Chapter 130 The Evil of Human Nature

Jin Tuo Wang and his strategist had been in the Idiot Mountain for two whole days.

During those two days, they diligently searched for signs of human habitation.

But the traces kept changing, driving them crazy.

Today, they split up to find Hun Tian Gang's location.

Jin Tuo Wang was searching when he heard the sounds of passionate lovemaking from afar.

The man was fine, his voice was relatively low, but the woman's cries were like a pig being slaughtered.

He followed the sounds, sneaking up, and just when he was about to reach the place, his body suddenly sank, and then he heard the gunshot. He collapsed to the ground and couldn't get up.

The bullet was faster than the sound, this time he learned.

Lu Chengwen and Zhao Gang ran frantically towards the sound.

Jin Tuo Wang heard the sounds but didn't know who the people were, he thought they were coming to continue attacking him, so he struggled to get up and escaped.

When Lu Chengwen arrived, he only saw some bloodstains on the leaves, the person was gone.

Lu Chengwen had been in a good mood, but now he was depressed.

"This is terrible!" Lu Chengwen said remorsefully, "How could the gun go off? Zhao Gang, what happened?"

Zhao Gang said, "Mr. Lu, it's my fault, the gun store owner kept saying that this gun was very stable and wouldn't fire accidentally. It seems I was fooled by him."

Lu Chengwen was depressed, "We have to find that person and take him to get medical treatment. If he dies in the mountains, my sin will be great."

"This mountain is so big, I'm afraid it's not easy to find him."

Lu Chengwen said in a depressed tone, "Follow the bloodstains, we must find him! I'll go ahead, you go to the car and get the medical kit."

Jiang Shihan was a little nervous, "Mr. Lu, we... are we going to go deeper into the mountains?"

Lu Chengwen said, "You wait for me in the car, lock the doors, and if there's a problem, drive away first, your safety is the top priority."

"I'm not leaving, I want to go with you."

"Oh, we might have to run a long way, you just... anyway, you're exhausted, you won't be able to keep up."

"I usually exercise, I'll be fine."

Lu Chengwen couldn't help it, he could only continue forward with her.


Huo Wendong has been in a bad mood lately.

The branch company he had bought for 300 billion... when he saw the pictures, videos, and operating accounts, he almost vomited blood.

This branch company had been losing money all along, it was a company that Qianfeng Group had been trying to sell, but couldn't sell it for any price.

Later, the local government even offered favorable terms, buying the company could be done without a penny in cash, and the profit could be deducted slowly from the profit in the future.

Even so, no one wanted it.

Business is like that, big bosses don't buy the cheapest thing, the cheaper it is, the harder it may be to sell.

On the contrary, those profitable projects and companies would be very popular if they were to be sold. No matter how much you raised the price, the other party would be willing to negotiate with you, and finally reach a price where both sides felt they had gotten a good deal.

This kind of broken company, which had long been abandoned by Leng Qingqiu, a dilapidated company in a remote area, Huo Wendong had bought it for 300 billion.

Huo Wendong went to see it in person that day.

The county mayor led the villagers to welcome him!

The county mayor held Huo Wendong's hand, tears streaming down his face, "Thank you, Mr. Huo! Mr. Huo! You are the benefactor of our county! Our county finally has a large enterprise with over 100 million yuan in investment! I thank you on behalf of the people of our county!"

Several villagers were so excited that they fainted.

Huo Wendong didn't even attend the ribbon-cutting ceremony, he walked away with a black face, all the way the villagers threw eggs at his car to express their gratitude...

300 billion, it's not a small amount of money for anyone in the world.

Of course, it's not a huge amount of money for the Huo family either.

Huo Wendong didn't care much either, but... it was humiliating!

So humiliating!

What kind of deal did he make?

He came to the Northern Country to make a big splash, to do something big to show the family.

Now, the family was watching with amusement.

His father called to ask about the details of the investment, and then he scolded him for more than two hours on the phone.

