32: For You?

Celeste's POV

I giggled as Xavier's hand ran light trails up and down my side, swatting his hand away. His nose brushed my temple as he pressed little kisses to my cheek bone. "Xavier," I 'protested' lightly, "I'm trying to watch the movie." 

"Well, I'm watching something better than the movie," he gave me a look up and down. I shoved at his shoulder. 

I turned back to the TV, leaning into Xavier's chest and pulling his blanket up my legs. He gave one last kiss to my temple before leaning back, pulling me with him. I held up a piece of popcorn which he leaned slightly forward to eat from my fingers, a crunch resounding in my ears. I ate several pieces of the butter covered popcorn as the girl on the screen waited for the male lead to get in her car. 

It felt as if Xavier was busier and busier every day. When I woke in the mornings, he was no longer downstairs to have breakfast with me. Instead, he was already busy in his office or on a patrol of the territory. I try to do my studying in his office still, but some days he would be on phone call after phone call; talking to one Alpha or another about the rogues or defense strategies. I would leave if the phone calls went on for too long, not being able to focus on my work. I want to focus on my work. I want to feel on the same level as Xavier in terms of education but I know it will be years until we are. I'm proud of the work I've put in and how far I've come, but Xavier had 12 years of dedicated education and he learned outside of that as well. The books he does choose to read in his free time are huge and contain words that confuse me. Sometimes, I took lunch to his office, if I couldn't get him to leave it. I would make him set his work aside and talk to me. I like to listen to him. His voice is soothing in ways I never thought possible. Sometimes, he tells me stories of his adventures and silly things he did when he was younger. Part of me longs for a regular upbringing while the rest of me knows that I can't go back. My past is my past. There is no changing that and it has made me who I am today. 

I cherish moments like this. Xavier took my hand after dinner and asked what I wanted to do tonight. I told him the truth, with a blush lighting up my face and neck. I just wanted to be with him. He had smiled a warm smile, eyes twinkling as his hand trailed my cheekbone. He leant forward, pressing his lips softly to my forehead and said, "That's exactly what I want too." He then pulled a bag from the pantry, putting it in the microwave until little pops filled the kitchen. He poured the popcorn in a bowl and took my hand again, pulling upstairs to his bedroom where he put on some movie that seems sweet so far. To be completely honest, I was having trouble giving my attention to the movie. I was just so grateful to have him with me. I sunk into him, enjoying the sparks that ran where our skin met. 

When the bowl of popcorn was gone and put onto one of his bedside tables, I turned myself more into him. I played with a button on his shirt pocket while my cheek rested above his heart, its steady beat lulling me into a relaxed state. His hand played with my hair with one hand while the other rested on my back. 

The main character of the movie gave a speech, the man giving his response as fireworks went off behind them. I think the movie ended but I didn't bother to turn my attention anywhere but Xavier's steady heart and the silly little button between my fingers. Xavier let go on my hair, setting his hand with the other on my back. He tightened his hold on me. Our legs, that were tangled together, also tightened and he crushed me into a full body embrace. "Stay with me tonight," he encouraged. 

"Will you be gone in the morning?" 

He didn't respond. 

"It's okay if you are." His full body grip lightened. I moved my chin so it was resting on his chest as I stared up at him. "I'd love to stay." So I did. It took me a while to get up and change into clothes to sleep in. I opted for a pair of long pajama pants and one of Xavier's t-shirts. Xavier had an entire large drawer of clothes for me in his room, which I found to be silly because my room was just across the hall. 

Xavier held me the entire night. When I woke in the morning, true to his nonresponse, he was already gone for the day. There was a piece of paper on his pillow with one word. 'Lunch?' I smiled.

"You need to focus, Celeste," Zay's voice snapped me from my thoughts. The training gym was empty beside the two of us. I was told the training gym was utilized mostly in the colder months. I suspected we didn't have long to go before the cold fully settled in. Frost was beginning to cover the windows most mornings. "Give me another ten," she instructed. I internally groaned and began the set of crunches. I knew as soon as I finished this set of crunches, she would ask for another. And she did. Three more times before I told her it was too painful. "Too painful is when an enemy has worn you down but you have no choice but to keep running anyways. Give me another ten." I did. Sweat was running down my back and forehead by the time that she held out a hand to help me off the floor. "That was good, Celeste." I put my hand on my knees, ignoring my aching core, and took in harsh breaths. "Now we're going to do five laps around the gym before working on sparring."

