Chapter 36: Fury of the Dragon Queen

Daenerys was furious, how did nobody see this coming was honestly stupid, the castle was under attack, in fact, she was the target. She realized that when three Ironborn tried to bound her and take her to the harbor, she was able to escape though. Now she was in a midst of a fight with her sword buried in a pirate's neck.


"Did they really think this was a good idea?!" Daario shouted as he killed another man.


"Don't know!" She shouted back, The Dothraki were able to push them back to the Harbor quickly, the Ironborn was now running back to their boats. 


Daenerys saw a large galley at sea, black sails, and dark red hull, a golden Kraken on it. 




The princess could see some ships turning and starting to flee. "Oh… nuh uh." She murmured, Dany called Ella and ran back to the city, her dragon landed and she mounted. Taking to the air quickly Daenerys flew down to the sea, she looked down and ordered her dragon to lay fire on the ships, in just one pass Ella burned at least four ships.


The boats began to tear apart and block the other ones, she then urged the dragon to the harbour. "Dracarys!" She screamed burning the small boats who was carrying the Ironborn. Dany looked back in proud watching as ships clashed with other ships, men were jumping into the water trying to put down the fire from their bodies while their ships were torn apart by the fire.


Daenerys frowned and squeezed her eyes when an ugly noise came from Euron's ship, it was more like a painful sound mixed with a screeching. "What is that?" She looked down, at the deck stood the Greyjoy captain, and with him was huge horn, he laughed and blew a big horn again, it was of the size of person.


The princess felt Ella shake her head, the dragon was clearly annoyed by the sound. "Go on girl, Dracarys!" She cried out, Ella let a cry and pended to the right, Dany held firmly at the spikes, her eyes went to her dragon's wing and saw a small hole on it.


Her eyes trailed down to the silence and she saw a scorpion on it, Dany growled and pulled the spikes making her dragon go up and disappear on the dark night. The men on the ships watched with fear the sky looking for the dark dragon, with a screech the beast appeared for a few seconds flaming the ships around the silence leaving the pirate in despair.



Hours later the princess was back at the harbour, she watched the ships burn and the smoke leave the sky dark, from what she counted she burned at least twenty, the wreckage of them was preventing the other twenty to flee. "It was worthy?" She asked the captain. Euron was captured by Daario and Moro, and now he was on his knees with his hands tied behind his back.


Euron was a pale handsome man (she had to admit) with black hair and dark beard, he wore a patch on his left eye and the other was a blue like the sky. His lips were oddly blue. He clicked his tongue. "It was worth the shot." He shrugged. "It got me in front of gorgeous woman." A smirk appeared at his face.


Daenerys hummed a chuckle and watched her Dothraki take the Lannister armor from a dead soldier. "Take him to the cells, I will decide what to do with him later." She ordered her bloodriders.


Serysa sided with her. "Tell the men we will try to unblock the harbour later, but for now we will count our casualties." 


Daenerys nodded at let the woman go.



A day passed since the attack, after a well-deserved bath to relax her body from the soreness from the last battle, she was dressed in a white gown with a choker that held the front of it.


"The scouts came back, it seems the attack was somewhat calculated, her army left the Antler two to three days ago coming on our direction." Daario informed her as they walked through the hallway.


"So that means they will arrive in a week…" She stated. 


"Yes. Spearmen, horsemen and infantry." He listed; Dany stopped in front of her destination.


"Do those scorpions still work?" She asked with a slight frown.


"…no, but they can be fixed, why?" 


A small grin appeared on her face. "We can use them." She shrugged. "Those things were designed to try kill my dragon, imagine what they can do to men, armors and horses." 


Her paramour nodded seeing where she was going. "I will talk with Serysa and arrange it." He breathed eyed her. "Are you sure?" He nodded at the door.


Daenerys rolled her eyes. "Yes, I am, I did this before." The corner of her mouth twitched. Daenerys had one simple plan, try to seduce Euron, and if it worked, the probabilities of her taking Kings Landing were a sure thing.


"Call the unsullied if you need them." He advised giving her a kiss. She gave a nod and opened the door of the dungeons, it was empty, with just one cell occupied. 


The very same place that helped my House's downfall.


Daenerys didn't need a torch, it already had a few on the walls, also the windows were providing a good illumination. She walked till the last cell and looked inside, Euron was sitting on a bench, he eyed her and raised a brow.


"A lowly place for a princess," he said intertwining his fingers.


Dany looked around. "I've been in worst." 


"What can this humble sailor do to help you? Your grace. " He mocked. 


Daenerys leaned on the bars. "I wanted to ask why come on a suicidal mission… and why Cersei sent you. I've heard of you before, from your niece and nephew. They said you were a smart man."


