Chapter 67 New Situation, New Approach

Chapter 67 New Situation, New Approach

Lu Chengwen felt like vomiting blood when he heard it.

He thought, "You guys are not from the same world as me."

They had no idea how powerful this sect was!

Oh man, if this got out and people heard about it... I'd have to bang my head against the wall!

"Master, this name seems inappropriate!"

"Huh? Inappropriate?"

Lu Chengwen smiled awkwardly, "Um, a little."

Long Aotian didn't care, "I think it's fine..."

Lu Chengwen glared at him, "Shut up! You don't know what's going on here!"

"Uh-huh." Huntian Gang pondered for a moment, "Then... my two ultimate techniques, one is 'Cold Saw Charm' and the other is 'Golden Bell Cover', we'll take one character from each, 'Charm' and 'Cover', so it becomes..."

"Master, won't it still be Charm Cover Sect?"

"You didn't understand, this 'Cover' isn't the same as before."

"Listening is one thing!"


After much thought, Huntian Gang said, "I've got it! As the old saying goes: 'In the land of Yan and Zhao, there have always been generous and sad-hearted people!' Let's name it according to the place..."

Lu Chengwen knelt, tears streaming down his face, "Master, tell the truth, did you look at pictures with a computer?"

Huntian Gang waved his hand, "Oh forget it, anyway, we'll be called Charm Cover Sect!"

Long Aotian excitedly said, "Thank you, Master, congratulations, on becoming the first generation grandmaster of Charm Cover Sect!"

"Hmm." Huntian Gang said, "I'll tell you, but keep it secret. My name, surname Huntian, given name Gangxi!"

"Reasonable," Lu Chengwen nodded.

Huntian Gang said, "Today you two have become my disciples, from now on, you must love each other and cannot harm each other. Otherwise, I will kill you both. Anyway, I didn't intend to pass on my teachings. Rather than having two disciples causing trouble, I might as well just kill myself."

"Yes, Master, we won't dare."

"You can go now, Master is also leaving."

Long Aotian panicked.

What do you mean we just leave? You leave too!

We've been knocking our heads and kneeling to flatter you to death, and now that we've joined your sect, you're leaving?

What's the point of all this!?

"Master, then... my brother and I want to ask you, how can we find you in the future?"

"No need." Huntian Gang said, "You two are doing fine in Snow City, right? I'll find you when I want, I'll come teach you occasionally. If you learn, you learn, if you don't, then forget it. I teach people as I feel."

"Well... okay."

Huntian Gang laughed loudly, "Hahaha! Good disciples, today I, Huntian Gang, have also founded a sect! Haha!"

A gust of wind, like a monster, rushed out of the cave and flew into the distance.

"Aotian, Chengwen, remember your vows! Haha..."

The two looked at each other, thinking, what is this?

Are we just supposed to leave?

They walked out of the cave, with Iron Lump King and Hua Xuening guarding the entrance, obviously not pleased with each other.

Seeing Long Aotian and Lu Chengwen coming out, they both greeted, "Young Master!"

Lu Chengwen laughed, "Iron Lump King, uh... according to Master's request, I've already sworn brotherhood with Long Aotian! From now on, we are both brothers and sisters of the same sect, sharing blessings and hardships, and being good siblings for life! So, let's forget about the past!"

Long Aotian turned around and looked at Lu Chengwen, smiling, "Chengwen, Shidi, from now on, we are brothers and should help each other."

"That's right, Big Brother!"

Long Aotian said, "You cheated our senior brother out of five billion in cash. Since we're brothers now, you should return that money to me, right?"

"Oh, Big Brother, this is difficult!"

"What do you mean?"

"I've already used that five billion for Mayor Zhao's welfare, so... I can't get it back."

"Then since you have so much money, you can give my five billion back to me!"

"My money... that's even more difficult! You know I signed a five hundred billion contract with the city government. Right now, the liquidity of our entire group is only over three hundred billion. I still need to find a way to come up with over a hundred billion in cash to make up for it!"

