Wedding Night

Lisa had already outsmarted Nathan and Amber. Nathan, boiling with rage, stood up to call Sophie's manager.

"Lisa, have you lost your mind?" Nathan questioned.

Lisa chuckled on the other end of the line, responding smoothly, "I've been wanting to quit your shoddy company for ages."

From the side, Amber chimed in, "Nathan, Sophie is behind this. Let's quickly counteract by circulating news about her to generate buzz."

Without a moment's delay, Nathan hung up on Lisa and reached out to his media contacts to remove the news about Lisa.

Not only that, but he also replaced the news with a pre-prepared story about Sophie trying to stir up hype.

The mood in the hospital room shifted drastically.

Suddenly, Global Pictures Entertainment and Sophie were trending online, receiving mixed reactions.

The public was unaware of Sophie's relationship with Noah. So, unlike Sophie, no one dared to cross Nathan, the CEO of Global Pictures Entertainment.

Sophie bore the brunt of the backlash, receiving a torrent of harsh comments and an overwhelming amount of online hate.

Just when everyone thought the scales had tipped, the term 'Sophie Substitute' rocketed to the top of the search rankings.

All search results led to the news Lisa had initially released – revealing that Sophie was the real victim.

Given that Lisa's version of the story had been released first, the internet users had already made up their minds.

Adding fuel to the fire, the fact that Sophie had frequently stood in for Amber without causing any issues and had been continuously exploited became a trending topic.

The online community unanimously agreed that Sophie, after all, was the true victim in this scenario.

In a state of disbelief, Nathan frantically dialed his PR team, demanding that they allocate more funds to remove any news related to Sophie.

Meanwhile, Noah was on the phone with major news outlets.

"If news about Sophie disappears from the search rankings, be prepared for your companies to face consequences," Noah warned.

The media hesitated to offend Collider Scope International Entertainment, although they couldn't comprehend why Collider Scope was supporting Sophie. Even Lisa couldn't fathom how their plan was progressing so effortlessly.

She had anticipated it would take days.

"Sophie, tell me, is there another company backing you up?" Lisa interrogated Sophie.

"No!" Sophie replied, glancing at the man sitting beside her as they enjoyed a lavish meal in a fancy restaurant.

"However, there is someone who has been silently supporting and assisting me from behind the scenes. But I don't think I'm ready to reveal their identity just yet," Sophie smirked, sipping her cocktail.

"Haha... That's fine, we can discuss it later... just the thought of Nathan's devastated face is enough to satisfy me!" Lisa concluded the call, assuming Sophie had the support of her family.

Little did she know, Sophie had actually become the wife of the king of the entertainment industry: Noah Kingsley.

"Are you using this opportunity to leave Global Pictures Entertainment?" Noah inquired, elegantly slicing his steak.

"No, leaving them so easily would be too kind. I intend to bring them down from their high pedestal," Sophie declared. "Besides, I have already made the decision to return to the modeling industry. Unfortunately, my popularity isn't as high as I would like, so Global Pictures might come in handy."

"You're behaving this way because you're angry. But what if one day you're no longer angry and no longer filled with hate..." Noah began, only to be interrupted by Sophie.

"What I have decided, I will not regret nor will I turn back," Sophie stated with certainty.

When she loved, she loved with all her heart. And when she hated, she could tear the other person apart with her own bare hands.

It had been a considerable amount of time since the news about Sophie's public scandal had spread, but Nathan hadn't bothered to call her once. Instead, he made public announcements that could potentially destroy Sophie.

Sophie decided she wouldn't let Nathan harm her again. Noah stayed quiet, but he was clearly fascinated by Sophie.

Sophie wasn't a fool anymore, she was intelligent. She knew she couldn't keep anything from Noah, so she spilled out all her secrets to him without any hesitation, fully trusting him.

"I've arranged for us to stay in a hotel room tonight, my house isn't that enjoyable," Noah mentioned.

Tears welled up in Sophie's eyes as she agreed, "Whatever you want..."

While they were together, Nathan was busy trying to negotiate with the media and his business partners.

News of Amber's pregnancy had taken over his mind to the extent that he didn't even bother thinking about Sophie or where she might be.

After a romantic dinner, Sophie trailed behind Noah as he showed her to the presidential suite.

It wasn't just any suite, but a special wedding suite.

Despite the hurried situation, Noah had managed to make such special arrangements for her - Sophie was deeply moved by his thoughtfulness.

Noah could feel Sophie's nervousness. He took off his dark blue blazer, turned to her, and said, "I'll shower first, giving you some time to decide. If you're still uncertain, we can postpone our wedding night."

Sophie appreciated his understanding as she watched him walk into the bathroom. But they were already married, it didn't seem fair to make Noah adjust because of her indecisiveness.

With that thought, Sophie rushed inside the luxurious bathroom.

Noah turned in surprise as Sophie hugged him tightly, saying, "I don't have any regrets."

"Are you certain? Once you're mine, there's no going back." Noah tried to control his feelings.

His deep and seductive voice could easily stir anyone's emotions.

"I'm sure," she confidently declared, her eyes brimming with self-assurance.

Upon hearing Sophie's response, Noah couldn't hold back. He firmly gripped her waist with one hand and pressed his lips against hers.

With his other hand, he unfastened her dress, which was now drenched from the shower.

Sophie's mind was in a whirl, never before had she experienced such a magical kiss that made her lose control.

Standing under the shower, Sophie was completely captivated by the handsome appearance of her husband.

The bathroom was filled with a deep passion in an instant.

After a while, he wrapped her in a towel and carried her in his arms, placing her gently on the bed adorned with rose petals.

Then, his tall frame lowered onto hers, as he was already wearing protection.

However, just as he was about to enter, he felt a sudden obstruction as Sophie cried out loudly.

Noah immediately withdrew and wrapped her in a blanket. He had assumed that since Sophie was in the entertainment industry and had been in a relationship with Nathan, this couldn't possibly be her first time.

But... the sensation just now made him certain that he had never engaged in such an activity before.

"What's wrong?" Sophie asked, noticing Noah had stopped, and couldn't help but raise her head to question him.

Her face blushed attractively. "Let's do it next time!" Noah was surprised and at the same time felt remorse for misunderstanding Sophie.

"Are you not satisfied with me?" Sophie asked, puzzled.

"If I had continued, you would have been hurt." Noah put on his robe and returned to the bed, trying to control his desires.

He didn't want Sophie's first experience to be a painful one. "Why didn't you tell me you had no experience?"

"How was I supposed to bring up something like this?" Sophie responded, snuggling against Noah's shoulder.

"I knew you would have figured it out eventually!" Sophie remarked.

Noah carried her to the bathroom and gently placed her in the bathtub, checking for any minor or major injuries.

Afterwards, they spent the night mostly conversing and then went to sleep.

The next morning...

Sophie woke up to the bright sunlight streaming through the window. To her surprise, the spot beside her was already empty.

She thought Noah might have left, but he was actually waiting for her patiently in the living room, flipping through some documents.

"I've prepared some fresh clothes for you in the bathroom. We'll leave once you're ready." Sophie obediently nodded and made her way towards the bathroom.

At that moment, her phone suddenly rang... It was Nathan. Sophie looked at Noah awkwardly, charmingly raising one eyebrow as she asked, "Do you want me to answer it?"