Euron spat. "Those fuckers, of course they went running to Essos. And Cersei didn't send in a suicidal mission, I came willingly."


She frowned. "Why? Did you really think you could capture me?" 


"I tried," He gave a shrug. "It almost work." Euron narrowed his eyes at her, his eyes scanning every inch of her body. "Why are here princess?" 


Daenerys looked at him with innocence. "I was curious, 'the crow's eye, the infamous and feared man.'" 


"Hmm, I hope you like what you see, dragon girl." He said straightening his back. 


Daenerys gave him a smirk. "I do." She hummed, his brow raised. With that Dany spun and left him there.



The next day at the same time, she visited him again, this time she sent him buckets with water for a bath and then some food. She was wearing the same dress just with a different color, black. 


"Should I thank you?" Euron said.


"If you want." She raised her shoulders lightly.


"Thank you." He mocked a bow.


Her lips raised. "Why did you ally yourself with Cersei?" 


He stood up from his bench and walked through the cell. "She's a Queen, she's pretty… and I never fucked a Queen, she's a Queen." 


Daenerys just blinked a couple of times and stared at him, he stopped and shrugged at her. "When I met Yara she said you wanted to be my husband, take your ships to Essos and bring me to Westeros, and then give me your big cock." She said slowly.


He smirked. "As I said, I never fucked a Queen. And looking at you, I should have gone to Essos." 


Dany matched his smirk. "You still can fuck a Queen, Queen Rhaenys Targaryen." 


"Isn't she married?" He said.


"Yes… but I could move some sticks." She licked her lips.


"Hmm, how is she?" He asked moving back to his bench. 


Dany hummed. "Beautiful, dark hair with a silver stripe, round breasts and arse, firm tits. She's truly breathtaking." 


Euron nodded, he closed his eye and hummed, clearly imagining her niece. Daenerys' eyes widened when he bucked his hips and lowered his trousers, he spat on his hand and wrapped around his soft cock, his balls were weirdly hairless and around his cock the hair was trimmed. 


"What are you doing?" She questioned, his hand going up and down. 


He opened his eye and stared at her. "I'm thinking about fucking your niece." Euron hummed, both kept staring at each other, neither of them wiling to break contact, Daenerys began to feel her cunt get wet. How she didn't break contact with him, she didn't see his cock in its full glory, a minute passed and he clenched his jaw and came all over his hand, his eyes shut tightly and she lowered her gaze to his cock, it was long and thick with a curve to the left.


Her eyes went back to his and he opened. "I thank you, princess, I needed that." His tone was a mocking one, he panted a couple times too.


The princess grinned at him and turned, leaving him again.



Next day, Daenerys dressed herself in a black Qartheen gown, the material made her skin and breast even more flashy. She had sent Euron another bath and some food, she walked to his cell and stopped resting her hands on the bars.


"Hmm, Qartheen. Quite the fashion they have there." Euron wetted his lips eying her exposed tit.


"I have to agree, Qartheen gowns are very refreshing." She looked down at her body. "I have a proposition for you…" 


He raised his brow in interest, he motioned for her to proceed. "Ally yourself with me, leave Cersei. She can't win this war." She proposed.


Euron blinked slowly and hummed, his eye went to her breast and he raised his hips and lowered his trousers, he spat on his hand and began to stroke himself. "You burned half of my ships and my men." He murmured.


"You attacked me, I just defended myself. Actually, you are very much lucky that scorpion didn't hurt my dragon, If it had we wouldn't be talking right now." Daenerys told him with a low voice.


"My sincere apologies…" He moaned, his eye never leaving her breast. "But for me to betray Cersei… my Queen…" He smirked, curiously this time was in mock. "… I would like to have the Iron Islands."


Her eyes went to his cock, his hand gripping tightly, his pink cockhead fully exposed and precum leaking from it, Dany brushed her tongue on her lower lip. "You already have them." 


"I do." Greyjoy panted. "But I want to be sure that I see no dragon and a fleet will be at the horizon as soon… as soon Cersei be dead." He moaned, he was getting close, and her pussy was dripping.


"You have my word." She lied. 


"Oh!" Euron gasped. "And my niece and nephew… I want them." Daenerys knew what he wanted to do with them, so she agreed with him.


"Both of them showed to be useless, they fled from you and asked for protection, it will be my pleasure to hand them to you." The princess told him what he wanted to hear. "When I come back, I will want an answer."


"Fuck…" He moaned, his seed was dumped in his hand again, five loads of thick cum. Euron went to look at her face but when he did, she was already turning and leaving.



On the next day Daenerys didn't visit him, she sent him food and a bath, but she didn't visit. But now the next day after that she was waiting outside the dungeons, and on her body was nothing more than a white nightgown and sandals, the material was thin and transparent enough for her nipples to being seen, the hem ended right on her knees. 


