Chapter 117: Living a Free and Easy Life, Accompanied by the Dust of the World


Leng Qingqiu and Huo Wendong were definitely going to have a breakdown in their negotiations.

The mastermind behind everything was one person - Lu Chengwen.

Therefore, Xu Xuejiao's task was to stir up trouble, while Leng Qingqiu's task was to reclaim all the shares.

However, there were many problems here. Not to mention the various forces watching, each of them eager to fight, making them extremely difficult to deal with.

Just the issue of "money" alone was enough to make Lu Chengwen and Leng Qingqiu desperate.

The slum redevelopment project had already started its basic construction, clearing out the remaining residents. The places that needed to be filled were filled, the places that needed to be dug were dug, and over 2,000 construction workers had already entered the slums, bustling with activity, digging and smashing, like a group of mechanical enemies wreaking havoc.

Once the specific design drawings were finalized and the construction of the various plots began, the number of workers here would exceed 20,000.

Money was flowing out like water, and even Lu Chengwen was starting to struggle.

Da Sheng Group had already thrown all its available funds into this project, and the rest was stored in the bank, reserved for the expenses of phases two, three, and four.

Right now, he didn't have the money to acquire Qianfeng.

Leng Qingqiu's money was even more pitiful. Her assets were only a few hundred million, and Lu Chengwen had given her one billion, which she had spent eighty million of to save Qianfeng before she withdrew.

The lack of money was the biggest problem.

They wanted shares, but where was the money? Where would the money come from?

Yin Tuo Wang called the finance department and confirmed the password, and another fifty billion in cash flowed into Lu Chengwen's private account.

Lu Chengwen was also very excited.

Not because of the one billion, but because he was orchestrating a huge, complex acquisition project.

He had no idea if this project would succeed.

There were too many people and things involved, a single misstep could lead to unexpected consequences that he couldn't imagine.

But he had to do it.

Huo Wendong couldn't be allowed to solidify his position in Xuecheng. If he did, others would die.

Long Aotien couldn't be allowed to dominate Xuecheng. If he became too powerful, Lu Chengwen would die.

Leng Qingqiu couldn't lose Qianfeng Group. If she lost her power, it wouldn't just be Huo Wendong and Long Aotien who would come to feast.

Huo Wendong was furious, and Leng Qingqiu was unyielding.

He turned and went to Leng Tianhao's office, where he saw Luo Shiyin. The two exchanged a nod.

Huo Wendong smiled: "Chairman Leng, let's sign the contract, the longer we wait, the more things could go wrong."

Leng Tianhao's 31% shares were only worth 300 million.

Huo Wendong was acting as if he was grabbing money like crazy.

He had never encountered such a good deal, Luo Shiyin was surprisingly capable of public relations, she had helped him secure such a ridiculous, lucrative deal.

He had made a good investment in picking up this woman.

Of course, after this, he would give Luo Shiyin and Long Aotien a hundred million each as a reward.

He was practically making a fortune.

Just these shares alone, their actual value could reach around 500 million, he had saved over 200 million without doing anything, would he be stingy about a little bit of change?

While the contracts were being reviewed, Long Aotien was already close to death.

He was weak and dying, his breath shallow.

When Yin Tuo Wang returned, Yuan Fang was still nervous.

"Brother, is that person the Master?"

"What else could he be? Look at his aura, his presence, and then look at how he's dressed. Plus, you heard what happened in the elevator, there's no denying it."

"I just feel like it's too suspicious, how can these two guys keep swapping faces?"

Hearing Yuan Fang's words, Yin Tuo Wang also felt uneasy but still said: "Don't get distracted now. Let's go see how the fake Master is doing."

As they walked to the door, they found it ajar, unlocked.

The two became cautious, gently pushed it open, and entered, seeing a familiar figure.

Tie Tuo Wang was now completely different from before, he was wearing a sharp suit, sturdy and muscular, with sunglasses, looking very stylish.

