Dev:why is it taking too long to reach him.. damn these staircases...

Sid: It's been a long time since I saw him. it's a good thing that I am going to meet the first and foremost person I want to after coming to grandma's home.

What does he look like now...?

Even if I follow his social media he doesn't talk to me nor can't I see him. The only thing I can do is watch through all the photos indirectly.

How should I face the real him directly.....

My heart holds his charm and radiance at once... but at the same time, I feel happy to meet him like this once in a while.

ha, I am just a loser. can't even speak with him nicely... I may care about him but can't say anything I am such a fool. sigh.

I won u loser.. says aki.

u a loser..u cheated me, cheater.. says adi.

Sid:what are those noises?

Dev: They're fighting again... kids...

"ha ha hah hah hah" laughs aki.

u asshole.. wait says adi.

Sid: What are they doing in the room? making such noises?

dev: just a door gap to meet him. What should I do? looks like Sid is also excited to meet them.. ha why do we brothers like those two idiots who are on the other side of the door?



"thud "

a. h ... he .. he is.. a... a..adi. omg. to my surprise. a. my.... he feel on me. ah if Dev hadn't opened up or Aki hadn't pushed him he can't have fallen on me like this.. what am I thinking. did he hurt..'Adi are u k.' hm um 'r u hurt anywhere?' asks Sid.

Adi: Um Ah opens his eyes up and sees Sid.

'ah sorry.'

Adi: um who are u..? asked adi without any thought.

sid shocked.

Sid: adi...

Adi: ha yes. I am.

Sid: can u get up first.

sorry. Heh heh. sorry for falling so suddenly. so my asshole brother is responsible for everything. Says adi.

'no need to explain first get up on me please.' Says Sid and thinks... he forgot about me. see. I know he doesn't remember me. I am a fool. how can I be getting overwhelmed just by meeting him?

adi : gotten up and said ' Sorry again... ha oh you dev right....'


Adi: ouch. u damn.. cant u play fairly. how can u kick your little brother?

Aki: heh. u cheater. u deserve it. u poker-faced.

Adi: my poker face... got angry. u f**ker. I will kill u right now.

Dev help me.


Adi: ah, who punched me?

Sid:ur husband.

u. Who are u anyway? Why are u here..? Says adi.