I groaned, "Five?!"

She gave a chuckle, "Five laps only equates to half a patrol here."

"I have limited stamina, Zay." 

"Yes, and, according to my research, you should be able to safely expand your limits with persistent exercise both in and out of your wolf form. Just like anyone else. You just have to recognize when you truly start to feel like it's too much. And not just because you're tired or a little sore. That's common, really. But if you start to get dizzy or are having trouble breathing or with your vision, then we'll stop. Now c'mon, I'll join you for your laps." She takes off her top, leaving her in a sports bra and tight fitting shorts, as we walk to one of the corners of the gym. I can't help but be jealous of her body. She's lean with decent amounts of muscle still clear with the right movements. There's never a visible muscle on me. . Maybe one day, with all this training they're putting me through. We begin our run. 

I decide to skip my lesson for the day, opting instead to cook lunch for Xavier and I. I decide to make a chicken salad with peppers, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, and a cilantro-lime dressing with a side of homemade juice. Hanna had introduced me to the juicer the other day and I was more than enthusiastic about its existence. 

"Luna?" The familiar, small voice has me turning around. Delian stands with her head peeking through the kitchen door. 

"Hey, Delian," I give her a bright smile. She returns it, a tooth missing in her top front row. 

"What are you doing?" I look back to the finished lunch and then the pile of dishes I made in the sink. 

"I was just cleaning up, would you like to help?" Her eyebrows scrunch together, her lips pursing together. "You don't have to," I give a giggle, "but you're welcome to hang out with me while I clean."

"Aren't there people to do that for you?" 

"Well," I turn on the faucet and begin washing the chopping board, "there are pack members who we have hired to do tasks like that here. However," I give her a look, "you should always be willing to clean up any mess you make."

She steps fully into the kitchen, coming a few steps away from me. She taps her foot on the ground with a thoughtful look. "Like when Mommy and Daddy tell me to clean my room?"

"Exactly," I chuckle. 

"I don't like cleaning my room, Luna. It's not fun."

"I think cleaning can be really nice. It can help you feel better on the inside." I continue to wash the dishes, setting the cutting board in the dishwasher along with the knife I used. "And sometimes, when your spaces around you are clean, then that can help you feel good too." 

"Like Daddy's office?" 

"Does your dad's office get messy?"

"Oh, yes!" She nods her head several times over. "He has so many papers."

"He's a busy man," I tell her. Having finished the dishes, I wipe my hands on one of the kitchen towels. "Speaking of busy men, would you be so kind as to help me take lunch to the Alpha?" She nods several times again. I hand her the salad bowl, balancing our juices on the stacked plates. I carefully grab the salad tongs along with our forks and we make our trip up the stairs. Delian goes up confidently, the plastic bowl light and not too much of a hassle. I struggle a bit, overly conscious of the two cups of juice that clink every other step. I let out a breath when we make it to his office door, the juices unspilled.

"ALPHA!!" Delian yells dramatically, "We're Coming In!!" She sets the salad bowl on the ground and opens the door, letting me in before her. 

"Thank you, Delian," I give her a smile, taking my turn to hold the door while she grabs the bowl. 

"What is this?" Xavier looks up with a smile, a chuckle visible in his chest. He stands, grabbing the juices from me. I let out a breath of relief as I set the rest of the utensils down. 

"Lunch!" I put a hand on his arm, stretching up to press a brief kiss to his cheek. "Thank you, Delian," I say, taking the salad bowl from her. "Would you like to join us?" I raise an eyebrow.

She eyes the salad in my hand with furrowed brows. "No, thank you! I have chicken nuggets at home!" Her hands cover her mouth as she giggles, running back to the door. She briefly pauses, "Bye Alpha! Bye Luna!" And then she was gone. I shake my head at her childish nature. 

