
Sparks flew off of a man's spear as it glanced off of a large knights armour. The knight pivoted and brought down a great sword made from jade, smashing the man's spear into pieces. A dagger materialized in the man's hand as he shot forward. The dagger slid through a crack in between the knights helmet and chest plate.

The metal knight shuddered and collapsed to the ground.

"Are you done over there Milan?" A woman's voice called out.

"Tch, had to sacrifice the spear for a decent opening. Let's go or I'm going to miss my grandsons birth." The victorious man replied lazily and scratched the back of his head. "Teleport us." He said.

Milan was well into his thirties and had long dreads that fell to his shoulders. He was darkskin and had a distinct islander accent that he somehow maintained despite the years of separation between him and his hometown.

"Hey, my daughter in law is giving birth in this hospital. Last name Solace. Do you know where I can find her?" He spoke to the hospital receptionist with great rush. His son had always hated him for never being there for him, and so now that he was free more he would make the commitment. He had his son when he was 18 and just about to go into his military service. Fortunately he had already built up quite a fortune for the woman to live comfortably with the child.

"Let me see here…" The receptionist clicked through the computer and snapped her fingers. "Down that hall there room 118."

"Ok thank you." Milan was a domineering figure. He was 6'5 and riddled with muscle and scars. His dark skin glistened in the flourescent light as he strode through the hall.

He knocked lightly on the door and heard a small voice say "Come in." His son stood over the hospital bed crying softly. In his arms was a baby boy with light brown skin that watched the world around him curiously. His daughter in law lay tired and happy in the hospital bed, but their expressions quickly turned to surprise at the sight of Milan.

"Father?" His son, Shane, said.

"Yes. How is everything. All healthy?" Milan stepped forward excitedly his eyes glistening. This was new for him and he found the prospect of a grandson to be a second shot at family.

Shane hesitantly responded. "Yes we're good. He's very healthy. But why are you here?"

Milan stopped, acutely aware of his sons suspicions. "I wasn't kidding when I said I wanted to be there. I'm turning over a new leaf. May I hold him?" Milan stretched his arms out. Shane turned to his wife and made sure she was ok with it. After a silent exchange, Shane held the quiet baby out to his father, who gently took it into his muscular arms.

Milan felt an urge to cry, but Milan the demon general of the 75th cohort never cried. "He's beautiful. What's his name?"

Shane rested a hand on his wife's shoulder and said, "Atlas."