As the trio and their ally Crescentia were running around the forest in search for Saros and Rosana, the goblins that attacked Seneca earlier appeared out of nowhere, and kidnapped both her and her boyfriend Laban, to Elsword and Aisha's horror that they discussed plans with Rena about how to save them.
Suddenly, the goblins who kidnapped Laban and Seneca threw glitter bombs at the trio, causing them to be unconscious, and suddenly, they found themselves in a strange location that reminds them of the Beginners' Forest from day one. Rena wakes up, and says "What is this place? That seems familiar to that forest back when we first went there on day one, right...?" until she found Aisha kicking an asleep Elsword on the ground in order to wake him up, and told her to stop, in which he wakes up all of a sudden from the kicks he have been receiving and said to himself "Wait, who's been kicking me throughout my whole slumber..."
Rena told him "Aisha's the one who kicked you, right?" He replied "Yeah, she was the one who's been kicking me the whole time.", in which she already tells him that she already warned Aisha before and just as they were about to talk, the Mushroom King appears out of nowhere, and summons multiple mushrooms to go after them.
The three of them fought against the mushrooms, and as they arrived to the boss stage, they happened to encounter the Mushroom King, and successfully defeated it in no time, so they were allowed to go through the west of the Tree of El. Arriving at the west of the Tree of El, Elsword encounters those same mushrooms that he's slayed before, along with a bee and two monkeys, and together, he, Aisha and Rena defeated them one by one, and managed to destroy a bee hive that the bees came out from, and arriving at the final stage of the dungeon, the trio happened to meet William Phoru, who attacked them, and they managed to attack him in no time, humiliating him, considering that he was the weakest boss in the game.
After they were done with William, Aisha noticed several banana slips, and tells Elsword and Rena to follow her by walking the path to the Monkey Forest, where they happen to encounter multiple monkeys, led by the Monkey King himself. By the time the two were done fighting the Monkey King himself, they woke up in real life, in the cult's secret hideout, having no recollections of their dreams, surrounded by the members of the same cult that captured Saros and Rosana, and were tied next to Crescentia, who Shadow also captured as well.
Shadow decides to tell his cult members to take the trio's weapons away from them and use it like as if it was their own weapons, and said to the goblins who kidnapped both Laban and Seneca to bring the hostages next to them. Meanwhile, Fabian, Frostine and Fawn, accompanied by Froid and Chilly, searches for Elsword's whereabouts, only to realize that he, along with Aisha and Rena, were taken captive by the same cult, so they decided to fight against the cult themselves.
On the other hand, they encountered a member of Henir's Order, a rival cult to the Phoru Cult, who asks them to join him in saving Crescentia and convince her to join the Order since one of the members of the cult, Dantelion was killed off at the beginning of Season 1. Together, they were able to secretly break into the Phoru Cult's secret hideout, where Fabian and Frostine found the knife whom Elsword stole from Shadow a few days earlier, and freed the trio, as well as Crescentia by cutting the rope with the knife in question.
Upon being freed, the former thanked Fabian and Frostine for saving him and his allies, before proceeding to find their weapons, when all of a sudden, he saw a Phoru member with his sword and kicked them from behind, forcibly grabbing his sword by force and he went on to slash the other members for almost breaking Aisha's staff and Rena's bow, in which he put his sword on his back and ran to the two women, giving their weapons as well.
Upon having their weapons back, Elsword, Aisha and Rena saved Laban and Seneca, in which the three aimed their weapons at Shadow, who just came back from a break, telling him about Saros and Rosana, in which he told them that they were at the Phosphor Temple in the Daystar Purgatory, and he accompanied them to the temple, where he's accompanying them with a torch, wandering all the way to where the best friends were being held captive, next to the statue of Ebalon.
Upon finding them, Elsword found a box of matches that Shadow planned to set both Saros and Rosana on fire, and he shares it with Aisha, in which instead of doing the cult leader's dirty work, they burnt the rope that tied them up, freeing them as well. This led to the two women hugging the two allies for saving them, and after they were done hugging them, Saros gave him her necklace which resonated with the El, in which he must give to his cousin Fabian, so that the latter can have the ability to resonate with the El like him.
However, by the time he arrived to see Fabian, the latter was nowhere to be found along with Froid and Chilly, and he happened to meet Frostine, who told him that the Phoru Cult captured him and her older brother as well as her pet Chilly, and unfortunately, things take a turn for the worse, when she tells him that his pet Kano has been taken captive as well, which led to him teaming up with her to rescue the two men and their pets.