A knock on the door caught her attention and she opened, her bloodrider nodded at her and she entered, three more Dothraki were there, Daenerys gave them a nod and ordered them to wait at the door. The princess made her way to Euron's cell, the pirate was sitting on the floor with his back against a pilar and his hands tied on it. 


Dany pulled the door and entered his cell, his eye went on her immediately, eying her from her toes till her eyes. "Do you have my answer?" She cocked her head looking down at him, Greyjoy pursed his lips wetting them. 


"You didn't visit yesterday," He said.


Daenerys spun and walked slowly, giving him the vision of her arse. She heard him let a little breath. "My proposition was a hard one, I just wanted to give you time to think clearly." She moved and was now facing him again. "Your response, please." She drawled.


A second passed and he nodded. "I accept." Came the response.


Daenerys smiled. "Good. Now," She stepped close to him, she crouched and held the waistband of his breeches, she lowered till his ankles exposing his half-hard cock. 


Already? She suppressed a giggle. 


Dany licked her palm and wrapped her soft hand around his girth, she gently stroked. Euron was looking at her in surprise and lust, he didn't speak, letting her get him hard. Not even twenty seconds later he was hard, she grinned at him. "To seal our alliance…" She passed her leg above his and supported herself on her knees. Dany moved forward brushing her breasts on his face, raising her gown with one hand, the other held his cock and lined him with her wet folds.


The princess put the cockhead on her entrance and sank down, Euron and Daenerys moaned together, she held his shoulder and began to move her hips back and forth. Dany lowered her dress showing him her tits, he groaned and twitched inside her.


"Suck them." She invited, not needing to be told twice the pirate captured her nipple, he sucked harshly making her hiss in pleasure and her hips start to move faster. Euron bit her nub and pulled, then went to the other sucking and licking till it was hard.


"Did Cersei let you suck her tits?" She moaned.


He hummed and shook his head. "Whore didn't even let me squeeze her bum." Euron mumbled sucking her breasts.


"It looks like you made a better agreement with me…" She whined and throbbed.


"Aye…" He groaned, Daenerys held his face and raised his head, she kissed his blue lips with eagerness and sloppiness. They hummed on each other mouths and Daenerys felt his cock swollen inside her.


"Go on… seal our alliance, cum inside me." She bit his lip. Euron gasped and groaned loudly, he twitched inside her throwing five jets of thick cum on her womb. Daenerys rotated her hips as he softened.


"What a tight cunt…" He whispered throwing his head back and closing his eye. A soft sigh left his lips, he opened his eye and stared at her, she smiled raising her dress and standing up, his soft cock slipping from her


"Cersei's army is close, the one who was in the Antlers. You will stay here till I defeat them." She informed him. 


His brows furrowed, he said. "I thought we were Allies." 


"We are," She crouched beside him, his seed was starting to drip out from her. "But I don't want any surprises, don't worry, till then I will improve your staying here. And besides, I will visit you more times." She winked at him and pecked his cheek, she got up and walked out leaving the pirate.


My cunt is really my most valuable weapon. She thought sarcastically.



The princess blinked as the cold wind hit her face, she was hovering above the clouds with Ella, they were just above the Lannister army, it was deep at night and luckily her dragon could disguise herself on the sky. Taking a deep breath Daenerys lowered herself on Ella's back and held her spikes tightly and the dragon silently dove in direction on the enemy's camp. 


Daenerys watched as the barracks appeared quickly alongside the small spots of light, with a simple command the dragon opened its big mouth spitting a gigantic fireball on the enemy's camp, the fireball destroyed at least twenty tents, Ella opened her wings and hovered, Daenerys shouted 'Dracarys' making the dragon let out a stream of fire, dozens and dozens of tents being destroyed.


Guiding her dragon up, the princess quickly was at a safe height again. Looking at the horizon, Dany could see ser Dothraki riding hard in direction of the camp. Commanding her dragon to lower again, Dany flew above the camp laying waste on the Lannister army, screams and shouts spread of the whole camp.


On the ground the soldiers were in despair as they were hit by a surprise attack by the silver haired princess, the men didn't know if they ran to put their armor, helped their companions, or just flee trying to save their lives. It didn't take much time until the hordes and hordes of horselords arrived, slaughtering every man in their path, the trenches and spikes that they built was useless, the flames of the dragon had destroyed them and the horses simply jumped them.


Daenerys landed her dragon on a hill and watched a slaughter happen, her men were ruthless, slaying every man on their path, she looked to the scorpions she brought were used, a projectile was shot empaling five soldiers at once. Her attack was aggressive and merciless, a bit too much maybe, but she knew she couldn't risk anything. All their enemies had to die.