Long Aotian's face started to look ugly, "Alright, since you put it that way, heh, don't blame me for not considering our brotherhood."

Lu Chengwen stepped back, "Master won't let you hit me!"

"Hahaha!" Long Aotian laughed loudly, his gaze fierce, "We are both disciples of the Yan Canopy Sect, of course, we cannot kill each other. However... there's more than one way to make you, my junior brother, pay. And just because I won't kill you, doesn't mean someone else won't."

Lu Chengwen glanced at Hua Xuening, "She witnessed us swearing at each other. If you ask her to kill me, she'll lose respect for you!"

"Is that so?"

Hua Xuening said coldly, "Absolutely not!"

Lu Chengwen said in surprise, "Make it clear, I saved you. I fed you both pills mouth to mouth!"

At the mention of this, Hua Xuening's cheeks flushed red with anger, "Don't mention it. The more you mention it, the more I want to kill you!"

Long Aotian said, "Tieduo Wang, this is your last chance. Kill Lu Chengwen, and I'll spare your life."

Tieduo Wang shouted, "Your mother's fart! I'm absolutely loyal to the young master, without any other thoughts! I've already sworn that only Lu Chengwen, the young master, is the one I serve. Are your ears full of crap?"

Long Aotian was furious. Lu Chengwen hugged him, "Senior brother, let's talk in private."

The two walked aside, Lu Chengwen smiled, "Senior brother, what are you in such a hurry for? Isn't it just five billion? Isn't it just that piece of land? I'll go back and think of a way for you. Even if it's a few tens of billions more, it's still possible to help you get that land."

"Are you sure?"

"How can we be sure about such things?" Lu Chengwen said, "All businesses worth over a hundred million aren't a hundred percent certain. We just have to push forward as much as possible and see what happens. But with me here, isn't it just like having a golden key in hand? Moreover, since we're now brothers, I genuinely want to be your friend. I'm very generous to my subordinates, let alone my big senior brother?"

Long Aotian's eyes shifted, "Since you have such thoughts, then good, let's discuss it thoroughly later."

"Back in Snow City, find some time, you and I, as brothers, can chat and then discuss in detail how to help you achieve your great ambitions! With me helping you, the four major families of Snow City will surely be smooth sailing for you!"

Long Aotian was truly moved.

He felt that although Lu Chengwen was cunning, he dared to spend money.

And if he was willing to support himself, the pace of annexing the other three families would accelerate.

If Lu Chengwen was loyal enough to himself, he might as well use him as a pawn. His business acumen could be utilized.

At that time, he helped himself to accumulate wealth in the northern regions, wouldn't he be able to sit back and reap the benefits?

Even if he won't need him by then, as long as he can control the other three major families and unite the four major families into one entity under my control, it wouldn't be troublesome at all to deal with this kid later.

His fate will be mine sooner or later!

Thinking of this, Long Aotian said, "Junior Brother, I won't hide it from you. Big Brother, I have great ambitions. In the future, I will unify the four major families of Xuecheng and even the entire northern region. If Junior Brother truly supports me, we will work together as brothers, conquer the land of the northern region, and become the masters of this land! By then, everything I have will be shared with Junior Brother!"


Lu Chengwen began to express his admiration for his Big Brother passionately.

After finding the highway and making a call, Zhao Gang arrived with several cars an hour later.

The cars drove to a grand hotel, astonishing everyone.

Lu Chengwen was covered in tattered clothes, with bruises and cuts all over his arms, thighs, cheeks... and many places were bleeding.

The hotel manager immediately recognized Lu Chengwen: "Mr. Lu?! What happened to you..."

Lu Chengwen said, "Went bungee jumping. Don't waste time, where's Jiang Shihan? Didn't I ask her to wait for me here?"