While on the way to the cult's secret hideout, Elsword and Frostine found crumbs of leftover Phoru cookies on the ground, and as they made it to the hideout, Shadow recognized him, saying to his cult members "There he is. He's the one I've been looking for the whole time. Let me talk to him, okay?" They listened to him, in which suddenly the former of the two men said to him "Hello Mr. Shadow, I'm looking for Fabian please."
The cult members listened to what he had to say about Fabian, bringing him albeit locked up in a cage, with a chain to the other side of it, attached next to a collar in his neck. By the time he saw him, he said to him "Fabian, are you okay? Let me give you a necklace that Saros gave me earlier so you can resonate with the El just like me." Fabian replied "Oh, really? Thank you, Elsword!"
As Fabian puts the necklace on, his cage automatically broke and so did his collar, due to the energy of the El resonating with him for the first time, and taking advantage of his ability, he freed Frostine's older brother Froid and her pet Chilly as well, much to Shadow and his entire cult's horror, in which he said to them "No way! I can't believe it! I thought he was useless..."
Froid replied to him "No he's not. Look at him. He's grown stronger than you all thanks to his cousin saving him and him saving me and my sister's pet Chilly, right? Well, tell me about where's the Kano that his cousin is looking for." Shadow replied to him "Kano's with me now." This led to getting enraged to the point that he resorted into attacking Shadow with his sword and fire abilities, and while in the middle of doing so, the cult members tried to stop him, but he wouldn't until he gave him Kano back.
After getting Kano back, Elsword told Fabian, Frostine and Froid along with Chilly to leave while he finds a dynamite to explode the secret hideout, and realizing this, Shadow wasn't ready for what he was going to see his hideout destroyed, and by the time the former arrived with the dynamite, he told him "Goodbye!" before running away from the scene, and set up a timer of 30 seconds in the dynamite before running away from the scene.
30 seconds later, the secret hideout exploded, in front of the members of Henir's Order, who witnessed the scene in their eyes, but turns out, Shadow wasn't gone at all, as he was searching for the one responsible for the dynamites and just as he and his cult members were about to run after him, Glave, the administrator of Henir's Time and Space, and a member of Henir's Order stopped him from going even further.
On the other hand, outside of the Phosphor Temple, Aisha was having a talk with her cousin Yuria, albeit as a ghost, while Saros and Rosana decided to train with a sword against a dummy, when suddenly, Elsword walked in with a small bag of golden ED coins from the explosion, and reassured Saros that he's okay and just gave Fabian her necklace that the latter would take good care of it, in which she thanked him for giving his cousin her necklace. As a result, she gave him a sunflower bouquet, with him thanking her for giving him one, and in return, he gave her a star-shaped candy that he secretly stole from Shadow's hands and hugged her as well.
After they were done hugging each other, she backs off from him, but her best friend Rosana teased her about him, with Seneca and her boyfriend Laban telling Saros herself that Elsword apparently had feelings for her, which led to her and Aisha getting shocked at the same time, and realizing this, the two starts a fight against each other about who will win his heart.
Meanwhile, Shadow and his own cult were devastated upon the explosion of their secret hideout, and decided to settle in an abandoned shelter, near the cottage that the allies used to stay back in the prologue, where he made plans to destroy the Henir's Order for rescuing Crescentia from his cult, with his fellow Phoru members, but that's an another story.
Back at the Phosphor Temple, having enough of their constant bickering, Rosana told Saros and Aisha to stop fighting, but their bickering became even worse to the point the two women started to fight each other with their abilities and weapons, which resulted in Froid freezing one of the latter's fireballs with his ice powers out of nowhere, and in turn, his sister Frostine appeared, and told the two women to stop fighting against each other.
Rosana thanked the Nyberg siblings for helping her resolve the fight between them, but turns out, they were wrong the whole time, as Crescentia walked in to tell everyone that the Phoru Cult settled near the allies' former settlement at the beginning of their entrance to the Daystar Purgatory, with the goal of destroying Henir's Order because the latter cult rescued her from them and her former henchman Shadow.
As a result, she told everyone to move to the Daystar Palace because the Phoru members will go after them, and herself, and she went inside the Daystar Palace as well. Inside the palace, Saros explained to Astros, the female ruler of the Daystar Purgatory, who is sitting in her throne, about the Phoru Cult, in which she got shocked and said to her "What?! Another doomsday cult led by a former member of a terrorist organization led by Crescentia?! No way! I thought there were no cults in my land, but nope, there's still one that's threatening to kill us!"
Astros also told the remaining characters to take refuge in Crescentia's secret bedroom so as the Phoru Cult will not find them, and in order to fight them, she transformed into Astaroth to help them fight against the cult, but to her surprise, Elsword, Aisha and Rena, as well as Crescentia herself were all determined to fight alongside her against Shadow himself and his own Phoru cult.