Chapter 79: The Unwavering Backbone of Loyalty

Chapter 79: The Unwavering Backbone of Loyalty

After a long time, Lu Chengwen woke up.

A tear of despair slid down the corner of his eye.

It's over.

It's all over.

He had worked so hard to lose money, but now not only was he not losing, he was making a lot of money.

At least let me lose a little! Being too rich is not good! Not! It will block Long Aotian's path!

I'm not afraid of him now, but I can't recklessly enter the fat pig stage!

I want to bide my time, keep a low profile, stay steady, and not rush into the late game!

If the Great Sage Group develops too quickly, the conflict between him and Long Aotian will become irreconcilable!

If Long Aotian wants to unify the North, he is the biggest obstacle that must be removed!

Damn it!

Damn, damn, damn, damn!

He was lying on a recliner that he bought at an auction for more than three million yuan.

He rested his head on Jiang Shihan's thigh and smelled a woman's fragrance.

Jiang Shihan's fragrance was truly captivating. It wasn't gaudy or vulgar, it was just fragrant.

A young girl's natural scent is refreshing and even a little intoxicating.

Jiang Shihan looked down at Lu Chengwen: "Mr. Lu, you're awake? Wow, I've never seen you so happy even when you were making money before!"

[Among these women, only Jiang Shihan is normal!]

[Leng Qingqiu is an overly serious and extremely love-starved woman. She appears dignified and virtuous on the surface, but in reality, she's probably also a secretly passionate type. The key is that her face keeps changing, which is a turn-off.]

[Chen Mengyun is dignified and virtuous, but sometimes she's like a crazy woman, yelling at me for no reason. People who don't know would think I've already slept with her and refuse to take responsibility.]

[Not to mention Xu Xuejiao! She's a complete vixen, scheming against me every day, and her acting skills could fool the whole world. She makes my whole family think I'm a scumbag who wants to dump her after having my fun, and a bit of a perverted animal.]

[Jiang Shihan is the best. Well-behaved, intelligent, hardworking, attentive, not to mention taking care of me in every possible way, and always obedient, never talking back.]

Lu Chengwen revealed a smile of satisfaction.

For a moment, he was reluctant to leave Jiang Shihan's plump and soft thighs, reluctant to leave this intoxicating young girl's fragrance.

[Let's pretend to be unconscious for a while longer and enjoy it more.]

[This kind of woman is suitable to marry and take home. She brings good luck to her husband, and she can be both sweet and salty. Playing with her must be amazing.]

Lu Chengwen rubbed his temples: "How long have I been out?"

Jiang Shihan, hearing Lu Chengwen's praise for her, was already blooming with joy in her heart.

Although it was a bit obscene, but... which man wasn't like that! Girls also had fantasies, fantasies of being hit on, fantasies of being cornered, fantasies of being bullied by a domineering CEO like Mr. Lu...

Didn't she often fantasize about being bullied by Mr. Lu, and then in a "helpless" situation, having to let him do whatever he wanted to her?

Moreover, he said she was suitable to marry and take home!

Could she? Become a member of the Lu family? Was she worthy?

Thinking about these things, Jiang Shihan's face turned red, and a feeling of happiness filled her heart. Her movements as she massaged Lu Chengwen's head also became gentler.

Hee hee! It sounds like Mr. Lu doesn't like President Leng, President Xu, or President Chen!

She had so many advantages in his heart, she was so happy!

Lu Chengwen said: "Shihan."


"Are you okay?"

Jiang Shihan was multitasking, massaging Lu Chengwen's head while looking outside with a smile, thinking about happy things.

"I'm fine."

"If you're fine, what are you doing?"

"Giving you a massage, Mr. Lu." Jiang Shihan's voice was gentler than ever before.

"Look down, you're not massaging my temples, you're poking my eyeballs."

Jiang Shihan looked down and saw that her two thumbs were indeed pressing on Lu Chengwen's eyelids.

She quickly let go and laughed at herself: "Sorry, sorry, Mr. Lu, I was distracted."

"I thought you were trying to take the opportunity to kill me."

"No, I..."

Lu Chengwen sighed: "I'm getting up."

"Hey! Don't! Don't move!" Jiang Shihan said with a smile: "Let me massage you some more."

"No need, you've been massaging for a long time, you must be tired."

"I'm not tired." Jiang Shihan quickly said: "Lie down, lie down, be good."

Lu Chengwen frowned.

[What's wrong with this girl today? Why is she acting so strangely?]

[Forget it, I'll just lie down for a while. I've suffered heavy losses today, it's reasonable to have a beautiful woman comfort me, right?]

[Yes! A sexy female secretary massaging my head, it's so awesome! I wouldn't trade this life for anything!]

Lu Chengwen closed his eyes and enjoyed it, while Jiang Shihan, listening to Lu Chengwen's inner thoughts, became even more shy and restless.

[Jiang Shihan has a seductive aura, I just want to hold her down and bully her.]

[If only she could wear sexy lingerie, the kind with stockings, and give me a full body massage! Hahaha! Just thinking about it makes me happy!]

Jiang Shihan blushed and said softly: "Mr. Lu."


"I... I'll go buy some sexy lingerie later, and then I can serve you."

Lu Chengwen sat up with a start: "Ah? What?"

"No... nothing."

Jiang Shihan lowered her head, not daring to look into Lu Chengwen's eyes: "I think you'll like it."

Lu Chengwen was confused.

[Is she flirting with me?]

[That's not right! She's not the kind of girl who would offer herself for a reward just because I have money!]

[Her mother has been sick for so many years, and she has always endured and worked hard to make money. If she wanted to, she could have taken advantage of the situation long ago. What's going on!?]

