Chapter 33: The Rose’s Embrace

One thing about Margaery that stood out was her sharp mind, the woman helped him and Rhaenys gain the trust of the small folk, for now, the people didn't see them as the threat Cersei tried to paint them, for now they were on their good side. Currently the Rose of Highgarden was whimpered as her hips went back and forth gently and slowly, Marge sucked her lips when his fingers squeezed her rosy nipples.


"My King…" She gasped. "I'm so close my King." 


Aegon groaned, he was holding his orgasm and enjoying the girl's tight cunt for a couple minutes, the King's hand went to her neck and lowered her to his chest, he wrapped his both arms around her and positioned himself better. Aegon started to thrust upwards pistoling his cock into Margaery.


"By the seven! Aegon!" She moaned, Egg hummed and came, her cunt began to milk his cock a second later. The door opened and Rhaenys entered, she smirked and shook her head at them, then, the Queen sat on the edge of the bed and watched her husband fill their new paramour's cunt.


A few moments went by till both their peaks passed, Marge whimpered raising her hips and letting his cock slip from her, the former Queen laid on his side with eyes closed, she hadn't seen Rhaenys yet, so her reaction when the Queen brushed her hand on her cheek was very amusing.


"Rhaenys…! I mean your grace." Her eyes widened.


Looking down at her, the corner of Rhae's mouth raised. "My lady, I see you are enjoying my husband." 


Margaery blushed, she still was somewhat shy about how freely the Queen let the King lay with her, and with other women, and men, just like the Queen did to. It honestly let the Tyrell girl shocked.


"I-" She cleared her throat. "I am my Queen."


Rhaenys moved and leaned down, her lips touched Margaery's in a gentle kiss. "I've told you, too many times, you can call me by my name."


In this relative long period of time they spent with Margaery, in Dorne and now at Storm's End, Rhae grew closer and closer with the girl by the day, Aegon was impressed, most of the time when he brought someone to their bed his wife didn't treat them with much respect, like she was doing with the Rose just now.


"It's a habit Rhaenys." 


"A habit that you better lose." Rhae raised her brow.


"I'm working on it… pardon me for asking, but how did it go with the small folk?" Marge asked, Rhaenys discarded her sandals and laid beside the girl.


"Fine, after your help they came around eventually, Cersei is spreading lies about us. 'We came to burn their castles, rape their women and kill their husbands and children'." She said.


"We are killing their husbands and children." Aegon frowned.


"…Because its war, men decided to follow Cersei, and now they're paying, your army it's not invading homes and burning villages for the sake of it." Margaery said.


"Exactly." Rhaenys pointed out. A knock came from the door, since she was the only one dressed, Rhaenys groaned and went to the door. "A raven, my Queen." The guard handed her the letter, she nodded excusing the man, she turned and Marge was cleaning Aegon's cum from her cunt.


"Oh! It's from Daemon!" She exclaimed. "Hmm, he defeated the Lannisters… uhm, the Tyrell army are mostly dead, they have Highgarden." Rhae looked at Marge.


Margaery sat on the edge of the bed. "It saddened me to hear that, I'm sure good men were there, but it was predictable, our forces are not much of a good fighter. At least prince Daemon holds Highgarden now."


"Ummm, I wouldn't bet on that." Rhaenys mumbled reading the rest of letter.


Aegon sat. "Why?" He questioned.


Rhaenys sighed. "It seems our baby brother is on his way to the North…"


"He's what?"


"He intends to take Winterfell back from Roose Bolton, he says he is being plagued with dreams about a 'wolf' and the Stark seat." She explained.


"So, he won't be taking the West?" Aegon said, he was very aware that Daemon most of the times did what he wanted and tended to change whole plans hours before it could be executed, the King was not happy.


"Nope. I trust our brother, if he thinks this is for the best. Then we should support him." Rhae stated eying her husband's scowl, she sighed and put the latter on the mattress, she sat beside him. "The west didn't matter that much anyways, I remember Dae saying it was pointless taking Casterly Rock, besides, I think he will find a way to compensate."


