Chapter 47: A Royal Disguise

The cloaked figure walked down the street of silk, it was the middle of the day and people were unknowing bumping into their new King's shoulders, two disguised guards followed him doing their best to protect the royal. Arriving at his destination, the King stopped in front of the door and knocked.


A minute later it was opened. "My apologies my lord, we are not open today." A dark skinned woman around Ashara's age peaked through a crack. She went to close the door but he put his feet stopping her. "Listen-"


"Maybe you could help your King?" Aegon murmured raising his cloak just a little showing his face and hair.


The woman's eyes widened. "Oh! Seven hells, apologies!" She quickly opened the door letting him and his guards in.


"It's fine…" He said softly after she closed the door, Aegon scanned the brothel, it was a very luxurious place, the air smelled exotic spices, his eyes widened when he saw the mosaic of two women on the floor. An old man was in the corner playing pipes.




"The orders you received must had been restricted." Aegon continued, turning to the woman.


"They were my King…" She smiled at him.


"You two wish some…?" He eyed both guards. The men changed glances.


"Yes my King."


"Please, give them the best you have." He told the woman. "Pardon, your name?"


"Chataya, your grace." She bowed. "The owner."


"A pleasure lady Chataya, a beautiful place you have here. My…-"


"Upstairs my King, on the last room." Alayaya informed him.


He nodded and went upstairs, he walked in the long hall and finally arrived at the last room. Aegon heard the sound of skin hitting skin, then giggles. "Harder!" Came the muffled voice he knew, as his wife commanded, the sound became louder. He held the handle and opened the door.


Aegon let a low chuckle, his naked sister was on her knees on the big round bed in the middle of the room, she was beside a equally naked Margaery, a little far from her, Ari was with her head on pillows with a woman eating her cunt.


"Brother!" Rhaenys exclaimed, she was encouraging the man to fuck the rose harder. Aegon had realized that his sister enjoyed making Margaery Tyrell act like a whore.


"Rhae." He said closing the door, the room was being lightened by its big windows, they were on the second floor, so nobody could see them. "Ari."


"Hmhm." Was the only response from his cousin.


"Quite the place you found." The King walked to the bed. He sat in front of Marge, her hair was on her face and her skin red, he raised a brow at his Queen.


"Josian here… is the third man our little rose had took today." Rhaenys grinned pinching Marge's arse making her let a little whimper. "And yes, this is the best brothel in King's Landing, this one right here is Chataya's daughter, Alayaya." She pointed to the dark skinned woman that was between Ari's legs.


With a wet pop, Alayaya let go of Ari's clit. "Your grace." She said before going back to her task.


"You're over dressed brother." Rhaenys grinned crawling off the bed, she held his cloak and untied, then every piece of cloth he had was on the floor. "That's how I like it." His sister clapped and seconds later the door was opened. A maroon haired short woman, a blonde woman tall as he, and a dark skinned curled haired man entered.


His wife bit her lip, she made way till the three whores and cocked her head. "What do you think of this one?" She said passing her hand under the strap of the dress of the blonde woman revealing her tits, they were small, her nipples too.


"No?" She mouthed to him.


Leaving the blonde, his sister walked to the woman with maroon hair, pulling the straps of her dress to the sides, two big tits fell slightly, Rhae untied the laces and the whole gown fell, a bush was above the whore's cunt.


Aegon nodded.


"Your name?" Rhae asked.


"Lina, your grace." Lina said with a grin.


"To the bed, Lina." She slapped the whore's arsecheek. "Oh! This one I don't even have to ask." She giggled knowing his enjoyment in men.


His lip raised and he went to the man.


"You." Rhaenys called the blonde. "To her." She nodded at Ari.


The Queen positioned herself behind the man and opened his tunic, a muscled chest and toned belly made the King hum. "Your name?" Aegon asked passing his fingers on the man's smooth cheek while Rhae started to take his trousers off.