"Uh..." Lu Chengwen stammered a little: "They... heard that I fainted, they must have been scared, right?"

Jiang Shihan shook her head: "They heard that you made money, they were all very excited."


Lu Chengwen snorted angrily: "Those beasts!"

Those guys, as soon as they heard that he made money, were all excited.

"Where are they?"

"They're outside, should I call them in?"

"Call them in!"

Lu Chengwen sat on the art recliner, crossed his legs, and looked as rude as an old farmer.

Jiang Shihan went out and called the people outside in.

A fat man walked at the back, but his voice was the loudest as he spoke on the phone:

"Do you understand or not? We've made a fortune today! Based on Mr. Lu's temper, he's going to celebrate! Do we even need to ask? The biggest private room! Book the entire clubhouse for me, no outsiders allowed! All the ladies must come to work, black stockings and high heels are standard! You're still asking about fishnet stockings, at this time... oh fishnet stockings are okay, I like fishnet stockings! President Leng's engagement has been broken off, there are no more restrictions! I'm telling you one last time! One last time!"

The fat man yelled into the phone: "Our Mr. Lu is now a pervert! Not a simp!"

After angrily hanging up the phone, the fat man saw Lu Chengwen looking at him expressionlessly and shamelessly patted his chest, pointing at Lu Chengwen, as if to say: I understand you! Everything is arranged!

Lu Chengwen rolled his eyes, not bothering to argue with him.

"What's the situation now, tell me everything."

"Yes." Li Meiqin stepped forward: "Mr. Lu, our stock market has already started to rise, and today is almost closing, but this effect is even better, it will create an atmosphere where our stocks are hard to come by. After a night of without trading, once the market opens tomorrow, our stock price will rise even more!"

Lu Chengwen nodded: "Okay, I understand."

A vice president stepped forward: "Mr. Lu! I truly admire you! At first... yes, we all thought you were brain-dead for taking on the shantytown project. I admit, I used to imagine the deodorizing balls in the urinal as your head every time I peed and flushed them with urine! But today!"

This dramatic guy suddenly knelt on the ground, with his hands, feet, and head on the floor.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm prostrating myself!"

"Prostrate your ass, just focus when you pee next time, and don't think nonsense about me!"

"Yes!" The vice president stood up: "Investing 5 billion yuan in the early stage to appease the public, such a large sum of money, can ordinary people do it? Dare to do it? Do they have the courage? Only you, Mr. Lu! Now it seems that this money was really well spent!"

"The people of Xuecheng are now convinced by you, no one knows that you are a scheming hypocrite, they all think you are a conscientious entrepreneur!"

Lu Chengwen nodded, slowly bent down to pick up one of his shoes, and suddenly threw it at him with gritted teeth: "Get out! Get out of here! From now on! You are not allowed to use the company's bathroom! Otherwise, I'll beat you to death!"

The man was not angry at all, and even raised his fist as he left: "Mr. Lu is awesome!"

Lu Chengwen wanted to chase after him and beat him up, but Jiang Shihan stopped him.

At this time, another vice president said excitedly: "Mr. Lu, please accept my knee!"

Lu Chengwen pointed at him: "Tell me first, what did you think about when you were peeing!"

"I would never think of you as a mothball!"

He widened his eyes, his appearance of having a clear conscience and never lying made Lu Chengwen very satisfied.

Seeing Lu Chengwen nod, he continued: "I was just taking a shit, and I..."

"Damn you!" Lu Chengwen turned to Jiang Shihan: "Where's the knife? Where's my knife!? I'm going to kill him!"

He was still very excited: "Mr. Lu, this move of abandoning the pawn to save the rook is simply brilliant! Using a recording to build up your image of being upright and righteous, and then putting all the blame on the young master! This move is so awesome!"

"My brother? Where is he now?"

"He's been arrested!" He said excitedly: "As soon as the recording came out, the police took the young master away! Four cars!"

He shook his head in admiration: "They sent four cars to arrest our young master! The armed police were so cool, they took him away with submachine guns! The neighbors all came out to watch! They all said that with this kind of momentum, he'll be shot before the trial even starts! It was so glorious!"

Lu Chengwen looked at this guy, not knowing what to say. He turned to Li Xueqin: "Are all the vice presidents of our company like this?"

Li Xueqin could only smile awkwardly.

"Mr. Lu, you don't have to worry."

The man said: "I've inquired, the young master is staying in a single room for high-level commercial criminals, the kind of place where they keep corrupt officials and commercial criminals involved in huge sums of money! Soft bed with high-quality bedding, three meals a day with fruit, 45 minutes of outdoor time every day! And a private bathroom!"

Lu Chengwen scratched his head: "Get out. Get out of here! Don't force me to take action!"

The man walked to the door and raised his fist, shouting: "No regrets joining Great Sage in this life, and I'll be Mr. Lu's man in the next life!"

Lu Chengwen grabbed his other shoe and threw it: "Go to hell!"

At this time, the third vice president, the fat man, walked over.

He nodded at Lu Chengwen, and tears came down.

Lu Chengwen clutched his heart: "I... I'm out of shoes, speak properly!"

"Mr. Lu! I won't say anything else, I've arranged a few college students for you tonight, please enjoy them! I know you like this, you've been holding back for years because of President Leng... I dare say..."

He cupped his hands: "For the sake of the Great Sage Group's future generations! For the future of all the managers and employees of the Great Sage Group! For your own sake! Please don't hold back anymore! Tonight... at the Golden Splendor Nightclub, we look forward to your showing your prowess, displaying your long-lost invincible Overlord Spear..."

Lu Chengwen jumped up: "I'm going to fight you all!"

<<< The next chapter (CHAPTER 80) is available on Patreon for free! It also has 35+ chapters ahead of the webnovel release on it: