Chapter 111: Scary, scary to death

Xu Xuejiao checked everywhere as soon as she entered the room.

Lu Chengwen chased after her, unable to stop her.

"Big Sister, what are you doing?"

"I'm seeing if you've hidden any women!"

"Do I need to hide women? Do I need you to catch them?"

"Lu Chengwen, what do you think of me?"

"Good friend!" Lu Chengwen said, "Big Sister, stop making a fuss. You've been making a fuss for quite a while now. We're just good friends, don't make it so complicated, okay? You can find a boyfriend, I can find a girlfriend myself. We help each other when we need to, and we don't bother each other when we don't need to, isn't that good?"

Xu Xuejiao looked him up and down: "You're having trouble with your blood circulation. It seems like you just..."

"Stop, stop, stop, stop!"

Lu Chengwen said: "I... did a set of airplane combination punches, okay?"

Xu Xuejiao burst out laughing, blushing, and saying: "Hey, you have a fiancée, why are you doing it yourself?"

"Where did I get a fiancée? Big Sister, stop messing around, tell me what's going on."

"Why are you always so impatient with me?"

"Okay, okay, okay, my big sister, sit down first. What would you like to drink? Xiao Luzi will serve you."

"Hee hee, that's more like it."

Xu Xuejiao said, "I had a fight with my dad, and now I have nowhere to live. I'm going to stay at your place for a few days."

Xu Xuejiao spoke lightly as if it were a very natural thing.

Lu Chengwen stopped pouring juice, turning around to look at her.

"Really? You're going to live here? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, is there a problem?"

Lu Chengwen put down the juice, walked over to the cup, and placed it in front of her.

"Xu Xuejiao, don't push your luck. I'm telling you this straight, I, Lu Chengwen, am not a pushover!"


"I'm the scum of the scum, a pervert among perverts."

"Is that so?"

"And I'm very crazy. If you stay at my place, I'll strip you naked, tie you up with ropes, and spank you."

Xu Xuejiao blushed: "You're so annoying."

"I'm flirting with you?!" Lu Chengwen said, "You, Xu Xuejiao, the eldest daughter of the Xu family, wouldn't lack a few houses to live in? Why do you have to come here?"

Xu Xuejiao showed a cute smile: "I like to be tied up and spanked."

Lu Chengwen was furious.

[This won't work on her. This little girl is completely crazy, you can't scare her.]

Lu Chengwen took a deep breath:

"Listen! Do you know why I haven't been looking for women for the past few years?"

Xu Xuejiao shook her head: "I don't know."

"Because... I have a disease."

"Is that so?"

"Yeah, a very embarrassing disease."

"So serious?"

"It's not about seriousness..." Lu Chengwen said, "Have you heard of HIV?"

"Yeah, yeah, I've heard of it."

"I have this disease."


"Are you afraid?"

Xu Xuejiao laughed: "Chengwen Gege, you forgot I'm a divine doctor! I can cure diseases! Especially this one, I'm the best at treating it. We'll pickle you first, then test your erection, and then..."

"If I'm pickled, can I still get an erection?!"

Lu Chengwen was utterly depressed.

"I'll be straight with you. I absolutely won't let you stay at my place. How about a hotel? I'll pay."

"Am I short of money?"

"Then I'll find you a big flat or a villa to stay in for now. It's free, I'll give you the house!"

"Don't I have my own house?"

"You have everything, what are you doing at my place?"

"Hahaha! It's fun, isn't it?"

Xu Xuejiao said, grabbed her bag, jumped up, and rushed inside.

"Hey, you..."

Xu Xuejiao rushed into the bedroom: "Eww! Your bedroom is so messy! Eww? Why is there a woman's perfume? Lu Chengwen, did you cheat on me?"

Lu Chengwen chased after her to the door: "I cheated on you? Are you an idiot? Do I need to cheat on you? No, I didn't cheat! No, that doesn't count as cheating!"

"I warn you, this is just once! Next time I find out, I won't let you off easy!"

"Oh." Lu Chengwen exploded: "Why?!"

Xu Xuejiao sniffed: "Is it Jiang Shihan?"

Lu Chengwen was stunned: "Do you have a dog's nose?"

Xu Xuejiao turned back and glared at Lu Chengwen: "I can smell her! Lu Chengwen, you're a monster! Jiang Shihan is so pitiful, she only submitted to you because of her mother, how can you do this?"

"So, cure her mother's illness tomorrow, and I'll thank your whole family."

Xu Xuejiao sniffed again: "No, it's not Jiang Shihan... Jiang Shihan can't afford this perfume, she wouldn't buy something so expensive."

Lu Chengwen thought to himself:

[Go be a police dog, why don't you?]

"Don't get any crazy ideas! I'm the only one here!"

Xu Xuejiao picked up a pair of G-strings: "Is this yours too?"

Lu Chengwen was about to break down: "Big Sister, I give up! You're my grandmother! You're my great-grandmother! Go home, I beg you! Good people are going to be driven crazy by you!"

"You've taken advantage of me so many times, and now you want to ditch me? No way!"

"Big Sister, be reasonable, okay? Every time, it's you who insists on staying by my side, and then you create a bunch of problems!"

"Oh? So, it's my fault then?"

"What else could it be!"

"I'm sorry! Okay, fine?"

