You, Lu Chengwen, never make losing deals. Many people are speculating now, that you must have found some profitable avenue, either through this project or by reaping significant benefits from other channels. Otherwise, you, Lu Chengwen, wouldn't just fork over money obediently."

Tang Yi Yi got excited.

Hey! It's the perfect timing today!

Not only did she capture the sensational headline of Lu Chengwen having an extramarital affair with Miss Xu from the Xu family!

But she also captured the content of the quarrel between the Lu brothers over the fake drugs incident at the pharmaceutical factory!

And now they're discussing the shantytown project! My luck is overflowing today!

Lu Chengwen said, "Mengyun, I'm not lying to you, I didn't do this project to make money. There are tens of thousands of residents in the shantytown, tens of thousands of people have moved out and are resettled by the government. The project has been delayed for several years, those ordinary people are practically homeless, and even now, they haven't received their own houses."

"This project will seriously drag down the local economy and affect people's livelihoods. Because of this project, many investment projects have been forced to stop, and the trust of outside capital in our Snow City is decreasing. If this continues, our losses will be immeasurable."

Chen Mengyun looked at Lu Chengwen, disbelief written all over her face.

"Chengwen, I can hardly believe you're saying these words."


"If that's the case, then you might lose a lot of money!"

"It's okay." Lu Chengwen said, "Once this project starts, once it's completed, I'll cover all your costs. I'd rather not make a penny myself, I'll make sure you all recoup your investments." 

Chen Mengyun smiled, deliberately testing, "Then sign a contract, sign a guaranteed contract, so that my grandfather and I can report back."


Lu Chengwen took out his phone and called Jiang Shihan, "Shihan, prepare a contract and send it to my new villa immediately, no, prepare several copies, I'm going to sign principal guarantee contracts with the Chen, Xu, and Leng families."

Jiang Shihan was stunned.

"Mr. Lu, that's a guaranteed contract worth hundreds of billions! Such a contract needs to be approved by the board of directors!"

"I'll sign it in my capacity, without using a penny from the board of directors. If I lose, I'll sell off all my shares! Print it out quickly and send it over!"

"Got it."

The call ended.

Lu Chengwen smiled at Chen Mengyun, "Just wait a moment, it'll be here soon."

Chen Mengyun looked at Lu Chengwen, "Have you decided?"


Chen Mengyun smiled, "You've suddenly become an unqualified businessman, but you've suddenly become an admirable man."

Lu Chengwen was delighted to be praised by the girl, "Right? Money means nothing! I'm the hero who saves the world!"

Chen Mengyun nodded excitedly, "Yes, in my heart, you are a hero!"

As she spoke, she jumped up and threw herself at Lu Chengwen, kissing him several times on the face.

Lu Chengwen quickly pushed her away, "Hey hey hey... don't... men and women should keep their distance, calm down."

Chen Mengyun smiled, "I heard that your engagement with the Leng family was canceled?"

"You're quick with the news."

Lu Chengwen pushed her to sit on the sofa.

Chen Mengyun stood up, leaning close to Lu Chengwen, "I know, you did it all for me."


"Now you've finally seen your own heart, haven't you? You've always only liked one person, and that's me!"

Lu Chengwen pushed her back down, "That's not necessarily true."

"What are you doing? You used to love taking advantage of me, what's going on now?"

"It's not... I didn't do this for you." Lu Chengwen smiled, "You have no relation to this. It's purely because I fell out with the Leng family."

Chen Mengyun disdainfully said, "I knew it. The reason why Leng Tianhao was willing to let you marry his daughter was for money. Now that you've invested in a shantytown project, he thinks you're finished, so he's backing out, right?"


"I'm not afraid! If you run out of money, our Xiangyun Group will support you."

"Don't, I don't need it!"

Lu Chengwen quickly refused, "This matter is my responsibility alone, it has nothing to do with anyone else, if I lose, it's on me, if I make money, we'll share."

Chen Mengyun looked at Lu Chengwen, "Why won't you admit that you still like me? Ask your heart, I know, you like me, you've always liked me!"

Lu Chengwen smiled, "Sister, we've already broken up, stop with

 the likes and dislikes. When we break up, we should do it decisively, never see each other again, the two of us..."

"I won't!" 

