Chapter 95: No protection

Chapter 95: No protection

"Qingqiu, get up first." 

 "Chengwen, I like you, very much. Let's take down Qianfeng!" 

 Leng Qingqiu's eyes flashed with a determined and sharp light. 

"After taking it down, I can continue to help you manage Qianfeng.

 I will use all my abilities to make it develop, grow, and become the most profitable branch under the Dasheng Group." 

 "Qingqiu, you..." 

 "Take me too!

 I, Leng Qingqiu, used to be an ignorant and self-righteous woman. But now I have awakened, I understand. I like you, from the bottom of my heart, sincerely, deeply..." 

 "Stop, stop, stop!"

 Lu Chengwen said: "Get up first." 

 Leng Qingqiu looked at Lu Chengwen and found that he was not interested in anything she said. 

 He wasn't interested in Qianfeng or her. 

The most frightening thing for a woman drowning in the sea of love is to find that the other person doesn't care about her at all. 

 He seemed to have no interest in her at all! 

 This is the scariest thing. It was also what Leng Qingqiu was most afraid of. 

She appeared cold on the surface, but in reality, she lacked love.

 She received high-pressure education and management from her family since she was a child. After growing up, she was betrayed by her best friend, her first love, and kicked out by her father... 

 It could be said that she was a poor woman who had nothing but money, beauty, and a good figure. 

 Of course, most people in the world would envy Leng Qingqiu for madness. 

 They felt she already had everything. 

 But Leng Qingqiu knew very well that she had nothing. 

Lu Chengwen was her last straw. 

After waking up, she started talking to Lu Chengwen frequently and paying attention to the trend of the business war. 

 She also wanted to invest her own money, but Lu Chengwen stopped her. 

 She only had tens of billions, which wouldn't even make a splash if thrown in. 

But Lu Chengwen was spending money like crazy for her. 

 Looking at the fluctuating transaction records, Leng Qingqiu realized how powerless she was at that time.

 She could only watch everything happen and do nothing. 

 However, behind the fiercely competitive transaction records, the figure of a man emerged. 

 All the numbers, curves, marks, and colors... were all shadows of Lu Chengwen fighting hard for her. 

 Leng Qingqiu sarcastically mocked herself a few times, but she wasn't angry, but rather happy. 

 She felt like she had won. 

 She had already lost miserably in the business world, but with Lu Chengwen, she was always the winner! 

Because he loved her! 

 More than Xu Xuejiao and Chen Mengyun! 

 He loved her the most! 

 He was only this crazy for her in his life, only for her would he spend money so recklessly! 

 So, when Xu Xuejiao mocked her a few times, she even smiled at her.

 Xu Xuejiao left with a sullen face, feeling angry. 

 But now, when she wanted to give everything to run towards him, he refused. 

 What was this man thinking? 

 Why did he repeatedly play with her like this!? 

 If he didn't love her, why did he chase her for three years? 

 If he didn't love her, why did he do so much for her? 

 If he didn't love her, why would a miser who regarded money as his life crazily help her stabilize the situation and protect the Qianfeng Group? 

 Leng Qingqiu was about to cry: "Are you still holding a grudge against me? Holding a grudge against my coldness and arrogance in those three years? My ignorance and pride? I have already apologized!" 

 Lu Chengwen said: "Get up first, okay?" 

 "No! Tell me! Even if I die, I want to die knowing the truth!" 

 Leng Qingqiu, such a strong woman, suddenly felt so wronged: "You clearly said you liked me, how come now... I'm offering myself to you and you don't even want it, is that right? Since when did you stop liking me?" 

 Lu Chengwen felt like his head was about to explode. 

 He couldn't handle this woman's approach at all. 

and Lu Chengwen had the wisdom, character, vision, and demeanor of a big shot. 

 But he also had the memories and nature of an ordinary person, which were difficult to change.

 If it were another wealthy son, he would have proudly lifted Leng Qingqiu's chin, comforted her with a few words, and accepted everything she offered. 

 But Lu Chengwen's mind went blank, and he didn't know how to handle it. 

 At this moment, he was still that simple, ordinary delivery boy. 

 "Qingqiu, don't... get up first." 

 "I won't!" Leng Qingqiu was about to cry: "I have nothing left! Qianfeng is gone, my home is gone.

 I have no friends, no confidants, no lover, no family... I only have you. What do I have to do to make you like me? Tell me!" 

 Lu Chengwen never thought that a woman like Leng Qingqiu would say such humble words. He felt both distressed and panicked. 

 "It's not that I don't like you, I..." "Then take me! Take everything I have!" Lu Chengwen's facial features shifted: "Everything?" 

 "Yes! Everything!" 

 Leng Qingqiu said: "My dreams, my heart, my... body." 

 Lu Chengwen sighed: "Get up first." Looking at Leng Qingqiu who didn't move, Lu Chengwen suddenly became stern: "Get up!" Leng Qingqiu slowly stood up. 

 Lu Chengwen said calmly: "I will give you all the shares of the Qianfeng Group that I acquired..." 


 "Listen to me first." 

 Lu Chengwen said: "If you intend to follow me wholeheartedly, then what's the difference between mine and yours? What's the difference between Qianfeng Group being an independent business group or a branch under the Dasheng Group?" 

 Leng Qingqiu was shocked. 

 Any large group would swallow it whole at this time. 

 They wouldn't let you become an independent group because that would mean you belong to yourself, with absolute autonomy. If you say you are under the Dasheng Group, then you are under the Dasheng Group. 