"Mara, my King." He introduced himself with a deep voice.


Rhaenys lowered his trousers, a thick and long black cock that made Aegon throb. The King leaned and kissed Mara on his full lips, Egg groaned loudly feeling his tongue against Mara's, the man held his face and his other hand went down to squeeze his arse. The summer islander man broke the kiss and went down to the King's neck, kissing it.


Rhaenys watched with a smirk her husband throw his head back and gasped, Mara was sucking his neck earning moans from him.


"Aaah! Aah!" The moans came from the bed, the man who was fucking Marge was buried in her and clearly filling her with cum. With a bright smile she went to the bed, the man whore pulled back and his spunk began to drip from the Tyrell's pussy.


"You're dismissed." She pecked his cheek. "Tell Chataya to send another two." Rhae whispered on his cheek.


Rhaenys looked at Marge's wet folds, passing a fingers on it the woman flinched slightly, bringing her fingers to her lips she sucked tasting the sweet cum from the man. With a grunt Rhaenys spun the woman, Margaery's face was glistening with sweat and she was panting, she crawled and positioned herself above her. "Hmm, you're not tired are you?"


Margaery blinked slowly. "No your grace." She mumbled.


"Good, because, you, come here." She called Lina, the woman crawled to her. "Sit on her face, and just stop when you cum." She commanded.


A look of surprise appeared on the whore's face, but a lopsided grin took place shortly after. "As her Grace wishes." The whore put one leg on each side of Marge's head and lowered her cunt on her mouth, Margaery's tongue started to lap on the woman's folds.


The mattress moved and she looked at her husband pushing Mara on the bed, his eyes were on the man's cock.


And what a cock he had.


His cock was thick and long, and she could tell her brother was eager to put it on his arse, but for now he didn't, Aegon bit his lip crawled to the bed getting between the whore's legs, her husband hummed and wrapped his fingers around the shaft stroking gently, a couple seconds later he wrapped his lips around the cock.


Her attention was caught when the door opened again and two men entered, both of them muscled and toned, one was green eyed and blonde, and the other tanned with a shoulder length dark hair.


"Your Grace." They bowed.


"Undress." She ordered. They did and her eyes trailed down on their smooth cocks, the blonde was bigger than the dark haired, so she choose him. "Names?"


"Rydan." The blonde said.


"Riler." The dark haired said.


She nodded. "Riler, you see this bitch right here?" She pointed to Margaery earning a nod from him. "She's Margaery Tyrell." Their eyes widened. "Exactly…" Rhae smirked. "You're going to fuck her as long as you can, and hard as you can."


He smiled a lowered his head. "I shall do my best, my Queen." Riler made his way to Marge.


"And you Rydan, you're are going to have the honor to fuck a Targaryen Queen." Rhaenys called him with her finger, his cock twitched and she giggled watching him march on her direction.


In a blink he was pressed against her with their lips and tongues brushing wildly against each other, he fondled her tits with one hand and with the other he teased her folds.


gods I love whores so much.


Two fingers entered her and she mewled on his mouth, Rydan grinned against her lips. "Lay down my Queen." He said softly. Rhaenys laid on the the mattress and spreaded her legs, before she could register, his mouth was on her cunt.


"Yes…" She moaned, turning her head to the side, Riler was pushing his cock into Marge, the whore who was riding her face was with her mouth agape and fondling her own tits.


fucking bitch, used to be a Queen and now you're serving two whores.


Her husband not surprisingly was on his back holding his legs wide while Mara pouted oil on his cock and Aegon's arsehole, the man aimed his cock on her King's tight hole and pushed the head in, Aegon whined when he pulled back teasing him, doing it again and again, after the third time teasing he penetrated her brother with a strong push.


"Hmhhmm." Her husband moaned like a slut.


Speaking of slut, her cousin was also on her back, with the blonde whore thrusting the fake cock into her, Alayaya was on her side doing her best to lick Ari's clit.


