Chapter 139 The relationship is too messy

How Huo Wendong hated this!

He had said yesterday that it was Lu Chengwen who ran him over with his car.

But everyone didn't believe him.

They all said that the three of them were miserable, covered in mud, completely soaked.

And if someone ran you over with a car, why would they save you? Wouldn't that be asking for trouble? Wouldn't it be more reasonable to run you over and throw you in the mountains?

Huo Wendong watched Lu Chengwen crying like a cat, his blood pressure rising with anger.

He mumbled a few words, but his voice was too soft, and everyone didn't hear him.

Lu Chengwen cried and leaned closer: "Hmm, hmm, talk slowly, talk slowly, I'm listening."

Huo Wendong leaned into Lu Chengwen's ear, gritting his teeth, and said weakly: "You bastard, you damn...when I get better, I'll definitely…"

"Wuwuwu..." Lu Chengwen heard it clearly, but he chose not to: "Wendong, don't say that, you'll be fine, you'll be fine!"

"I'm saying, I'm going to kill you, Lu Chengwen. You wait for me...wait for me...wait for me..."

Lu Chengwen cried: "Stop talking, we're brothers! Everything I did was my duty! Just rest and recover now, don't think about anything else!"

Huo Wendong was about to explode: "I'm going to kill you!"

Lu Chengwen reached out and covered his mouth: "I won't let you talk about yourself like that. Who doesn't make mistakes? You must have been scared back then, that's why you shot that wild man! I'm your brother, of course, I can't just watch you commit a huge mistake!"

Huo Wendong's face twitched, but his mouth was covered by Lu Chengwen.

"Wendong! good brother! My good brother! If I had a choice, I'd rather be the one lying in bed now, not you!"

"Wendong! good classmate!"

Lu Chengwen stood up, pointed at Huo Wendong, and said to everyone: "He, back in school, bullied female classmates, I personally called my brothers to beat him into submission! Can you understand this kind of loyalty?"

Doctors and nurses all wiped away their tears.

Lu Chengwen sobbed: "I never thought that after graduating a few years later, we would meet again like this! How could this not make a hero sigh with regret, and a hero weep!"

Huo Zhenting, such a steady and well-respected man, even had red eyes.

He leaned towards his bodyguard: "They say Wendong and Chengwen don't get along, I think that's a rumor. Judging from Lu Chengwen's behavior today, clearly Wendong is too petty."

At this time, Zhang Shen'er frowned: "Hey, hey, hey, that's enough."

Lu Chengwen threw himself at Zhang Shen'er, crying directly in her arms: "You don't understand! You're a woman, you don't understand the feelings between men! Wuwuwu..."

Zhang Shen'er wanted to slap Lu Chengwen to death.

Do I know you? What are you doing?!

Crying on my chest!

But in this atmosphere, if she hits Lu Chengwen, she would appear too much of a bitch!

She could only push him away awkwardly: "Hey, hey, hey, control your emotions!"

"No! No! I can't control it! I can't help but be sad! I can't help but be sad! I can't help but cry!"

Zhang Shen'er's face was extremely awkward.

At this moment, Lu Chengwen suddenly felt a sense of danger.

Lu Chengwen felt something was wrong and glanced behind him. Behind Huo Zhenting, there stood a person.

He was over six feet tall, his face was ashen, he was nither happy nor sad.

His eyes were calm and emotionless, his two black pupils were like deep wells, bottomless.

Lu Chengwen's heart sank: A martial artist, and a strong one!

The window suddenly shattered, and a figure rushed in like a whirlwind, striking Huo Wendong with a palm.

Huo Wendong was terrified, before he could scream, the expert behind Huo Zhenting instantly appeared at the bedside, pushing away Jin Tuo Wang's palm, and punched Jin Tuo Wang in the chest with his other hand.

Jin Tuo Wang clashed with him in an instant, directly flying backward, his body smashing a cabinet, causing medical equipment to scatter everywhere.

Jin Tuo Wang was terrified, but before he could react, the expert attacked again, aiming for his face.

Jin Tuo Wang knew that his opponent was no ordinary person, his strength was extraordinary.

He turned to run away through the broken window, but the other party didn't chase him, he stood there and struck a palm.

Everyone heard a loud bang!

Jin Tuo Wang "ugh" ed in mid-air, spitting out a mouthful of blood, and fell directly to the ground.

The man didn't say a word from beginning to end, he just glanced back, and two strong men immediately broke through the window and chased after Jin Tuo Wang.

Lu Chengwen was still hugging Zhang Shen'er in a daze. Zhang Shen'er pushed Lu Chengwen away, immediately drew her gun, and wanted to chase after him.

But at that moment, another figure rushed in like the wind, grabbed Lu Chengwen's neck, and carried him out.

Lu Chengwen's heart sank. It's over, it's the strategist!

Jin Tuo Wang wanted to kill Huo Wendong to vent his anger.

The strategist definitely wanted his head to clear himself!

At this moment, the expert suddenly appeared, instantly blocking the strategist's path.

The strategist clashed with him with a palm and didn't gain the upper hand. He grabbed Lu Chengwen's neck: "Don't come any closer!

If you come any closer, I'll kill him!"

The expert didn't care whether Lu Chengwen lived or died. He walked forward slowly, with a stern expression.

The strategist was slightly panicked: "Stop!"

Huo Zhenting furrowed his brows: "Wait a minute."

With Huo Zhenting's order, the expert stopped, his eyes still fixed on the strategist.