 Similarly, if you consider yourself independent, then you are independent. 

 This was like making a deal but not transferring the money, saying that the money was with you and I would come to collect it when I needed it. 

 A normal person would put the money in their pocket, forming absolute ownership and control. 

But Lu Chengwen let Leng Qingqiu and the Qianfeng Group be completely independent! 

 To put it bluntly, Leng Qingqiu could turn against him at any time! 

 Lu Chengwen said: "Anyway, let's try to take down Qianfeng first, and we'll talk about the rest later." 

 He thought to himself: [Help her get Qianfeng back! She's not in her right mind right now, she's already been beaten into a panic and despair.]

 [When Qianfeng returns to her hands, she won't be so fragile. By then, Qianfeng will still be Qianfeng, and Leng Qingqiu will still be Leng Qingqiu, and she won't need to face me like this.] 

 Leng Qingqiu understood. 

 Lu Chengwen thought that she had nowhere else to go, so she wanted to follow him.

He also believed that after Qianfeng recovered and once again became one of the four pillars of Xuecheng, she wouldn't have any thoughts of joining the Lu family and becoming a branch under their banner.


You don't believe me! I'll show you!

If we can get Qianfeng back! By then, don't even think about pushing me away!

"If we get Qianfeng back, will you accept me, accept my loyalty?"

Lu Chengwen thought for a moment and nodded: "Yes! That's right."

"Good! I, Leng Qingqiu, swear here that no matter whether I can get Qianfeng back or not, from now on, I belong to Lu Chengwen! If I break this oath, may I be struck by lightning!"

Lu Chengwen felt extremely depressed.

[I'm touched, but how can Leng Qingqiu act like this? Where is the demeanor of a CEO of a large group? She's just like those silly and naive young girls who are head over heels in love.]

[To say such childish things, and even make oaths and vows.]

[Forget it, she's not thinking now, let her be, we'll talk about it after the situation stabilizes.]

Lu Chengwen said: "Eat something, you need to eat more, you're too skinny."

Leng Qingqiu sat back down and looked at Lu Chengwen with a smile.

"Let me stay tonight."


"I'll accompany you."

Lu Chengwen put down his chopsticks, not knowing what to say to her anymore.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door.

Lu Chengwen unlocked the door with his phone, and his mother came in.

"Chengwen, do you know your brother has been locked up?"

"Mom, have you eaten?"

"I'm asking you! Your brother was arrested by the police, did you know?"

"I know, I heard it was the armed police who came to arrest him, several cars, with submachine guns."

Lu Mama was so angry she was half dead: "You have to go save him!"

Lu Chengwen laughed: "Mom, what are you talking about? They are handling the case according to the law, how can I save him? Should I also rush in with a submachine gun?"

Lu Mama angrily twisted Lu Chengwen's ear: "Are you trying to anger me to death? Find him a lawyer and get him out on bail!"

Lu Chengwen rubbed his ear: "Mom! Saving him is harming him!"

"What did you say?"

Lu Chengwen spoke eloquently:

"Since we were young, you have taught me and my brother benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and trustworthiness. Be benevolent to the disadvantaged, righteous to family and friends, polite to strangers and business partners, wise in doing things, and trustworthy in business."

"There's nothing wrong with that! But every time we make a mistake, you always use money to smooth things over. Do you know what the consequences of doing this are?"

Lu Mama looked at Lu Chengwen: "What?"

"It's that we will know that even if we poke a hole in the sky, someone will smooth things over for us! When we were young, a beating with a broom could solve it, but now we are adults, it's useless! We must make him pay the price for his actions. He has to suffer and bear the consequences so that he will use his brain when he does things in the future."

"When he does something dangerous in the future, he will think for himself. If he gets into trouble, he will have to bear the consequences, and his family won't care about his life or death. Only then will he weigh the pros and cons and have some scruples?"

"I can do it!" Lu Chengwen said: "I can find the best lawyer team and pay a huge amount of bail, and he can come home for dinner today! But think carefully, he even dared to make counterfeit drugs! If we let him walk out swaggeringly this time, who knows what he will do next time!"

How could Lu Mama not understand what the fuck Lu Chengwen was talking about?

She understood, she had understood it long ago.

But it was just that her son was in jail, and as a mother, she couldn't bear it. She just wanted to get him out first and then educate him properly at home.

Lu Chengwen was right, at this age, if you bail him out, it already says everything. Your education is useless, it goes in one ear and out the other, and he doesn't take it seriously at all.

"Then what should we do? Your brother can't take hardship, how can he survive in prison!"

Lu Chengwen said: "There are thousands of people in prison, others are fine, why can't he take this hardship? Shouldn't he take this hardship? He even dared to make counterfeit drugs! If it weren't for your and Dad's poor health, I'm afraid of angering you to death, I would be the first to break his legs!"

Lu Chengwen saw that his mother was crying and Leng Qingqiu was comforting her, so he softened.

"Mom, this is the last time we can save him. If we bail him out this time, we'll be harming him. Besides, I've destroyed all the drugs, so theoretically this is an internal management problem of our group, and his sentence shouldn't be too heavy. I can ask lawyers to try to mediate, but I really can't do things like providing him with a safety net and opening back doors anymore."

Lu Mama understood everything, she was just sad.

Leng Qingqiu could only hug her and comfort her, glancing at Lu Chengwen, feeling that her husband was so handsome!

How could he be so handsome?

At this moment, someone said coldly: "I didn't expect that Young Master Lu has such a high level of awareness."


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