Long Aotien was slumped in a chair, motionless with his back to the door, seemingly looking at the scenery outside.

Tie Tuo Wang went closer to the unconscious Long Aotien: "Mr. Lu, Yin Tuo Wang should be here soon, we need to be prepared."

Then he leaned his ear close to Long Aotien's mouth, pretending to be whispering a conspiracy.

"Yes, yes, yes, your subordinate understands. Have him kill Long Aotien? Will he be Long Aotien's opponent? Anyone who dies will do? Hmm, Mr. Lu is indeed incredibly clever! Long Aotien is asking for death by going against Mr. Lu."

"Yes, your subordinate understands, he will withdraw now."

As Tie Tuo Wang was leaving, he secretly fed Long Aotien a wake-up pill.

Yin Tuo Wang saw that the two had finished their conversation, quickly grabbed Yuan Fang, and hid behind a cabinet. Tie Tuo Wang cautiously opened the door, looked around, then slipped out and escaped.

Yuan Fang was furious: "That traitor!"

Yin Tuo Wang said: "You heard everything?"

"Yes, it makes me so mad!"

"That idiot inside is Lu Chengwen, damn it, we almost fell for his trick."

"He's such a good liar, he's acting too convincingly."

"I understand now why Tie Tuo Wang and Tong Tuo Wang were tricked by him and had no way out. If we hadn't coincidentally met the Master, our fate would have been the same as theirs."

"Brother! It was so close!"


In Leng Tianhao's conference room, Jiang Shihan pushed the door open and entered: "Miss Luo, bad news, Mr. Long has fainted."

Luo Shiyin was startled.

"What happened?!"

Jiang Shihan said: "Mr. Lu chatted with him for a while, and then he fainted, he looked very weak, you should go and see him!"

Luo Shiyin stood up: "Chairman Leng, Mr. Huo, I need to go and take a look. You've gone over the contract, you can sign it, I'm not needed anymore."

Leng Tianhao said: "Shiyin, don't leave, come back soon!"

Luo Shiyin squeezed out a smile: "I know, I'll be back as soon as we sign, and then we'll go abroad and play."

"Okay, come back quickly."

Luo Shiyin quickly walked out of the room to check on Long Aotien.

Only Leng Tianhao and Huo Wendong remained.

At this moment, Leng Qingqiu also walked in: "The two of you, have you reached an agreement?"

Leng Tianhao said: "Qingqiu, what are you doing here?"

"Father, are you going to sell Qianfeng?"

"Yes, Dad is tired, he doesn't want to do it anymore." Leng Tianhao sighed: "I've only realized today that the most important thing in life is not money, but love! I have fallen in love, and from now on, I just want to live happily ever after with the woman I love, becoming one with the dust, galloping on horseback, sharing the world's prosperity, drinking wine, and singing from the heart, living life to the fullest, seizing the prime of our youth... Ah..."

"Alright Dad, stop exaggerating." Leng Qingqiu said: "Mr. Huo, it seems you are determined to have Qianfeng?"

"That's right!"

Just then, Jiang Shihan rushed over again: "Not good! Mr. Long was beaten! A handsome guy in a suit is pulling his hair and kicking him, he's so brutal! Even Luo Shiyin couldn't stop him!"

"Shiyin!" Leng Tianhao suddenly became agitated and rushed out the door to protect his love.

"Hey! Sign the contract first! Hey! Damn it!"

Huo Wendong was furious, pacing back and forth: "What's wrong with that old man? Is he still a love-struck fool at his age? He's still talking about seizing the prime of his youth, I'll screw you over, you old geezer!"

Leng Qingqiu said: "Go and take a look, he can't die, or the contract will be invalid."

Huo Wendong was furious, he turned and followed him out.

Good heavens, Yin Tuo Wang was beating Long Aotien up!

Luo Shiyin wanted to help, but Yuan Fang was holding her tight, she couldn't break free.