"Fuck…" Rhaenys attention was brought to the man between her legs, he sucked her bundle of nerves gently and moved his fingers inside her. "Move." She ordered and he pulled back, the Queen got on her hands and knees and shook her bum.


Rydan smirked and got in position behind her rubbing his hardening cock on her folds. He didn't cared that he wasn't hard yet, he shoved his shaft inside her dump pussy and gasped as her walls gave him a squeeze.




The boy whore buried himself in her and started his work, she moaned as she felt him getting rigid inside her. He slapped her arse making her groan.


"Yes, slap me. More." She turned her head and slapped her own arse. He grunted finding a steady pace and hitting her buttcheek again.


The slaps were loudly alongside their moans, from Ari till the whore riding Marge's face. Moments later Rhaenys was take by surprise when Rydan held her arms and pulled her to his chest. She moaned, his cockhead hitting deep in her, the whore wrapped his arms around her back and began to buck his hips sending his cock deep in her.


"Ugh, harder. Your Queen commands, I want harder." She bit her lips hard. He groaned feeling her tight snatch. The Targaryen throbbed and got wetter, her heart beated faster and faster and sweat made her skin shine. The whore riding Marge's face moaned loudly shaking her body, seconds later she rolled off from Margaery's face, the rose was with her cheeks and chin wet, the man fucking her was close too, judging by his harsh thrusts.


"Yes! So deep, fuck!" Aegon mewled as Mara gave him harsh and deep thrusts, his cock was hard as steel and twitching.


He's close.


"Aaah!" Rhaenys gasped when her hair was pulled by the man whore, a slap to her bum came next, she throbbed and whimpered. Rydan whined and his thrusts became faster, seconds later he buried himself in her, Rhaenys moaned and came when his seed was shot into her womb.


Rydan had filled her, six shots of spunk into her cunt, he sighed and waited till his cock start to soften, pulling back with a sigh he sat on the mattress. The Queen hummed and laid down on her chest enjoying the pleasure running through her veins.


A gasp came from her side, Riler was with his lips parted and looking down at his cock, his shaft throbbing dumping his seed on the former Queen.


Aegon was the next one, he came without touch his cock, his dick just twitched sending his cum to his chest while Mara filled him.


Arianne already had came and was with her eyes closed with a soft smile on her lips.


Letting another minute pass, she said. "Alayaya, you're dismissed."


The dark skinned woman nodded and stood up. "You heard her Grace, out." She said commanding all the whores out.


"So, when are we leaving to North?" Arianne asked breaking the silence.


Both siblings frowned and stared at their kin. "We? There's no we, Ari, you and those tits are staying here." Rhaenys chuckled.


Ari gaped at them. "What? Why not!?"


"Ari, this is not a random army, you saw our forces out there, the amount of things we made… this is a win or lose situation. If we lose this battle, you pack your shit and fuck off to Essos." Aegon said seriously.


Arianne narrowed her eyes prompting herself on her elbows. "Do you really think the sea will stop them? 'Oh I'm going to Essos because I will be safe there.'" She mocked.


Aegon stared at her. "You can go," after a few seconds.


"Aegon-" Rhaenys started.


"But you will be away from the battle." He continued.


"Fine by me." Arianne grinned.


"If she dies is your fault, and Quentyn will rule Dorne." Rhae warned looking at Margaery who's eyes were closing.


The King chuckled. "I think this gave Ari more motivation to come back alive." He brushed his arm at his sister looking at his cousin frown.


"Over my dead body he will rule Dorne." Arianne scowled.


"Then try not die, and when we tell you something, you obey." The Queen said flatly with a tight smile.


"Of course mother." She mocked.



They were on the war room, Daemon laughed as doubt covered his cousin's features. "It's not possible, Blackfyre and Darksister?" Arya's eyes were narrowed.


