Was Shula purposely hinting that she truly knew of a way to save Al-yamama and its people? Zarqa carefully pondered over her words and the story she had just told them.
Ali Baba bumped into her while she had stopped, lost in her thoughts and marveling over the possibilities. " You're in a crowded place, don't stop like that!"
" Sorry," she said, moving to catch up with the older woman, many more questions dancing in her head.
Just as they moved again, Ali Baba felt the hair at the back of his neck stand on ends, a telltale that he was being watched. Thinking it might have been the person from the previous night, he quickly scanned his surroundings. His eyes then caught a certain someone standing at the edge of an empty side lane, his hazel eyes fixed on him. He thrust his finger to the lane and Ali Baba grabbed Zarqa's shoulder and whispered. " I will have to go for a second." Before he rushed away, leaving the girl blinking after him, confused.