Yin Tuo Wang vented all his anger on Long Aotien.

"You tricked me! You tricked me! You tricked me! I'll make you pay for tricking me! I'll make you pay for tricking me!"

Luo Shiyin and Yuan Fang each grabbed the other's vital points, but neither dared to move.

Luo Shiyin discovered that Yuan Fang was a stubborn fool, and he was so angry that he was about to explode, he was completely desperate, as if he wanted to kill her at any moment.

Luo Shiyin had no intention of dying with him, she could only anxiously say: "Yin Tuo Wang! That's the Master, are you crazy?!"

"The Master? My ass!" Yin Tuo Wang kicked Long Aotien, sending him flying backward, crashing into the wall, and falling to the ground: "You bunch of bastards, you tricked Tie Tuo Wang and Tong Tuo Wang, and now you're tricking me! He's Lu Chengwen!"

Huo Wendong was dumbfounded: "He's Lu Chengwen!?"

Leng Qingqiu blurted out: "Oh no! He's been found out!"

Huo Wendong looked at Leng Qingqiu in surprise: "He is Lu Chengwen!? Leng Qingqiu! What the hell are you up to!?"

Long Aotien crawled up, struggling to speak: "You... you idiot, get your facts straight, I'm Long Aotien!"

"You're Long Aotien? I'd be a fool to believe you!"

Yin Tuo Wang threw his tie aside, and took off his jacket, his eyes were about to pop out.

"I've been in the underworld for over ten years, and I've never been so humiliated! You led me around by the nose like a fool, playing me for a fool!"

"You idiot, I'm the Master! Lu Chengwen is Lu Chengwen!"

"Did you even hear what you just said? You bastard!"

Bang! Another punch, directly sent Long Aotien flying.

Long Aotien was knocked into the air, and he landed heavily on a chair, shattering it to pieces.

Luo Shiyin was so angry that tears welled up in her eyes: "Yin Tuo Wang! Do you know what the consequences of your actions are?"

"Consequences?" Yin Tuo Wang gritted his teeth: "The consequences are that I set things right, and get rid of an obstacle for my Master!"

Leng Tianhao walked up to Luo Shiyin, wanting to save her: "Let her go, kill me instead, don't hurt her, I want to live happily ever after with her!"

Yuan Fang glared, about to kick Leng Tianhao, Leng Qingqiu quickly grabbed her father: "Dad, don't go!"

"I want to save my beloved! If something happens to her, I won't live anymore!"

Huo Wendong was exasperated: "What's going on? Isn't he Long Aotien?"

"You've all been fooled! He's Lu Chengwen!?"

Huo Wendong was going crazy: "I don't care what you're up to! Leng Tianhao, are you going to sell your shares or not?"

Leng Tianhao was completely out of his mind: "Shiyin, my Shiyin, Leng Qingqiu, let go of me, I don't want to be a monkey, I'm going to save Shiyin!"

Yin Tuo Wang was about to attack again, Long Aotien roared: "Yin Tuo Wang! Damn, it, don't think I'm helpless, I'm going to wipe you and your branch off the face of the earth! I won't leave a single one alive!"

"Trying to scare me?"

At this moment, Tie Tuo Wang suddenly appeared, striking Yin Tuo Wang with a palm and holding Long Aotien: "Mr. Lu! Let's go!"

Everyone was stunned.

Even Luo Shiyin was stunned.

Tie Tuo Wang carried the injured Long Aotien, turned, and smashed through the window, leaping out.

Yin Tuo Wang roared: "Want to run? Perfect, I'll kill you both!"

After Tie Tuo Wang leaped out, his "hand slipped" and he didn't hold onto Long Aotien tightly enough, Long Aotien fell from the building, several stories high.

Tie Tuo Wang roared: "Mr. Lu, I'm sorry, I slipped! We have to save ourselves!"

As Long Aotien was falling, he desperately said:

"I'm not going to make it, just let me die."


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