
The Hashashins

It didn't take long for Masrur and the rest to catch up. As they rushed into the castle, followed by soldiers who were helping their invalid friends, they found Zarqa pacing the hall back and forth.


" How is Jaber?" Ali Baba ran to her, but the girl gave a shake of her head.


" I don't know…" She looked at the large oak doors housing the infirmary behind them, a few soldiers were pushing past them at that very moment. " Sindbad had gone in with him and he didn't come out yet." The girl was clearly restless.


Ali Baba spun around and ran a hand through his hair, trying to marshall his thoughts and let the events of the day fall into place.


A lot couldn't even begin to describe it. His brain might be fuming from the effort to catch up for all he knew.