I opened my eyes. ahhhhhhh.. birds flew from trees in the forest.. i just screamed and shocked. i looked downwards there something lies.. what is this purple colour thing..? something coming towards me the sounds.... and i saw.. ah.. hhh... wait a mud.. mud mountain. no itz huge... it's ant nest.. right its ants nest.. I am on the ant nest.... scared.. why am i stuck in ant's nest..? where am i.. what is this place..? i took a turn on the right side...
buzzz buzzzz
wait 6 legs, fangs, big body like bee structure with a normal ostrich egg size, moon like big eyes... what is this creature.. and why is it in purple colour..? it came near me face to face.. a little scared.. i tried to talk with them.. ah.. who are you.. it didn't speak.. ah i tried to move from that nest..
buzzz buzzz
sounds. i cant understand.. can u talk. will u help me..
buzzzz buzzzzz
he took his hand out.. so sharp.. wait its claws.. looks like a crab hand.. wait dont say its gona kill me... noooo. please don't do anything.. i dont wanna die before my first night. no please.. i asked but before my speech it took action.. it moved so fast... ahhh ahhh. i fell down from a 12 feet high ant mud nest by rolling down. ouch my body hurts.. i thought i am gonna die but wait. what. did he helped me right now.. wow.. he pierced and made a hole so that i can come down. hmm not bad.. may be these animals understand english but cant speak ha..
hm but wait where am i.. i looked right,left, up, down.. trees, water sound, birds songs, flowers, flies, and unknown creatures on ant nest.. umm it looks like a normal forest to me..I doubt it is even an ant nest or a mountain ..? No.. how could this happen? where should I be..? let's go a little further and watch where I should be.. thanks mr.berry.. i dont know what that creature is but he helped me and also an unusual fruit colour for such a creature.. Giant ant...? No. I don't think so. anyways I took steps towards.. its looked like a forest is ahead.. let's go adi for adventure.. my mom says always go right so lets go.
umm as i moved further this is a forest but trees are too large.. i cant see its edges. must be around 20 feet no 25...30 feet long must be.. the roots are only things i can see. huuuuum some flowers smell in the air.. i took a breath its tooo fresh and erotic you can say..
i am walking and walking in the woods with little sun rays freshly n greatly automatic air.. ah what is that.? i stopped and looked.. wow what is that white coloured.. is it a rock.? its too shining.. sparkling like a white unicorns hair floating in the sun rays.. i stepped near to see what it is.. should i touch it..? what it could be.. it looks like a rock but shape is oddly round... breath breath. i took a breath its kind of a odourless. its must be rock right.. i searched all edges of it by moving around that rock.. it looks too heavily.. and its in the shadow too. i thought i should rest a little because i was tired off all that fall n walk.. ah lets rest on that rock.. as i thought i took a step to put the foot on the rock..
a voice..