Jiang Shihan immediately ran over with a few people, also surprised when she saw Lu Chengwen: "Mr. Lu? What happened to you..."

"Don't ask. Is the room ready?"

"Everything is ready. A grand feast, red wine, and the new clothes you requested..."

"Alright, give me the room card, and you all can leave."

"I can serve you..."

"No need, leave."

The immediate crisis was over, but there was still a time bomb, Iron Lump King and his four subordinates.

They arrived at the presidential suite, and everyone was dumbfounded.

They couldn't afford such a luxurious suite within the big organization.

They came out with a budget of five billion, but their daily budget was only a few thousand.

The waiters came in one after another:

"Mr. Lu, these lobsters have just arrived today, twelve thousand each."

"Mr. Lu, these are the Emperor crabs you ordered, twenty-three thousand each."

"Mr. Lu, this is the red wine you ordered, from Kang Emperor Manor, three million per bottle."

"Mr. Lu, this is the top-level skincare set you ordered..."

The four of them were stunned.

Their Young Master was so rich!?

Of course, he was holding five billion! He could do whatever he wanted!

Wait, something's not right. He said the Lu family's Young Master, that's not just five billion. Even five billion was nothing to him; he recently invested five hundred billion in a project!

Rich! So rich!

Lu Chengwen changed into new clothes and walked out of the changing room. The five of them admired him greatly.

So handsome!

Lu Chengwen said, "Sit, eat, drink. No need to be polite."

Iron Lump King grinned, "Then... don't be polite!"

The five of them were starving, and they were used to working all year round, handing over large sums of money, leaving them very little.

The big organization was too harsh!

Their control over their subordinates was too strict!

When they held onto five billion, they had thought more than once about running away with the money.

But they didn't dare.

Now that the Young Master was treating them, why be polite? Let's enjoy it!

The five of them wolfed down the food, each with a bottle of three million red wine in their hands.

Lu Chengwen sat there not eating, swaying his wine glass, just watching them.

Iron Lump King smiled, "Young Master, you've been hungry all day, why aren't you eating?"

"You all eat first, then I'll tell you something."

"Oh, okay."

They ate hungrily, and each drank quite a bit of wine.

Lu Chengwen also ate a few bites of food and put down his knife and fork. "Is it delicious?"

"Mm-hmm, delicious, delicious. These Emperor crabs are so tender, especially the meat inside the thighs, satisfying!"

Lu Chengwen smiled, "Do you want to eat like this every day in the future?"

Iron Lump King was stunned, "How can that be, this... is too wasteful, we're grateful for an occasional meal, can't let Young Master waste money."

Lu Chengwen smiled, "You guys, eat openly, eat eight meals a day, eat until your 80th birthday, and you won't exhaust my wealth."

They were all stunned, "That's right, Young Master is wealthy."

Lu Chengwen said, "Furthermore, from now on, each of you will receive a monthly salary of two hundred thousand! Iron Lump King, you'll get five hundred thousand! Is that enough?"

The five of them's eyes lit up instantly, "Thank you, Young Master! Thank you for your grace!"

Lu Chengwen continued, "And that's not all, I will purchase a property in Xuecheng for each of you, and tomorrow someone will transfer it to you. They will all be excellent properties worth over five million."

The five of them almost knelt.

Lu Chengwen said, "Furthermore, each of you will receive a luxury car, and I will cover all your living expenses every month."

Now the five of them were really kneeling on the ground, grateful.

In other words, each of them had a job that paid over two million a year, and Iron Lump King had an annual salary of six million!

Moreover, each of them now owned several million in fixed assets.

And their daily expenses would no longer be their concern; all the money they earned would be pure profit, without any expenses!

Who wouldn't be overjoyed to encounter such a job?

Lu Chengwen said, "There's one thing, however, I need you to completely cut ties with the big organization!"

The five of them were all stunned.

Lu Chengwen calmly poured himself a glass of wine, looking at them, "I want you to jump ship."


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