Chapter 42: Desires

Daemon sighed when he saw Winterfell in the distance, he left Castle Black before dawn and urged Lyx to fly fast, neither he nor the Dragon wanted to stay much longer at the wall. He had asked for Val, Tormund and Ygritte to take the wight that was at the ice cells to Winterfell, just showing the creature could prove the existence of the White Walkers and the Night King.


He was able to convince maester Aemon to travel to Winterfell too, but something told him that was going to be last time he was going to see the man. Daemon didn't want Aemon to spend his final days at a damned wall. The Free folk were given Eastwatch and the Shadow Tower, Sigorn promised peace between his people and the brothers of the watch.


Lyx hovered for a minute before she landed in front of the castle, Daemon could see the banners from the northern houses. He intended to spend three days at the wall, but those three days extended into a whole week, and it granted enough time for a good handful of Houses arrive. The prince frowned when he saw bodies in piles behind the castle.


His dragon lowered her shoulder, Dae picked up Darksister that was in a scabbard wrapped in a cloth tied up to his saddle. Blackfyre was on his back. He got down from the dragon and the beast walked to the back of the castle where the bodies were.


The gates opened and he entered. "Prince Daemon Targaryen!" A man shouted catching him by surprise.


That was definitely Sansa's idea.


He knew the formalities, but he still found them odd. The men and women knelt, except two, two women who were holding their laugh after seeing the little jump he made after he was announced. 


Daemon cleaned his throat. "Rise!" 


He made his way to Nym and Ty. "My prince." Ty bowed. "You stayed away longer than expected." The prince just grumped something and embraced the woman, then her sister.


"I will tell you all later… it's quite… a lot." He murmured. 


"Oh, I bet." Nymeria said raising a brow and looking at the hilt of the sword at his back. 


"You want to tell me about all those bodies?" He cocked his head. 


"…hmm, I would say, consequences of your actions." Nym clicked her tongue. "Also, we may have a bit of a big problem… depending on the perspective, of course."


"Oh." Daemon groaned. "Big, big?"




"My prince, Lord Wyman Manderly." Ty stepped forward and introduced a man that was bigger than him and Tyene combined. He has pale blue eyes and a beard, and gods how someone's belly can be that big?


"My lord." The prince greeted. 


"My prince, I can see the Stark resemblance." Wyman said and he nodded at the man.


"Lady Jonelle Cerwyn." Ty introduced the plump woman. "…My prince" 


"My lady." 


The next two surprised him. "Lord Glover, Lady Mormont." He grinned sarcastically. 


"My prince." They lowered their heads. 


Daemon then greeted a few smaller houses before he announced. "I will excuse myself for now, tonight I invite you all to a feast." They nodded at him and began to enter the castle.


Smirking, Daemon wetted his lips at his cousin's absence. He pulled both sister to the side. "Where's my cousin?" 


Nymeria rolled her eyes while Tyene shook her head with a small smirk. "Don't know Dae, we were talking and then we heard Lyx's roar, she blushed and excused herself." 


Nice, very nice.


"Hm, odd. Well, it was a long trip, I will go to my chambers now." The prince smiled at them.


"Sharing is caring." Ty mused. 


Daemon rolled his eyes. "After I finish come to my chambers." He told them and left.



As he made his way to his chambers, his heart beated fast in excitement, Val did a good job distracting him from his current main target. He arrived at his chambers and looked around, the only ones who were close was the two unsullied guarding the hall. The prince opened the door and entered, he closed and walked inside. Not being able to hold, he smirked at the sight on his bed.


There stood on the middle of blankets, his bare cousin, her pink cunt right at his eyesight, her pale breasts displayed for him, and her red hair spread out on pillows.


"That's a great way to be received." He hummed, walking to the table, Daemon put Darksister on the table and then he unsheathed Blackfyre and put it beside the other sword. Dae took his cloak, surcoat and his tunic, his boots were kicked to the corner.


Turning around he walked to the bed, Sansa's eyes were on him. He climbed on the bed and laid beside her, she turned her head to him staring at his face.


"When I arrived a man shouted my name, that was you…" He caressed her cheek.


"You're a prince, it's the norms." She said shyly.


"Hmhm." He mumbled. Lowering his head he captured her lips, sliding his tongue on her mouth the prince hummed felling her tongue brushing against his. 


Daemon captured her lower lips and sucked, then he broke the kiss, he took his breeches off and got on top of her. "Hmhmm, so beautiful Sansa…" Dae kissed her neck, her hands went to his neck and she sighed as he sucked her skin.


"Dae…" She moaned.


"Are you a maiden Sansa?" He murmured against her neck. 


"Yes." She whispered. Groaning, he twitched, he was going to be her first.


Gods, she must be so tight.


Daemon also had a small theory, sex with Dany and Rhae was always outstanding, many times better than with other women. How he shared blood with Sansa, he was really curious to know how fucking his cousin felt. Getting to his knees, he spread her legs watching her pink folds, a grin appeared on his lips when he saw the wetness on it.


"Already wet Sansa? I barely did anything…" Daemon hummed, he earned a blush from her, stroking his cock till it got hard, he rubbed the head on her wetness making her whimper.


"It's so big…" She murmured with fear on her eyes. 


"Don't be scared, I will be gentle." He shot her a grin. Sansa nodded and swallowed. 


Not wanting her to feel uncomfortable, he had an idea. "Stand up." He tapped her leg, frowning, she obeyed getting on her knees. Daemon laid and motioned with his head to his cock, biting her lips, she understood what he meant it.


Passing her leg above his hips, she positioned herself above his cock. His hands rested on her thighs. "Take my cock Sansa." He said, she did. "You know what to do…" His fingers brushed on her milky skin.


Breathing, she lined his cock with her entrance, slow she lowered herself, Daemon moaned as his cockhead entered her, Sansa also let a small moan. For the little of what they did, the prince already knew that it would be good, not like Dany and Rhae, but somewhat in between. 


His cousin whimpered and continued to empale herself, finally after a few seconds he was fully inside her. Dae shuddered and his cock throbbed inside her, Sansa whined. Not being patient enough, his hands went to her hips and started to move her.


Sansa shyly began to move her hips back and forth, her hands rested on his chest. "It feels so good…" She closed her eyes.




"Fuck… you're so tight." Daemon hummed, his hand went to her breast and squeezed, he captured her hard nipple and pulled earning a small noise from his cousin. Sansa's fingers began to dig at his chest as her hips began to move faster. "Just like that Sansa… ride my cock…" 


The Stark girl moaned and began to ride him, her warm walls squeezing him making him let a loud moan. Watching her face he could see that she wasn't in pain, maybe a little due his thickness, decided to change positions, the prince wrapped his arms around his cousin and rolled.


Sansa gasped and he was now on top of her, he laid on above and held her wrists holding them beside her head, he pulled his hips back till just the head of his cock was on her, with a smooth thrust he penetrated her again. 


"Oh gods…" She gasped.


Daemon sealed their lips and kissed her deeply. "You like that?" He repeated the motion, she nodded. "Do you want it harder?" Dae whispered again her lips.


Taking a shaky breath. "Yes, please."


Grinning he started to fuck her, his hips making a steady pace. Daemon had to admit, Sansa felt heavenly, she was tight, and wet. 


"Dae…" She whimpered a minute later.


"Hm?" He grunted.


"I'm close." Sansa breathed intertwining her legs with his. 


Hearing that he increased his thrusts, he looked down at her and her eyes rolled. Sansa let a pitchy moan and clenched around his cock, Daemon gasped feeling her walls wrap around his girth. Following her, he also came, jets and jets of hot cum was throw deep in Sansa. 


A minute later when the pleasure began to lower, he gently kissed his cousin then slipped from her rolling to the side. 


"That… that was very good." Sansa murmured.


Daemon sighed. "Uhum, that's just the beginning, I will fuck you plenty of times, Cousin." 


Sansa flushed a little. They were surrounded by silence for few moments before her eyes widened slightly, it was also due his cum leaking from her, Dae already knew was she was thinking.


"Ty or Nym will provide you the moon tea, you don't need to worry." He told her before she could panic.


"Oh, okay." Sansa visibly calmed down.


Daemon extended his arm and picked a piece of cloth, he cleaned his cock and tossed the cloth at Sansa for her to clean herself. Standing up, he walked till the table and pulled the chair, he sat and opened the drawer picking up a paper and pencil. 


He blinked feeling his cousin's gaze at him. "Come here." He called, knowing what she would do, he said. "Uncloaked." 


Sansa blinked and went to him, Dae moved his chair to the side a little and patted his knee, she sat on his lap then her eyes widened when she saw the swords. "That's Valyrian steel." She said.


Daemon raised a brow. 


"House Stark used to have one, Ice. Tywin melted it and made two swords for House Lannister." Sansa explained clenching her jaw. He gave her a sad smile. 


Knock knock.


His cousin's head turned to the door. 


"Enter." He called already knowing who it was.


"Daemon!" Sansa exclaimed trying to stand up, he quickly wrapped his arm around her waist holding her in place. Tyene and Nymeria entered a second later. 


"I told you she was a vision." Ty said observing Sansa's body, his cousin seemed to want to be anywhere less in there.


"So pretty boy, why did you take so long up there?" Nymeria questioned. 


Tyene walked slowly till them and stopped, she licked her lips watching Sansa's body. "He is good, isn't he?" She held the redhead's chin.


Holding back a blush, Sansa nodded. "Hmm, did you know I want to fuck you? Nym wants too." Ty told her softly making her eyes go wide.


"I-I…" The Stark stuttered.


"Tsk." Tyene shushed her, leaning in, the Sand Snake pressed her lips against the she wolf's lips. After a few moments she pulled back with a lopsided grin. "I will fuck you really good Lady Stark." With a wink, Ty moved back and turned looking down at Blackfyre.


He chucked and patted Sansa's leg, she got to her feet and he went to his paramours side. "Sit." He told Sansa pointing to the chair.


"I had a few issues there…" Daemon pursed his lips at Nym.


"What type of issues?" She asked.


"Wildlings, and… and…" He cleaned his throat. "White Walkers." 


"White Walkers?" The three women raised their brows.


Tyene sighed shaking her head. "I always dreaded this day, I've always thought it would never come… but it seemed I was wrong. It will be quick, love." She said pulling out her dagger and raising it at him.


"Ty!" Nymeria scolded, Sansa was looking at her with wide eyes.


"What?" She exclaimed, then sheathed her dagger.


"I'm not mad, they are real. They are fucking real." Daemon let a frustrated sigh. "I fought them, wights and a White Walker. I have proof, they're bringing the wights from the wall." 


Tyene stared at him. "Oh, shit you're not lying." She murmured after a few seconds.


"I wish I was; you should see it… his hand was cutted and still moved. The only thing that can defeat them is fire, dragonglass, and Valyrian steel." He nodded to Darksister, who was still wrapped on the cloth, Ty frowned and unpacked the sword. 


"You have Blackfyre and Darksister?!" She exclaimed.


"How?" Sansa asked.


Daemon crossed his arms. "Uncle Aemon, he had them, all this time people thought they were lost, it was actually at the wall with him."


"How did you face these wights and where? And why?" Nymeria shot question after question.


"Beyond the wall, a wildling asked for my help, to help her people to cross the wall. I did help and when we arrived at the camp we were attacked by them on the next day. You have to see to believe it Nym, I saw a man attack a Walker with a normal sword, as soon his blade clashed with the ice sword from the Walker, it shattered. If it wasn't for Blackfyre I wouldn't be here." He answered seating on the edge of the bed.


"What about your dragon?" His cousin asked, her arms and legs were crossed trying to cover herself from Ty's preying eyes.


"Lyx couldn't cross the wall, the same magic that doesn't let the dead cross, it stops her."


After that silence fell around them, Sansa stood up and laid on the bed. 


"Those bodies?" He asked.


"Stannis' army, they attacked two days after you left, we quickly defeated them. We captured, Davos Seaworth and Shireen Baratheon, the girl is locked in a chamber." Nymeria informed. "And… Yara Greyjoy is gone." She added.


"What?! How?" He said questioned.


"She was wounded in the attack, really nasty shit, her neck was cut and she choked on her own blood. Her brother is his chambers, staring at the wall since the attack." Nym explained.


Daemon rubbed his eyes. "That's just great, fuck. I will think what to do later, she was the one we needed to rule Iron Islands. After the feast we will discuss everything with more calm and details." 


Tyene put Darksister back at the table and walked to him, she cupped his face. "We will help you with everything you need. About the… dead, I know you had nightmares with them, but everything will be fine." She kissed his lips, Nymeria leaned and did the same. 


"Let us distract you…" Nym rubbed his cheek. He smiled, turning his head back, he saw Sansa look at them awkwardly. Daemon pulled Ty close to him and whispered on her ear, quickly she began to undress, beside the bed it had a couch against the wall, the prince stood up taking Nymeria's hand.


He sat on it and opened his legs, grinning, the Sand Snakes got on her knees and took him in her mouth. Tyene who was now stark naked eyed him. 


"Sansa." He called, the woman looked at him. "Spread your legs…" He ordered, his hand resting on the dornish's head. Sansa bit her lip and glanced over Tyene who was walking towards her like ghost would do with his prey. Shyly his cousin did as he told and opened her legs.


Ty hopped in the bed and laid between the Stark's legs. "So pink… and red." She giggled. "He fucked you hard, didn't he?" 


Fighting the urge of burying her face on the pillows, Sansa nodded weakly. "Just a little, I asked." She mumbled.


Ty chuckled. "Of course you did… now let me take a taste of this cunt." She gave a lick on Sansa's folds. Sansa bit her lips and breathed.