He shrugged and unsheathed his sword. "See with your own eyes." He put the sword in the table in front of her.


Her eyes went round, slowly she brushed a finger on the blade. "Wow." She murmured.


Daemon grinned at her, for some reason it was more easier and quicker to get familiar with Arya than it had been with Sansa, the two of them just seemed to connect more in the last four days since she arrived than him and Sansa in fortnight.


"Do you have a sword?" He asked.


"I do." Arya said pulling out the small sword. "Needle." She showed him with proud, a little sadness too. "My father gave me when we were on Kingslanding."


The prince nodded gently. "Where were you all this time?" He asked sitting on the chair.


Her gaze hardened a little. "Surviving."


Dae waited if she was going to say anything else but she didn't. "This is the same thing you told Sansa."


Arya's head turned to him slowly, a brow lifted. "She's fond to you… I've seen that look in her eyes before." She held her sword and sheathed.


He shrugged. "You have something against it?"


Her hand gripped on the pommel on needle. "My sister was a naive, and we paid for it. I won't let it happen again."


Daemon rested his elbow on the arm of the chair and brushed his fingers on his chin.


'She walks with her Direwolf every morning, I will accompany her with Ghost, while we are away you look into her things.' He said to Tyene who nodded.


"And you think I'm manipulating your sister with my charm?" Daemon mocked lifting his brows quickly.


His cousin clenched her jaw and took a step forward. "You're are my cousin, you have Stark blood, but don't doubt me, I will do everything to protect my family."


Daemon smiled. "Good." He stood up towering her, she didn't let herself being intimidated. Slowly his hand went to her face, her eyes following his movements. "How it's to be a faceless men?"


For the first time her expression changed drastically, before it went emotionless. "You looked into my things?" He lowered his hand.


He nodded shamelessly, he didn't looked into her things after all. It was Ty. "It was really surprising find out a few faces there."


"You don't have anything to do with that, stay away from my belongings." She hissed.


"Who's that faces from?"


"Of someone that deserved to die." Came the answer.


Both of them stared at each other. "It will cause problems to Westeros?"


Arya glanced to the ceiling then back at him. "Maybe. Are you sleeping with Sansa?" She blurted out changing the subject.


Hir brow raised.


"Don't lie, I can tell if you do."


Daemon let a small chuckle, he walked towards his cousin making her step backwards till her back was pressed against the wall. "Arya, I'm not afraid of faceless men, I've killed one once.-


He almost killed me, but you don't need to know that.


"-I know how they work."


The girl raised her head. "Answer my question."


Dae blinked slowly. "Yes, frequently. Yesterday before she went to sleep she sucked my cock."


Arya blinked a couple times. "That doesn't look like Sansa."


He let a hum. "Your sister changed, you changed… neither of you are the same girls from years ago."


"…I suppose you're right, why Sansa?"




"Sansa doesn't seem like the woman you would bed… I observed you, I've heard about you. The Sand Snakes… your wife… all of them are warriors, Sansa is not." Arya questioned looking at his eyes.


The prince leaned resting a hand at the wall above her head. "I… don't think you would like the answer." He whispered.


"I decide that." She whispered back, their faces getting closer and closer.


The prince smirked. "She's sweet, a little bit naive… clueless in certain subject. Make ladies do things that they would never do is really trilling."


The Stark girl licked her lips and blinked. "Like what?" Her voice hoarse.


Daemon hummed, their lips close, he could feel her breath and she could feel his. "A few days ago… Nymeria was teaching her how to suck a cock… my cock."


Arya's let a shaky breath, Daemon pressed his forehead against hers, his hand went down to her breeches, his cousin didn't stopped him just kept staring at him. Dae undid the laces of her trousers and his hand quickly creeped in, he hummed feeling the soft bush above her cunt. His fingers brushed against her clit.


