Ali Baba busied himself with surveying the people going in and out of the square, tending to their own business, or bartering with the sellers.
" Sindbad is surely late…" Zarqa mumbled from her spot on the ground next to him, her face framed in between her hands as she fixed her eyes on the bronze statue as though committing it to memory. " He said it won't take long. I'm starting to worry."
" He's capable of taking care of himself, besides, he knows the city very well," he pointed, hoping to stop any bold thoughts of going after said man.
She sighed as she dropped her hands and folded them before her. Then she blinked at something. " That." She gestured ahead, but through the crowd, Ali Baba couldn't see exactly what she was indicating.
" Sorry, but not everyone has your eyes, Zarqa," he said squinting in that direction.
" The huddle of people at the other side."