
No Way Out

The moment the cell's door closed on him was the moment the lock on his body was lifted, and the first thing he did was look back over his shoulder at the cell across from him, at the man sitting on his slab, looking down, his elbows resting on his knees and his head leaning against his clasped hands. He was lost in his own thoughts, not daring to raise his eyes as shadow enclosed his frame.


With the subtle hint of stubble down his jawline and his purple hair dye fading into black at the roots, Sindbad seemed more haggard than the kid could ever remember.


" Sindbad…" Ali Baba began as he turned around, his voice shaking, his eyes wide in fear, his heart still thumping hard against his chest. He desperately wanted to forget everything that had happened up there. He wished he could mark it all as a nightmare and get it over with. But there was still blood on his hands and clothes, and it would still be there the next morning.