"You didn't have to make lunch, little one." His hands go to my hips as he presses a kiss to my forehead, gently swaying our bodies back and forth. I hum, my hands resting on his arm and fingers trailing his skin. We stay like that for several minutes, swaying together with a comfortable silence the only thing between us. "Come," he says, pulling back, "let's not let this food go to waste." I go to grab the chair from in front of his desk but he pulls me along, sitting and pulling me to sit on his lap. I blush as I set up our plates. I portion out our salads, handing him his fork. 

"That was amazing, thank you," he says after his plate is cleared. I finish off my last bite of salad, humming in acknowledgment. His arms wrap around my middle, trailing little circles under my shirt. His head rests on my back as I finish the rest of my food. When I sit up, he moves his head to my neck, occasionally pressing little kisses. He inhales deeply and pauses briefly, fingers stopping their circles. He inhales again and presses a little kiss to my skin again and resumes his circles. 

"How was training?" The silence breaks in a low voice as he pulls us both to lean back into his chair. 

"Hard," I say plainly. 

I feel his chest rumble in a chuckle. "Zay is oddly one of the most intense trainers I know. You wouldn't think it at first but then she gets all 'doctor' about it, telling you what your body can and can't endure."

"That's exactly what she did!"

"You should watch her train with Shia some day. I think Shia pushes her more than Zay pushes anyone else."

"Did she leave again?"

"Shia?" I hum. "Yeah, she has an ongoing mission. Said she'll be back in a week or two."

"That must be hard, being without your mate." I glance up at him; he's already looking at me. "I-"

"Never, Celeste. I am never going to leave you for long periods of time." I bite my lip, looking away as I tug at the sleeves of my shirt. His hand comes up to my chin, moving my head so I'm once again looking at him. "I can't promise that I won't occasionally have to take trips on my own. But you and I? We aren't them. Shia has obligations outside of this pack. Zay knows and accepts that. I don't have any plans to be without you for any longer than is ever necessary." He gives me a smile, brushing his fingers over my cheek. "Not ever."

"I-" The words are on the tip of my tongue. Instead, I pull away, leaning up from our position to gather our plates. Xavier seems to chase me in our hold. 

"Hey," he takes the plates from my hands, pushing them back to his desk. He gathers my hands in his, his hands so much larger than mine. "You are my everything, Celeste. Now and forever." Tears spring to my eyes. I glance back at him. His face is serious as he searches my eyes. "Celeste, I-" he pauses, his eyes glazing over. I wait for the message he's receiving to be over. He what? His hands tighten on mine. "Damnit," he curses as he comes to. 

"Is everything okay?"

"I have to go," he sighs. His hands go to my waist again and he presses one last small kiss to my neck. "I sent out some scouts this morning and they saw a group of rogues on the path to us."

"Maybe they're-"

"It's been a consistent direction, Celeste. Besides, it's always better to be safe than sorry." I nod in understanding. I push myself up from his lap, he follows. 

"Will you be long?" Having stacked all the dishes, I turn around to him. 

"I don't know. Stay in the pack house, okay?" I nod, my brows furrowing. "I'll find you when I'm back, okay?" 

I look up, catching his gaze. "Stay safe."

He gives me a half smile, "For you? Anything." He kisses my forehead one last time and takes off out the door. I hear him stomping down the stairs as I gather the dishes in my hands. 

It's the middle of the night when a knock comes on my bedroom door. I groan as I blink my eyes open. "Xavier?" I call out, expecting him to come in. I throw the blanket off of me, feeling overly warm. Instead, the door creaks open and Zay walks in. "Zay?" As I sit up, an ache hits my entire body. I stretch my neck, trying to gain a sense of relief with no-such-luck. 

"Celeste?" I turn on the lamp on my bedside table. Zay pauses when she comes in, "Shit."

"Is everything okay?" She closes the door behind her, coming to sit on my bed. My stomach clenches and I groan. 

"Are you okay?" I shake my head. I don't feel good but I was fine when I went to bed. 

"Where's Xavier?" He was supposed to find me when he got back. He left at lunch time. Where is he? 

"He asked me to check on you, said he should be back soon but the issue was more than he thought it would be."

"With the rogues?" She nods. My stomach clenches again. I let out a whimper, deciding to lay back down. "Zay? I don't feel good."

She sighs, finding my hand and giving it a squeeze. "Celeste. . Shit, this is bad timing," she mumbles. 

"What's going on?"

"Celeste, have you ever been in heat before?"