
The Returning Troops

Harun pushed the double doors leading to the square open, his eyes widening at the sight he was met with almost immediately. Zarqa took one peek and she immediately turned around, not having the kind of stomach to bear what she had just landed eyes on.


Masrur's face went red with surging anger and he walked over to the soldiers sitting on the ground, nursing one injury or another while being supported by their guard friends.


Sindbad and Jaber failed to keep straight faces at the misshaped lump before the gate. Jaber's first reaction was to shove the children away. However, while Zarqa made a point of not looking back, Ali Baba peeked again with a dumbstruck expression as the three men walked away, more like scurried.


" What happened?" Harun asked a soldier the guards were transporting on a quilt, his leg missing from the knee down.