Before Aegon could speak, Margaery said. "I think he did Rhaenys…" The Queen looked at Margaery who was with the latter in her hand. "Jaime Lannister was the one leading the army that Prince Daemon defeated, the kingslayer was captured and it's on his way here." 


Rhaenys shot a I told you look at Aegon, he rolled his eyes and laid again. "The only person who will be happy seeing him is Cersei, and I doubt that bitch will care that much about him."


"Euron Greyjoy was seen sailing to by a fisherman in the reach." Marge informed reading the end of the letter.


"He is going to Kingslanding." Aegon said.


"Can we try to intercept him?" Rhae asked.


Aegon shook his head and sighed. "No… he is probably close to Kingslanding by now."


Marge fondled the latter and put on the nightstand. "You could use Mrycella, the time I spent with her I got to know her… Cersei has a quick temper, do you believe that one time I offer her my friendship and called her sister, and her was response was recite the events of the Rains of Castemere for me, then threatened to strangle me while I sleep." She told them picking a brown gown and dressing it.


"She seems… lovely." Aegon frowned.


Margaery came close and sat beside Rhaenys. "Strike her pride, she is an impatient woman, her short temper will make her take a harsh decision, from there you can strike."


Rhaenys hummed, her hand went to Margaery shoulder pushing the woman down and laying Marge's head on her lap. "It seems we found someone that truly hates Cersei more than us, brother." The Queen brushed her finger of her paramour cheek.


Margaery's face hardened. "I despise her, my brother and father are dead because of her, I was taken as prisoner of the faith because of her, I hope she dies painfully and slowly." She murmured staring at the ceiling. 


Rhae exhaled. "She will die, I assure you that." 


The Queen turned to her husband and shook her head when she saw his eyes closing slowly, watching the Rose again, a grin appeared on her lips. "Why don't you and I take a warm bath?" She raised her brows.


Margaery's cheeks went slightly red. "I would enjoy that Rhaenys." 


"Great." Rhae said getting up and helping the girl stand up and leaving the chambers.



Three days later, Aegon was sitting on the throne of the round hall, his wife was at his side with Ser Arthur and Ashara, on the other side was Margaery's with Ser Barristan. 


"Are you sure he is going to maintain his composure?" Aegon murmured.


"He will." Ashara nodded.


"I can hear you." Arthur scowled.


"That's the point, you can have your animosity with Jaime Lannister, but with him we have a leverage with Cersei. So please, don't kill him." Aegon smiled and gave a short nod.


The doors opened and the prisoner was pushed inside, the chains around his wrist clanging loudly, Jaime wasn't on any armor, just brown tunic, trousers and boots. Aegon heard the noise of leather and looked at Arthur's hand wrapped tightly around the hilt of his sword.


The guards stopped in front of them. "Ser Jaime Lannister, we finally meet." Aegon said making the man raise his head. His sandy blonde hair was falling on his face, a face that that went from exhausted to shocked when his eyes locked with Arthur's. 


Arthur scowled and looked at him at disdain. 


" You look like him." He then looked to Ser Arthur and Ser Barristan. "Arthur… Barristan." Jaime mocked a bow.


"Oathbreaker." Arthur spat.


"I would be careful with her your grace, the men she beds intend to die." The kingslayer chuckled nodding at Margaery.


The Tyrell gave him a small smile. 


"I thank you for the worry, Ser, but I already have a wife." Aegon said.


"Why am I here?" Jaime exhaled. 


Aegon shrugged. "Leverage over your sister." 


The lion chuckled. "Cersei will never hand the throne for me, you're stupid if you think that." 


"Watch your tongue traitor!" The Sword of the Morning barked.


Jaime snorted. "You vanished with Rhaegar, Oswel and Gerold. You abandoned your king and aided a prince to kidnap a woman, and that led to war, don't judge me." 


Arthur went red and glared at Jaime, he walked in his direction, Ashara tried to hold his arm and failed.

