"Lets begin the game" words came out from the dicer board.
Everyone is watching the dicer board.
Light shown from the dicer board and continued in between us on down… draws a line. A light barrier appeared in between us in that line from where we stand by separating us.
Everyone is shocked by what's happening.
Ahhhhh wait guys… aki screamed
No… harry shouted.
One dice imitated and formed into 5 square dicers projection having 5 of us and 2 faint empty dicers floating in the sky at the hill top in a circle position.
Hey…., what the heck. Said dev who was looking at the other dices where adi, sid, aki, harry in. I can see the kids.
(The dicer board appears on his back)
Please roll the dice and start the game said the dicer board and a dice came like someone ordered him by emitting a light on the dicer board.
Dev turned back lightly by listening to the voice of the dicer board.
Dev is looking gloomy…. Everything is just rushing to start this…. Are the kids going to be okay?. First mr.aarav and now divit mysteriously came and left without even answering us properly. Looks like it's my own path from now on to get my answers completely and to reach others.
So, hmmm trapped in a diced device, an ornament, rules and rewards (looking around and counting). Let's begin. I turned back and stepped forward… reached the dicer board. I took it in my hands and rolled the dice which appeared out of nowhere.
Sur sur sur frrrr. (Dice moving) Dun dun dun... (Stopped)
Haaa Its 5.
(Result no: 5.)
(You are entering into no: 5 th chamber.)
(Activation of all tickets has been completed.)
Haaaaaa what? Thinks dev.
(Orders and precautions to be taken to form a teleportation are waiting.)
(It's completed.)
Dev is watching the dicer board which is blinking on numbers while listening to it.
(The teleportation gate is going to appear. get ready to teleport.)
On the screen a red mark is blinking (coming and going out) on no: 5 box on vaikontapali.
Light emitted outwards and projected number 5.
(It's completed. Please touch it no: 5 to enter.)
That was shocking. My hand shivered a little.
(Please touch it to enter.)
I looked at everyone who is with me until now on my side will be in the game. Once I touch them I don't know when I am going to see them thinks dev.
Harry, adi, sid, aki…
Gosh such a dramatic. Why can't they even warn us? It's just a game why to be so strict. B***h. says aki who's standing on the corner.
(Dicer board appears… " Lets start the game" Projects the dice.)
Aki grinned his teeth. Hmm. heh heh (laughs) I will kill you all bastards and win all the game rwards. Hahahahaha. Aki rolled thIt'sice with…
Its no:2.
(You are entering no:2.)
(All preparations taken. Started teleportation.)
Five colors are blinking in vaikontapali….
Please touch no:2 to enter.
aki looked at others…. smirk. Wait for me and entered.
Swooooosh swoooosh sid whose last position vanished just in a blink.
Adi was looking at others. Sid, aki, and harry are vanished except dev..
Adi entered the game.
Game has started. Please touch to enter no:5 chamber Says dicer board.
Just like that we split and parted ways to play individually….
Dev entered the game.