10.2: First Patrol and Ancillary

Xavier's POV

Celeste, Zay, and Josh entered the pack house quietly. I couldn't help but study Celeste's body language. She was stiff, her hands pulling at the sleeves of my sweater she was wearing, eyes glancing up at me before darting downwards. "Hi," she whispered. Turning back to the other two, she said a quick thank you before walking upstairs; briefly giving me a smile.

"What happened?" I directed the question as calmly as I could though my wolf was growling.

"Nothing!" Josh said a little too quickly for my liking. I growled at him.

"He's telling the truth." I know he is, I could hear a lie decently easily. "We went out to the cafe in the square and she said she was feeling tired. The research says runts get tired easier but. . ." But she's not tired. Something happened.

I nodded. "Sorry, Josh."

"It's okay, I get it. Kind of." I rolled my eyes jokingly at him and he gave a grin.

Jogging upstairs, I knocked on Celeste's door. She opened it softly. "Hi."

"Hi," I give a smile, staring directly into her beautiful orbs. She takes a second before relaxing under my gaze. "Can we talk?" She nods and opens the door further, allowing me in. She hasn't changed anything in the room nor requested it in the few days she's been here. I still find myself walking to her door several times a night, sometimes falling asleep in the hallway outside. She takes a seat on the bed and bounces a little. I sit next to her, taking her hand in mine. "Are you okay?" She nods but otherwise stays silent. I rub a thumb over her knuckles. "Let me rephrase that. I know you're not okay." She catches my eyes and looks away again. "Please tell me why."

"I um. . ." She bites her lip. I want to pull it free, I almost do - my hand reaching up and dropping at her eyes widening. My wolf whines. "I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize."

"Okay." We trail into silence again. I bring her hand to my lips, pressing a gentle kiss to her knuckles before turning her hand over and kissing her palm, bringing it to my cheek as she turns to watch intensely. "I'm scared," she whispers.

"Of me?" I take a leap to my fears.

"No!" Her hand puts some pressure, cupping my cheek. "No."

"Good." I kiss her palm again and she shies away, pulling her hand from my grasp. "Tell me your fears and I'll scare them away," I promise her. I am lucky enough to catch her eyes again, this time unwavering with notes of curiosity.

"I don't know who I can trust." Her honesty is appreciated, although it does leave a sting. "I want to trust you all but I don't know if I can," her eyes fill with tears which she immediately goes to wipe away. I beat her to it.

"How can I prove to you that you're safe here?" I bring her forehead to mine, rubbing my thumbs over the apples of her cheeks. "Tell me and I'll have it done."

"I don't know," she whispers, closing her eyes that still brim with tears. "Can I have time?"

"Of course," I say with no hesitation. I do hesitate in letting my hold on her go. If anything, I want to pull her closer. "You can take as long as you need." I go to stand up and am surprised when she grabs my hand.

"Can you. . . Will you stay with me? I really am tired now." She looks tired now too, as if this conversation has drained what energy she came home with. I nod, sitting back on the bed. Celeste lays down, still holding onto my hand. It isn't long before she blinks before letting her eyes settle closed. I let myself lay down beside her, the urge to pull her to me too strong to ignore. Sparks explode as she settles into my side, my arm holding on to her middle. For the first time in days, I find myself drifting off peacefully.

When I awaken, Celeste is awake and staring at me. Only something's wrong. I stare in puzzlement as I take in her completely darkened eyes. It's as though her wolf has taken over yet she holds herself relatively calmly. Her body is tense, as if she's ready to run, but relaxed enough to the point that someone else might just let her run. Not me. She takes deep, calculated breaths through her nose.

"Celeste is sleeping, she needs her rest," she says in a voice deeper than she naturally speaks. There's an almost husky quality to it.

"I agree," I say slowly, pushing myself up and continuing to analyze her. She holds herself differently than Celeste usually does. It's off putting to see but it answers my question. Her wolf has fully taken over, no rage involved. Is Celeste one to express rage? I'd be curious to see what that looks like. . . More questions sprouted. "Celeste said you have a name," I turned my brain over for a second in recollection, "Sicily?" That doesn't sound right.

"Ancillary," she corrects proudly.

"Ancillary," I repeat. "How long have you been doing this? Taking over like this?" She examines me for a second. I hold out my hand, curling it slightly in front of her on the bed. She eyes it. I relax my stance, putting my other hand on my leg.

"A long while."


"She needs protection." I furrow my brows at that, trying to ignore the hit to my ego over her thoughts of Celeste needing protection in my home.

"I can help protect her now."

"I haven't decided that yet." I inhale sharply at her words. My wolf growls in my head, not much caring for her decision much like myself. I remind him to keep calm, she's been through more than we know.

"Does this hurt Celeste, in any way? Physically or mentally? You, taking over for I'm asssuming decent periods of time?"

"No," she says quickly. "Her conscious is sleeping. I only move our body when I deem it necessary." And apparently it was necessary to move out of my hold? She deflates a little, "I look around. If I feel unsure. Even a tiny bit."

I nod in understanding. I want to know all she went through, to make Ancillary so on edge. I want to mend it all for her. Questions for Zay also pop into my mind. More research I'll do myself as well. "What are you protecting her from?" It's the most forefront question on my mind. Ancillary narrows her eyes. "Who?" She looks away.

"Celeste is stirring, she can hear your voice." Pride blooms in my chest, I clear my throat. "That pleases you."

I look at my hand that's on the bed near her, gently letting my finger caress her knee. "Celeste is my mate," I speak softly, "and I don't know her too well but I want her to like me." I look up to her. "I'd like you to like me too." She looks away from me.

"She's awake." Her eyes close, clenching tightly. Her body loses any stiffness with the exception of her fists that stay clenched as she stretches into a yawn. I mourn the loss of contact as she ever so slightly sifts away from me. She brings a hand up to rub her eyes and I resist the urge to grab her hand and kiss all over her sleepy face.

"Ancillary?" Her eyes open, trailing around. She nods a few times before she takes in me sitting on the bed. "Okay." She looks up into my eyes. "Hi."

I give her a smile. "Hi beautiful, did you have a good nap?" She nods. "Your wolf is very present." She hums but otherwise says nothing.