Huo Wendong decided to go out for a walk first, he felt that his mind had been in a daze lately, and he didn't know what was wrong.

Sometimes, the decisions he made, he thought were absurd.

It seemed like he had been listening to Luo Shiyin all the time, but whenever he saw Luo Shiyin, he was so fond of her, so in love with her, and so concerned about her.

Why did her words sound so nice?

He heard that Idiot Mountain was an undeveloped treasure land, the jungle was very primitive, and there were large areas of hunting allowed.

So he went hunting with his entourage and Luo Shiyin.

Huo Wendong was also very interested in women, especially after coming here, he was very excited.

He looked at Luo Shiyi and suddenly became interested, he wanted to make a deal with Luo Shiyin here.

Luo Shiyin couldn't help it, so she shyly asked him to dismiss his men and then cast her pupil technique on Huo Wendong.

Luo Shiyin was tired lately, Huo Wendong and Lu Chengwen were responsible for a large part of it.

Lu Chengwen was always making her pupil technique miss its target, this kind of pupil technique attack would backfire if it didn't hit the target, it would consume a lot of essence to adjust and recover.

Huo Wendong, young and energetic, always wanted to do that kind of thing, he wanted it every day.

Luo Shiyin had to keep using her pupil technique, making him hallucinate, in reality, he didn't get anything, but in his brain, he had already fought with Luo Shiyin for three hundred rounds.

This technique was also very mentally draining, he would need it once or twice a day, Luo Shiyin had never tried such a high-intensity workload.

As a result... not only Huo Wendongthis garbage but even Luo Shiyin lost a lot of weight.

Huo Wendong, after being subjected to the pupil technique, was in a state of hallucination, he hugged a tree and kept swaying, his cries were like a pig being slaughtered.

Luo Shiyin sat weakly by the side to meditate, recovering her essence.

Jin Tuo Wang had been shot by accident, he thought someone was trying to assassinate him, he fled wildly, climbed over half a mountain, ran to this side, and then heard these sounds.

Jin Tuo Wang was very cautious.

What was this? Why was Idiot Mountain so lively today? How come he had people planting seeds everywhere he went?

Jin Tuo Wang bent over, trying to hide his body in the waist-high grass.

At this time, Huo Wendong had finished his "work."

A subordinate shouted in surprise, "Mr. Huo, over there, there's a big guy over there!"

Huo Wendong picked up his binoculars and looked, sure enough, there was a dark thing, only its sturdy back was exposed in a cluster of wormwood, already running away.

Huo Wendong smiled slightly, "Where's my sniper?"

Huo Wendong didn't have Lu Chengwen's kind of tough guy style. Tough guys with double-barreled shotguns look very imposing, with a masculine air of confronting a wild beast head-on.

He used a sniper rifle. Sniper, of course, can see far and shoot farther!

And more accurately.

Huo Wendong was a diamond-level member of the shooting club, a master of gunplay.

He immediately raised his hand and began to aim.

Jin Tuo Wang thought he had run far enough, and to increase his speed, he raised his body, making it easier to aim at him.

He suddenly felt a jolt in his back, as if someone had stabbed him hard, he fell directly on the grass, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

He touched his lower abdomen, it was covered in blood, and he had been shot through!

Jin Tuo Wang struggled to pull out his walkie-talkie, "Strategist, I'm ambushed, they've set up a bizarre trap on both sides, they're playing with women and shooting at me! Save me! Save me!"

Jin Tuo Wang looked at the walkie-talkie, it was out of range, and the strategist couldn't receive it.

Jin Tuo Wang's face was pale, he could only persist and continue to advance.

After Huo Wendong hit his target, he was immediately very proud of himself.

The people around him were all flattering him, saying he was a sharpshooter, first shooting at the beauty, then shooting at the beast.

Huo Wendong put his arm around Luo Shiyin, "Little Yin Yin, tell me, is Lord Huo better at shooting women or shooting beasts?"