The Sword of the Morning stopped in front of the kingslayer eying him with disgust. "Older… but still an arrogant boy…" He said in disappointment.


"I thank you, ser." Jaime gave him a fake smile.


Arthur narrowed his eyes. "Why did you kill him?" He asked. 


Jaime moved uncomfortably. "He was the mad king, he asked me to bring my father's head, I choose my father. Simple." 


Arthur raised his head staring at him. "A turn cloak then, I always knew you shouldn't be made a Kingsguard," He moved back. "I'm surprised your father never commanded you to kill Rhaegar… I'm sure you'll had do it." 


Jaime frowned. "I would never do that." 


Arthur shrugged. "You killed Aerys, You could very well try to kill Rhaegar. Although… you'll probably fail."


The kingslayer gritted his teeth. 


"That's enough, Sir Arthur." Aegon called. 


The Kingsguard narrowed his eyes at the Kingslayer and went back to his sister's side. 


Aegon went to speak, but before he could, Jaime said. "I already told your brother, I'm not betraying my sister." 


The king frowned. "Not even to save your daughter's life? I met Mrycella, a lovely girl." 


Jaime stiffened. "Cersei will never surrender the throne; she will die before it happens. Where is my brother?"


Rhaenys frowned. "Why'd you think we have your brother?"


The lion breathed and clenched his jaw. "I had a dinner with your lovely brother, he threatened to snap my brother's neck." 


A small grin appeared on the Queen's lips. "That sounds like Daemon, but don't worry, Tyrion's neck will be in place… for now at least. Speaking of him." She pointed to the side of the hall, the door opened, the imp walked in slowly, his eyes went to his brother.


"Your graces… brother, you look well." He murmured.


Jaime frowned. "Wha… what are doing?"


Tyrion breathed. "I… made an arrangement, with the King and Queen, I gave them the information of how take Kingslanding in exchange of your life." 


His brother's face went to many emotions till it went emotionless. "If Cersei surrenders, you know what that means."


The small man exhaled. "I know, but Cersei is out of her mind, it's for the best."


"Our sister's death?!" Jaime barked.


Tyrion looked at Aegon, who was with his elbow at the arm of the chair and fist on his cheek watching the interaction. He stepped close to his brother. "Cersei is not in her right mind; she blew up a sept with wildfire! Killing innocent people, if was not for Varys Margaery right there would be dead, she's just a girl!" Tyrion said loudly making his brother flinch. "Please, think about it, Mrycella is still alive and well, she is your daughter. Don't waste your life in a lost cause like Cersei."


Jaime just swallowed and squeezed his eyes. 


Seeing that he wasn't going to say anything, Rhaenys said. "You're a lucky man that we are not burning you alive Ser, for now you are our prisoner till you come around with your decision, you can walk freely through the castle with guards alongside you. If I was you, I would think this straight, choose your brother and live, or choose Cersei and die alongside her." 


Aegon looked at Rhaenys and nodded. "This is everything for now, take him away." He ordered.


Tyrion turned to Aegon, the king waved letting him go after his brother. 


"You should kill him." Arthur said.


Egg breathed. "I thank you for your opinion, Arthur. I can't simply kill him because we don't like him… I mean, I can, but it seems childish. If he does something that makes him earn his death, then we kill him, for now let him live." 


"You're doing the right thing My King." Barristan nodded at him.


Arthur rolled his eyes. "Your grace." He bowed and walked away. 


"I will talk to him." Ash put her hand on his shoulder, he smiled softly at her.


"I never thought Arthur would hate someone that much." Rhae murmured.


He sighed. "He's a turn cloak… he opened the gates for his father, the city was sacked and out mother died. Arthur has all the right to be mad."


"My King, My Queen, perhaps we should visit the small folk again, distract a little." Margaery adviced.


He nodded. "Yes, a gods idea." Aegon stood up and offered his arm to his sister. "Shall we." 


"I knew you would a good advisor Lady Margaery." Rhaenys smirked. 


The rose just bowed and walked beside them.