(What is this riddle. Can we really enter? Even though it's just a game.. what in front of us is really... a deadly sign..? a killing instinct? what should I do dev is in deep thoughts.

hehe heh a dark shadow watching them in an amber flowered mirror. Ah i found a good big meal after a long deep slumber. what should we do.. I am hungry a lot.. hmm let's see.. who should i possess for my tasty meal. oh a sickly looking kid( watching and checking out 5 of them) oh finally a good kid is suitable to eat the rest of the family.. heh hehehe hehehe. gazes at adity... an amber coloured eyes shines....

hey let's enter. a voice whispers into Adithy. let's enter everyone says adithy(adi full name) with a determined face.

shocked devesh(dev full name) gazes back on adity.

yes. let's go guys says akhil(aki full name) with excitement.

sigh (maybe i shouldn't worry much. everything has an end eventually anyway..)everyone sticks to me and let's enter says devesh while tightening his grip.

everyone stepped further towards entrance.

moments later.

we walked a bit further. hah even though we are walking why is it still going faraway. guys let's run says devesh.

what why shouts akhil.

everyone runs.

moments later.

hah hah gasps. even though we ran why are we not reaching the entrance gasp. hahah pants pants says harish(harry full name)

yes exactly what's happening here. we are exhausted already thinks adithy.

{heh heh heh.} whispers

ha who's laughing thinks adithy.

{use your left hand.}whispers

ha. adithy checks his left hand.. A Dice? when did i have this?

{heh hehe hehe go front throw it. throw it.}whispers

what.?. shouts adithy with a pissed face... But can't able to come out.

gasp. are you alright adithy asks siddarth(sid full name).

{yes. just only listen to me and throw it}whispers

what should i do. I think others can't listen to it except me? am I putting everyone in problem? Thoughts running through as adithy gazes at siddarth.

{okay let's do it. trust me}whispers

Why can't i speak. What did you do to my voice? who are you to command me. why should I have to listen to you..? Where are you? asks adithy.

{ahhhhahhhh hahahahaha. heh hehehe hahaha. It's not necessary who I am. If you want to save your family do what I say.}whispers

what is this dice even..? Where are you... come in front of me if you have any dare.. says adithy in his mind with pissed face..

{hehe heh.} laughs

I am not doing anything and I am not even listening to you either. go away from me says adithy.

{hooo oho poor kid. just listen and throw the dice once}whispers

what will happen If I do that says adithy.

{do it and watch what will happen.}

what should i do. No I won't do it. it might be a harmful dice. what if it's a bomb? yes someone is playing tricks on me. It's just a game setting adithy. don't listen to him says adithy to himself.

Hm if he doesn't take the bait let's do another trick. I have to possess him completely. hehe hehe says the shadow which is watching through mirror.

clack. A sword was shown on the neck of that shadow man.

My lord said to kill them whoever it is immediately who wants to play with kids until they reach their destination. Do you want to live or die choose this instant says the knight with light greenish yellow coloured hair with black pupils, silver armoured which is determined to do the job.

Shivers (why is the mad dog here...?) I I I will live. I will never play anymore.

Empty words not accepted. Do you promise on the name of maa Ambalika.. says the knight..

pissed shadow.. Yes yes I promise on maa Ambalika says while sweating.(how dare him to make my life threatening promises. who are these kids that even watch dog sent this mad dog here..?)

Then release your soul enchantment aura from him immediately and send them to the entrance says the knight.

yes yes. I am doing it right away says the shadow with amber coloured eyes.

swoosh the dice lightens.

{kid throw it away you will reach the entrance immediately} whispers to adithy.

Adithy: ha wait. what.?

the shadow took adithy hand and threw it on the ground..

smoke smoke smoke.

swoosh swish smoke is everywhere.

cough cough cough

hey are you mad adithy. do you want to kill us bro cough cough says akhil.

cough cough is everyone alright guys asks devesh while trying to clear the smoke.

cough cough cough harish are you alright asks devesh.

A swoosh swish swoosh a big wind blown away and cleared the smoke completely.

cough cough are you okay adithy asks siddarth.

cough cough. ha smoke was cleared and adithy gazes siddarth.

cough cough cough harish.

hey are you okay harish asks devesh.

harish opens his eyes and stops coughing while looking at the terrifying entrance back on devesh.

hey harish hey..... Asks devesh with much concern.

scared harish points out the entrance to devesh and says look at that everyone.

all of them gaze at the entrance by listening to harish.

a woozing blood coloured snakes and a dark coloured door with a golden coloured snake embedded on it. even though I saw it a little far its a bit scary but while watching from a foot step near its look like an entrance to hell. harish passes out while looking at that netherworld deadly entrance.

akhil jaws drop out while looking near.

adithy is scared while looking at the entrance.

siddarth is scanning the entrance.

devesh is blanked by looking at it nearby.

on the other side through the mirror.

see sir they reached the entrance. now can you remove your sword from my neck says the amber coloured eye shadow while revealing his face jaw and neck with fully dangling golden jewellery.

since i did as you said, you should do as i have to right sir. even though I am cruel but I am also a noble who would do on the oath on maa Ambalika. sooo says with a grin and slightly moves the sword with a finger from the neck.

you sure did because of the oath but it is true that you tried to harm. your punishment will be decided by my Lord. if you try anything this neck of yours can be divided then follow me.. says the knight while tightening his loosened sword on his neck.

Yes. Yes, I will follow. Shall we go then says the shadow man with a black color long hair, covered in jewelry with an oval shaped face while breaking the mirror which shows the 5 members?

At the entrance....

hey shall we get in then says adithy.