The two kept staring at each other for a few seconds before he spoke. "You are more straightforward than sister…"


Arya just breathed, she pursed her lip and swallowed a little moan. "I'm more curious than her… Te-tell me more…"




Daemon's lips formed a wide grin.


Does Arya share similarities with Ty and Nym?


Granting her wish. He spoke. "You should see her… I came all over her face." The prince murmured.


"Really?" She whimpered, he nodded. His cock was hard against his trousers. Not being able to hold back anymore, he pressed his lips on hers, her mouth opened quickly letting his tongue in, her tongue was pressed against his right after.


Her hands went to his neck forcing her face lips against his even more, he lowered his hand to the waistband of her breeches and retrieved the other, he lowered it breaking the kiss, Arya raised her feet helping him take her pants off while she took of the rest of her clothes. Throwing her trousers to the side, he barely had time to look at her body.


Arya was quickly trying to take his clothes off. After seconds he was bare as her, and finally he could see her body, her tits were smaller than Dany's, but round and firm, her areoles dark pink and small, just like her nipples, her mound seemed soft. Dae moved forward and passed his finger on the faint scar on her belly.


"What happened?"


"A woman… but that doesn't matter now." She said getting on her toes and kissing him again. Daemon groaned and gripped her small, soft and perky bum, he raised her making her wrap her legs around him. Pressing her against the wall, he broke the kiss and wetted his fingers with spit, he rubbed the saliva on his cockhead and lined up with her entrance.


Before he could enter her, he stopped. "Did you-"


"No, but don't worry." She panted, he nodded and lowered her on his shaft. Arya was tight, definitely a maiden, he buried his face on her neck nibbling her skin. Daemon held back a grin when he realized that he was the first man to fuck both Stark sisters.


"Ahh… gods, it's so good." Arya whined tightening the grip of her arms around his neck.


Dae had to agree, Arya felt heavenly, very close to what he felt with Dany and Rhae, don't get him wrong Sansa was beyond amazing, but Arya was just something else. "Do you know why it feels so good?" He trailed kisses on her neck to her ear.


Arya rolled her eyes. "It's… it's not time for you to brag about your skills…" She breathed.


Daemon glanced the couch from the side of his eyes, he moved from the wall and went to the couch, he laid Arya on her back and supported his weight on his arm beside her head. "I'm good at fucking," His thrusts smooth and gentle, he pushed all inside them pulled all back, and repeated. "But it's not that… it's our blood, we are related. It makes feel better." He panted.


The girl eyed him with hooded eyes, her hand holding his arm beside her head and the other on his hip. "Make sense." She murmured, her eyes rolled and her nails pressured against his skin.


The Targaryen prince licked his lips and went to her neck again. "Do you want harder?" He said against her skin.


Arya moaned softly and nodded.


"Say it." Her pulse was sucked making her whimper.


"I want harder." The faint murmur escaped her lips.


Groaning he went harder on her, his hips now smacking on hers. Daemon moaned feeling her smooth and wet walls. "So good, Ary… so fuckin' nice."


Arya gasped when his cock hit deep in her. "Big… you're deep…"


He nodded, his breath became shallow and fast, his cock was starting to swell. "I'm going to cum." He grunted.


"O-okay. I feel it too."


Daemon moaned loudly, listening to his instincts, he got on his knees and pulled his cock from her, Arya opened her eyes and confusion appeared on her face. "Wha-"


He picked her up and sat on the couch, he settled her on his lap and put his cock inside her again earning a groan, holding her buttocks, the prince started to piston his cock upwards. Arya yelped pressing herself on his chest, her hands gripping the back of the couch as he fucked her.


Daemon groaned loudly, his cock entering and leaving her small cunt fast, Arya began to whimper and curl her toes. "Ah!" He gasped, his body tensed and his shaft jerked inside her.


"Fuck!" Arya let a pitchy scream, his eyes rolled to the back of his head as her walls contracted around him, his cock continued to twitch and dump his seed on her for another few seconds.