Chen Mengyun got close to Lu Chengwen again, hugging him, "Do you know? When you say you take responsibility alone, you look so handsome! You've charmed me!"

Lu Chengwen was sweating, cautiously pushing her away, "Just because you're talking, doesn't mean you have to stick to me, what are you doing?"

"Like you!"

"What's there to like about me? What's wrong with all of you? Don't you have anything serious to do? Sister, you..."

"'All of you'? Who else likes you? Come on, tell me?"

Lu Chengwen was pressed down on the sofa by Chen Mengyun, his head in a flurry: "Don't be like this, why is everyone suddenly like this..."

"Oh, really, there are many people, right? Let me think, besides the cold Qingqiu I know, who else? Is it our classmates?"

Chen Mengyun straddled Lu Chengwen's thighs, and leaned close to him, her breath hitting his face: "Chengwen, I miss you, especially. Has no girl ever been to this house before? Am I the first?"

"Hey hey hey, don't do this, there's someone..."

"Who's there? Zhao Gang said it, it's just you."

"It's not! Calm down, I don't want to hurt you."

"I like being hurt by you, I want to be the mistress of this house, the only one."

"You... ah! Don't tug at my clothes!"

"I've always been waiting for you, Chengwen, I've always liked you. Do you think I'm cheap? Over these years, I've been waiting for you..."

"That's enough!"

Lu Chengwen pushed Chen Mengyun away awkwardly, throwing her onto the sofa.

He stood up angrily and fixed the collar of his shirt.

"I've already said it's not possible, yet you keep... completely ignoring what I can't stand!"

Lu Chengwen noticed that Chen Mengyun, whom he had thrown onto the sofa, had her hair covering her face and was lying motionless on the sofa.

Lu Chengwen regretted it immediately.

"Um... did I... use too much force?"

Chen Mengyun didn't respond.

"I... did I hurt you by throwing you? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Chen Mengyun still lay there motionless.

Lu Chengwen walked over and gently touched her shoulder: "I'm sorry, I don't have the mood for romance now, I have a lot of things to deal with. You are the eldest sister of the Chen family now, basically in charge of the Chen family."

"You said you're beautiful, young, and rich, with your conditions, any man in the world can pick you. I'm already in the past tense, let's just let it go, okay?"

Chen Mengyun suddenly lifted her head, tears hanging on her face, and shouted, "You said we could still be friends after breaking up!"

Lu Chengwen looked at her disheveled hair, tears all over her face.

"That's just polite words! Who stays friends after breaking up? We haven't been in contact for over three years, why bother? Besides, it was you who said back then that you couldn't wait to never see me again, and that I should roll as far away as possible!"

"I'm a woman, I just talk nonsense and get angry, so what? You cheat and I'm not allowed to be angry?"

"I've already cheated, why bother with me?!"

"I'm cheap! Am I cheap enough for you!?"

"Don't be like this, making it seem like I... Mengyun, I'm not the same person I was back then. The person you see now is completely different from the one you liked."

"I just like you as you are now."

Lu Chengwen scratched his head, pacing around: "Anyway, once I sort out the things at hand, we'll talk it over again, okay? I'll sign the contract, you go back first, and I'll come to your company tomorrow to sign the contract with you in person. You invested 12 billion, even if I have to sell everything, I'll make sure you recoup your investment, okay?"

Chen Mengyun stood up: "You're the only one who's rich! Did I get together with you for money? Do you think I'm Qingqiu?"

"What about her? She's not that kind of girl!"

"Sure enough, you like her! I've been with you for three years, working hard to serve you. I've taken care of everything for Uncle Lu and Aunt Lu's life. They all laugh at me, saying I'm like a maid before even marrying in, saying I'm a cheap girl from the Chen family who's throwing herself at you."

"I didn't..."

"Your younger brother, Lu Chengwu, I care more about him than I do about my own brother. I'm more involved in everything in the Lu family than anyone else. The business back then was also because of me, persuading my dad to cooperate with the Lu family... I've done so much for you, and how do you repay me?"


"In your heart, I'm just a cheap thing you don't even care about, right!?"

"No!" Lu Chengwen said, "There's someone! There's someone in my room, stop shouting!"


Lu Chengwen moved his mouth: "My... my younger brother."

Chen Mengyun turned her head, showing her dominance: "Lu Chengwu, get out for me!"