For the next minutes he watched Ty eat his cousin out, Nymeria got him hard again and rode him till she came, after he dealt with one sister, he went to the other, he put Tyene on her fours beside Sansa and fucked her in front on the redhead, for his amusement his cousin's eyes were all the time on them.



Aegon moaned as he felt Daenerys wall's clench around his cock, his aunt was on all fours getting pounded by him, it had been three days since they conquered King's Landing and now was the only time he and Rhaenys got to enjoy their aunt, Rhaenys whimpered holding tight on Dany's hair while she got her cunt licked.


His cock twitched and shots and shots of cum was throw inside his aunt, humming, he pulled back his cock a few seconds later, his seed quickly started to leak from her dripping on the sheets. His wife had reached her peak too, Dany was now just lapping her tongue on her cunt lazily.


Daenerys gave Rhaenys a last lick before she swallowed her saliva and moved from between her niece's thighs, rolled from the bed and cleaned Aegon's cum from her cunt.


"Euron seemed a bit of let down for what we heard about him." Rhaenys mused sitting on the bed.


Dany smiled weakly, Egg nudged her arm handing her the ale, he then gave Rhae a cup too. "He is a bit dangerous, and sort of mad. But I think I'm doing a good work in taming him." She said picking up her gown and dressing in it, she didn't tie up the front, it was just to stop the breeze that was coming from outside that hit her back and give her chills.


Her niece crossed her legs. "And how… did you tamed him?" Rhaenys raised her brow. 


Sipping from the cup, she said. "My cunt." 


Rhaenys let a short laugh. "Who would've thought, shy Dany using her pussy as bargain."


Daenerys held back a flush, she didn't know why, she could sleep with sellswords, Dothraki and a pirate, neither of them would made her blush, like her kin did. "Shut up." She mumbled into the cup making Rhae giggle.


"How did you lure him to our side? You didn't explain that." Aegon asked.


Daenerys rested her back on the chair. "He tried to capture me as I told you in the letter, then I locked him up, I visited him every day… talked to him, while dressed in short, revealing gowns, Qartheen dresses too. And oh!" She exclaimed. "I told him I was going to give him something he always wished." 


"And that is?" Rhaenys asked.


"He never fucked a Queen." Dany smiled at her, Aegon raised a brow looking at his sister, who was staring at Daenerys flatly.


After a second the Queen shook her head gently. "You're lucky he is handsome." She said drinking her ale. 


"And has a big cock." Dany added. 


"Even better." Her niece raised her brows slightly. "I just want to know how we will deal with him, that used to be an enemy, and now is our ally, and Yara and Theon, the former wishes the Iron Islands." Rhaenys cocked her head.


"Well…" Dany started awkwardly. "I've kinda promised him he would have them." She let a little humorously laugh.


"Gods Dany." Aegon murmured picking a grape from the table. 


"What? I had a plan to take the city. The city that was above wildfire jars and we couldn't use our dragons without Cersei blowing up the capital. It had to be a high reward, besides, Euron helped us more with our conquest than Yara and Theon." Daenerys said. At first, she was going to kill Euron after they took the city, but the man showed be a most valuable ally than the other two Greyjoys. 


Looking at her niece and nephew she could see that that couldn't argue with that. "They rebelled before, what make they don't do it again?" Egg crossed his arms.


"Don't worry, I thought on that too."


Not content with the short answer, Rhaenys said. "Care to share?"


Another sip. "I will keep him at bay, don't you worry. I will pay him visits, 'diplomatic' ones, these will make him stay under your rule like a good lord." 


Rhaenys frowned and spoke after a second. "So in exchange for peace and order… you have to keep fucking him?" 




"Are you sure you want that?" Aegon walked to her.


Dany smiled and held his hand and kissed gently. "Yes Egg, I'm sure. Everything is fine." Aegon sighed and shrugged and leaned to kiss her head. 


"Who would've thought that you would take Rhae's place as the cock slut." He murmured stepping back, Rhaenys' brows furrowed in offense. This time Dany couldn't hold her blush.


"Anyways… when will Dae arrive?" Rhaenys asked. Daenerys was curious at that too, she didn't had received a direct letter from her husband since they went one to each side of Westeros.


"Don't know, I already sent a raven to Winterfell, also to all the Houses of Westeros to come here and bend the knee. I'm sure he must be into something there; danger seems to follow Daemon." Aegon mused with a smile as he remembered his brother.


Dany and Rhae hummed a laugh. "I'm sure Nym and Ty are keeping him at bay. Until we heard from him, we continue our duty here." Rhaenys said earning nods from both of them.


Daenerys sighed, she missed her husband dearly, but she knew he would be with her sooner than later, so for now she just has to wait.