Everyone around laughed.

Luo Shiyin thought coldly in her heart: You're just a human doll in my eyes, you trash! You dare to be so proud of yourself with a toothpick! If you weren't useful, I'd turn you into a puppet!

But she smiled sweetly, "Mr. Huo, you're so annoying! Oh, the prey is still running away?"

She quickly changed the subject, because she knew that Huo Wendong and his men wouldn't respect her, in their eyes, she was just a beautiful woman who came to accompany Huo Wendong for money, to be ravaged and humiliated by him.

Huo Wendong snorted, "The prey I've set my sights on, don't even think about escaping!"

Huo Wendong led a group of people to chase on foot, shooting continuously.

Huo Wendong was very successful, the last shot directly pierced Jin Tuo Wang's thigh.

Jin Tuo Wang had been shot seven times!

He was already dying.

Lying in the grass, he couldn't even crawl, blood kept oozing out of his mouth, "The seduction trap, it's vicious, I can't believe I'm going to die from random gunfire today. Damn it! I'm so unwilling!"

Men are wild animals.

Especially when hunting, it can further stimulate a man's desire to conquer!

A man's pleasure point is more about conquering.

Conquering women, conquering beasts, conquering nature, conquering the business world, conquering the whole world...

Huo Wendong was full of heroic spirit, he left the delicate beauty behind and led a group of lackeys to chase the prey.

Only when they got closer did they realize it was a human, and he was still alive.

Jin Tuo Wang had lost a lot of blood and couldn't see clearly, but he could hear people talking.

"Crap! Young Master Huo, it's a person!"

Huo Wendong was also very frustrated, "Damn it! Why would a person run into the mountains for no reason? It's such bad luck!"

"Young Master Huo, what do we do? Killing someone... will land us in jail!"

"Nonsense!" Huo Wendong said, "Can you even speak properly? I'm Huo Wendong! The rules of the world are all dictated by me! There's no jail prepared for me in this world!"

One person got closer and said, "Young Master Huo, this matter will be bad if it gets out, it's very troublesome. Since we're in the mountains, it's unknown, why don't we just..."

Huo Wendong nodded, narrowed his eyes, and a cruel plan formed in his mind.

He turned to his subordinates, "You're all my brothers. Brothers, we have to share the burden. Everyone, give him another shot!"

Everyone was stunned, they looked at each other.

"Look at what, move it!"

They all understood, that this was to make everyone get their hands dirty, in case something happened, it was them who did it. Anyway, I, Huo Wendong, have money, I'll fight you in court until you drop dead.

I'll give you a lump sum of money you can't refuse, who can do anything to me?

But no one dared to refuse at this point, they had already taken a life, who knows what Huo Wendong would do to those who resisted?

And someone was already starting to flatter him, "Yes, yes, we're all Young Master Huo's brothers, don't be polite at this time! Hell, what are we afraid of following Young Master Huo? Just a wild man from the mountains, if we kill him, we kill him, he's no different from a dog! I'll go first!"

Huo Wendong was very satisfied, "You see, a strong wind reveals the strength of the grass, you go first, and the others get ready, two shots each!"

Jin Tuo Wang closed his eyes weakly, I can't believe I, Jin Tuo Wang, who was wise for a lifetime, would die at the hands of this garbage.

No one could imagine that the evil in Huo Wendong's heart had been completely unleashed at this moment.

After Jin Tuo Wang took two more shots in the thigh, Huo Wendong laughed out loud, "Hey, you, yeah, do this, aim at his crotch, yes, shoot his second child, smash his eggs, hahaha! That guy, you get ready, you aim at his fingers later, one shot per finger, don't kill him, let's torture him for a while..."

Huo Wendong, I'll remember you!

Even as a ghost, I won't let you go!

At that moment, a voice shouted, "Stop! Huo Wendong, are you fucking crazy?!"


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