A minute passed and their breathing went back to normal, Arya moved back and looked down at him, her hair was falling on her face and her face was flushed. He held her cheek and caressed. "You're beautiful." He observed her.


Catching him off guard she blushed, just a little, if he weren't so close to her face he wouldn't had noticed. "That's something nobody called me." She murmured cheekily.


He frowned. "You are."


"Thank you… I guess." Arya mumbled turning her head to the side, Daemon bit his lip and turned her head to him, he leaned and sealed their lips in a sweet and deep kiss, both of them sighing and moaning.


Arya parted their lips when her lugs began to burn, their lips red and swollen. "My sister is going to be upset," She murmured, his cock was still inside her, softening slowly.


"Ty and Nym are my paramours, I have a wife, she never got mad or upset." He cocked his head at her.


"I'm her sister, and I known her, we changed… but she is still Sansa. She will get a little upset." Arya mused, she captured her lower lip and rose up from his lap, his cock sliding from her cunt and his seed starting to leak.


"I will talk to her, don't worry." He said watching her sit on his side. "Even if she need to be put in her place. "


She frowned. "What do you mean with that?" It was amusing she getting defensive over her sister.


He hummed a laugh. "Not like that… like this." Daemon motioned with his eyes to them.




Daemon chucked. "Oh. As I said, don't worry." He pecked her lips and stood up. "I'm going to a bath, care to join me?" He offered his hand.


Arya stared at him in amusement. "Why not." She said holding his hand.



Daenerys breathed when the soft cool breeze made contact with her skin, dressed in a leather trousers, boots and a piece of upper clothes in a cross chest style that covered just her breasts, the princess caught herself lately leaning more into the Dothraki way of dressing, it was many times more comfortable than some dresses. Dany was at a couple miles from the Iron gate, she sighed and put her arm across her belly and supported her another elbow on her wrist, her hand was on her face holding between her eyes.


Her eyes went through the hundreds and hundreds of ships and galleys that were starting to leave, the mine of the dragonglass had took a moon with the men working hard. The material was brought to Kingslanding and forged into weapons, from swords till arrow heads. They had summoned every smith they could, from Dorne, The Reach and the ones in King Landing.


The wildfire was being loaded into the ships, the people carrying it was in a turtle pace, but she couldn't blame them, the liquid being old was more volatile, so only at night they could manage them. It took a whole week for them to do it, ten galleys filled with rows and rows of crates filled with jars and sand.


Her frustration was starting to grow and as the time passed she was running out of options, just one seemed to work at the moment. The cause of her irritation was how her Dothraki were refusing to enter into the ships, even after they had crossed half sea, from Meereen till Storm's end.


"They're still refusing." Daario crossed his arms as both of them watched her bloodriders push the other Dothraki to the ships.


"This is stupid, they fight an army of Lannisters, like it was nothing, but when it come to the sea they almost shit themselves." Dany muttered shaking her head.


"What are you going to do?" Her lover asked.


Daenerys took a deep breath. "What I did in Meereen."


A roar came from above them, Dany watched with amused eyes when the warriors that were refusing to embark spun their heads to the air, Ella landed quickly beside the beach they were, her long neck went left and right scanning the people. Her dragon screeched at them, Dany went towards the beast and rested her hand on her scales. "Get into the fucking ship or become her food." She shouted in Dothraki.


Ella showed her teeth with a low growl, gulping, the men and women quickly turned around and began to go to the ships. She looked back at Daario with a small smile and shrugged, he chuckled shaking his head. "Thank you, my love." She walked to the face of her dragon, and kissed her snout. The black dragon purred and blinked, her tail moving left and right slowly like a dog.


Daenerys glanced at the ships and sighed, in a two or three days her, Rhae and Egg would be with Daemon at this time. Her heart skipped a beat with the thought of finally being reunited with her other half again, a gentle smile appeared on her face as she leaned on her dragon watching their fleet sail.