Huo Zhenting pulled over a chair and sat down leisurely: "Who are you? Why did you attack my son?"

The strategist had a trace of blood on his lips: "I'm not interested in your son, I want Lu Chengwen's life."


Huo Zhenting asked calmly.

The strategist said: "It's a family matter, a family affair. My grudge with Lu Chengwen has nothing to do with your Huo family. Huo Zhenting, I'm someone you can't afford to offend, don't get in the way."

At this moment, two more experts had moved behind the strategist.

Huo Zhenting's tone was calm: "The people I can't afford to offend..."

He shook his head: "Not many. Coincidentally, you are not one of them."

Lu Chengwen said: "Uncle Huo, save me! Wendong and I are brothers!"

Huo Wendong was scared and shocked at the moment, he fainted again. Otherwise, Lu Chengwen would have driven him crazy.

Huo Zhenting remained expressionless.

"Friend, if you didn't come for my son, then we are not enemies. Lu Chengwen is my son's friend, he saved my son's life. You let him go, do me a favor, and consider it repayment of a debt. I won't interfere in your feud in the future, how about it?"

Huo Zhenting certainly couldn't let him just escape with Lu Chengwen.

He was a cunning old man. He must have known that the two who suddenly appeared were suspicious and had a close connection to his son's fear.

The strategist frowned, holding Lu Chengwen's death point: "Huo Zhenting, you're the big boss in the business world, and your entourage is very strong. I know your power, but can you afford to offend a large organization?"

Huo Zhenting furrowed his brows, even the silent expert behind him looked grave, turning his head to look at Huo Zhenting.

Apparently, they had all heard of the name "the organization," and they were wary of it.

Huo Zhenting was truly unsure.

Ordinary people didn't know about the organization, but he did.

This organization was mysterious and unpredictable, filled with experts. They acted decisively, with a "follow me and prosper, oppose me and perish" attitude.

Huo Zhenting had encountered them before, but they only showed mutual respect.

Lu Chengwen saw that this wouldn't do! You can't be afraid of them!

Lu Chengwen said: "He's a traitor to the organization, and he's just the strategist of a small branch in Xuecheng, no, the former strategist."

The strategist squeezed Lu Chengwen's throat tightly: "Shut up!"

As soon as the words left his mouth, Huo Zhenting's brows relaxed slightly:

"Friend, since you brought up the organization, I'll give your South Country headmaster face. You can leave, but Lu Chengwen is my nephew, please leave him behind."

The strategist looked at Huo Zhenting.

"What if I say no?"

Huo Zhenting said: "Then you definitely can't leave today."

"I can't leave but I have to kill this kid."

"You can," Huo Zhenting said: "But you can't leave."

The strategist knew that Huo Zhenting was no child. This man, who could navigate the business world like a fish in water, with so many experts backing him, couldn't be easily dismissed with a few words.

The strategist was very nervous. He was now surrounded.

Two experts behind him were ready to strike, and in front of him was a first-class expert with far superior strength than himself. He was afraid that he had already reached the upper four gates level and was engaging him head-on.

If he wanted to leave, he really couldn't.

But to let Lu Chengwen go... he couldn't do it.

If he left like this, the pursuers from the headmaster's side would arrive soon. Without Lu Chengwen's head as a guarantee, he wouldn't be able to explain himself!

Even if he could explain, he knew the organization's style better than anyone. The first step would be to control him, and then slowly torture and interrogate him.

His stain was the fifty billion and the Small Reversal Pill. Killing Lu Chengwen would prove that he didn't give these two things to Lu Chengwen in collusion.

Sweat beaded on the strategist's forehead: "Good! Do you want his life? He's swindled our organization out of two hundred billion, back and forth, recently! If Mr. Huo can pay me two hundred billion to cover my losses, I can let him go!"

Huo Zhenting slowly stood up, walked to his son, pulled over the blanket, and tucked it in gently.

"Two hundred billion is no small amount," Huo Zhenting said: "I can't give you two hundred billion just because you say so. Let my nephew speak."

The strategist's hand loosened slightly: "Tell your people not to make any rash moves, otherwise, I would rather die with him than let him go!"

Huo Zhenting smiled: "Don't be silly. My people have rules. And, you're here to grab him to save your own life, not to die together."

The strategist was truly wary of this Huo Zhenting.

This man was too steady, as steady as an old dog. He also understood him perfectly with just a few words.

Huo Zhenting asked Lu Chengwen: "Chengwen, you tell me. As long as you can explain clearly, Uncle Huo will pay you two hundred billion."

Lu Chengwen's throat was squeezed so tightly it was difficult to breathe. At this moment, he moved slightly: "They were the ones who gave it to me!"

"You're lying! You're pretending to be our young master Long Aotian!"

Huo Zhenting was immediately startled: "Wait, who are you talking about?!"

The strategist said: "Long Aotian, our young master!"

"Long Aotian is your young master?"

"That's right!"

"Is he in Beiguo?"

"That's right!"

Lu Chengwen said: "I'm pretending? Then do you want to tell your young master that Long Aotian and I are sworn brothers, and also brothers in the same sect?"

Huo Zhenting was even more shocked: "You... Chengwen, you also know Young Master Long Aotian?"

Lu Chengwen said: "Not only do I know him, we swore on our heads, brothers in this life and the next, together forever, or else we'll be struck by lightning!"

Huo Zhenting was stunned: "Then you are on the same side!"