Lu Chengwen widened his eyes: "Big Sister, what is this? What is this? What kind of divine dialogue is this? Am I crazy?"

Xu Xuejiao suddenly looked pitiful: "I fought with my family because of you."


"Anyway, you have to take responsibility for me."

"I haven't done anything, what responsibility do I have?"

Lu Chengwen was so anxious he stomped his foot: "I'm innocent! I'm innocent!"

Xu Xuejiao directly took off her jacket, pulled down her strap, revealing her bare shoulders, and struck a seductive pose towards Lu Chengwen: "After tonight, you won't be innocent anymore."

"You... what are you going to do?"

"I'm going to defile you."

Lu Chengwen was completely cowed: "Sister, spare me! I really can't handle you, you're a living ancestor, if I touch you, my whole family won't have any peace."

Xu Xuejiao turned around, revealing her perfect butt curve, then turned back, biting her finger: "Didn't you say, that from behind, it's very playful?"

Lu Chengwen was dry-mouthed and lustful, but immediately came to his senses, and slapped himself a few times.

Xu Xuejiao was stunned: "What kind of technique is that?"

Lu Chengwen's face was burning: "None of your business, don't mess around."

To stabilize Xu Xuejiao, Lu Chengwen could only let her sleep in the guest room.

He covered for Jiang Shihan, letting her escape secretly, and returned to his room, feeling utterly disgusted.

Use code with caution.

Xu Xuejiao, a troublemaker fairy!

Jiang Shihan is so exciting to play with! Who needs this fairy?

If you hadn't shown up, Jiang Shihan would have been ripe tonight.

Forcing himself to suppress the fire in his heart, he tried to lull himself to sleep.

Sleep, old man, there's no action tonight, don't think about it.

We have important things to do tomorrow.


Lu Chengwen's ears suddenly became alert.


His door was gently opened, and a sneaky figure slipped in.

Xu Xuejiao, wearing sexy lingerie and carrying her high heels, grinned as she approached the bedside: "Chengwen Gege? Jiaojiao is here to tell you a story!"

Lu Chengwen turned on the light and stood behind Xu Xuejiao with a look of utter despair: "Big Sister."

Xu Xuejiao jumped, turning back in surprise: "What are you doing?"

Lu Chengwen covered his forehead: "Big Sister, what are you doing? Go to sleep!"

"I... I'm afraid to sleep alone!"

"So you dress like this and sneak into a man's room?"

"I... I want to, you can't control me!"

Lu Chengwen said: "Okay, you sleep here, I'll go sleep in the guest room."

"Hey! Wait!"

Xu Xuejiao stood there, already crying.

Lu Chengwen smiled: "Big Sister, your acting is good, tears do come on demand. You shouldn't be working as a vice president at Houde Group, if you went to Japan to film, you'd be the most popular actress."

Xu Xuejiao didn't say a word, her tears like crystal beads, continuously rolling down her cheeks.

Lu Chengwen's smile disappeared, a little awkward: "Okay, okay, go to sleep, go to sleep. But first, let's make this clear, just sleep, don't... do anything funny."

Xu Xuejiao immediately bounced up, hanging onto Lu Chengwen: "I knew it, you must feel sorry for me! Haha! You're such a good guy!"

Lu Chengwen didn't understand this girl.

When she was genuinely sad, and when she was acting, he couldn't tell at all.

Lying in bed, Xu Xuejiao snuggled into Lu Chengwen's arms: "Chengwen Gege."

"Yeah." Lu Chengwen closed his eyes.

"Your heartbeat is so fast."


After a while.

"Chengwen Gege."


"Are you asleep?"

"I'm asleep."

"Liar, you're asleep and you're still talking?"

"Sleep talk."

After a while.

"Chengwen Gege."

Lu Chengwen turned around, pressed Xu Xuejiao down on the bed, and gritted his teeth: "I warn you! Don't make any more noise! I'm not a good samaritan! If you keep seducing me, I'll do you!"

Xu Xuejiao stared at Lu Chengwen, her breathing became especially heavy, her chest heaving violently.

"Is that so?" Xu Xuejiao's breathing was even seductive: "Xuejiao is looking forward to it!"

Lu Chengwen leaned in and kissed Xu Xuejiao.

Lu Chengwen erupted.

He wrapped his arms around Xu Xuejiao, groping and kissing her frantically.

Xu Xuejiao suddenly became shy and restrained, but she didn't resist, instead, she enthusiastically responded to Lu Chengwen.

Lu Chengwen fumbled around in the blanket, reached out, and tossed Xu Xuejiao's shorts out, caught by someone...

Xu Xuejiao was in the middle of her passion when she saw a figure behind her, and she quickly patted Lu Chengwen's back: "Chengwen Gege! Chengwen Gege! Chengwen Gege!"

Lu Chengwen panted: "It's so fast? I haven't even done anything yet!"

"No! It's behind! "

"First time, no back door!"

"It's not my behind, it's yours!"

"Damn! Are you too wild?"

"Take a look behind you!"

"What is it?"

Lu Chengwen turned his head, and a figure stood behind him, like a statue.

"Ah——! Ah——! Ah——!"

Just as impulsive as he was, he was now just as frantic!

Lu Chengwen turned on the bedside lamp.

He immediately broke down!


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Username: Jodex7