A Surprise

Dear Readers

I've had a change of heart. I decided to remove two new chapters from this story. If you've already read them, I apologize. The journey will now take a different path than I originally planned. Buckle up, because the adventure is about to get even more thrilling and unexpected! Now let's continue with the story]

After a chat with the janitor, Sophie rose from her seat and noticed a message from Nathan. He wanted her to come to his office.

"Sophie, things aren't looking good for you right now," Nathan said, pretending to care. "I've arranged some activities to help you win back the public's favor. Amber's injured, isn't she? Why don't you visit her and show some concern? It might earn you some sympathy."

Sophie studied Nathan's face, realizing for the first time how despicable he truly was. Amber was clearly using this opportunity to disgrace her, yet Nathan had the audacity to suggest she care for her rival.

"Just a quick act of kindness will do," he added with a dismissive wave. "It'll be broadcast live."

Nathan knew Sophie would likely refuse, aware that Amber had manipulated him by using her child to make such an outrageous demand.

But to Nathan's astonishment, Sophie nodded with determination. "Okay, I'll do it!"

"You're really going along with this?" he asked, unable to hide his surprise.

"Since Amber got injured, I haven't had a chance to see her. This is the perfect opportunity," Sophie replied, her voice steady and composed.

"I-I-In that case, I'll arrange for some people to escort you out. There are tons of reporters outside," Nathan stammered, still reeling from her unexpected agreement.

Sophie remained calm and focused, fully aware of Amber's intent to humiliate her. But she also knew that the higher Amber soared now, the harder her eventual fall would be.

The outcome of this power play was still anyone's guess, but Sophie was determined.

Soon, Sophie climbed into Nathan's assistant's car, and they made their way to City Hospital.

During the drive, she sent a message to Noah: "Honey, don't worry about any news you hear about me. I have a plan. Also, I want to come home tonight. Can you send someone to pick me up from City Hospital? I don't know where our new home is."

In the middle of a crucial meeting, Noah received Sophie's message. For the first time ever, he paused the proceedings, causing the company's executives to exchange bewildered glances.

What kind of person could wield such power over others?

Noah stood amidst the chaos, oblivious to the world's whispers and stares. All he could hear was the soft, pleading tone of Sophie's voice echoing in his mind.

He quickly tapped out a reply, "Good girl, I'll come get you soon."

When Sophie read Noah's message, she couldn't help but daydream about his face as he affectionately called her "good girl." Her heart danced, and a smile as bright as the moonlight lit up her face, her eyes twinkling like crescent moons.

Meanwhile, Nathan's assistant caught sight of Sophie's blissful expression in the rearview mirror and thought, "She may be smiling now, but just wait until she learns what's in store for her."

Despite feeling the world's heavy judgment upon her shoulders, Sophie resolved to shrug it off and not let it weigh her down. She knew she had to stay strong, no matter what others thought.

After reaching out to Noah, Sophie quickly texted her manager, Lisa.

"Lisa, Nathan's arranged for me to visit Amber at the hospital. I'm almost there. Are you ready?"

Lisa replied, "Anyone sharp enough can see that mistress is trying to use this as a chance to embarrass you. Does she really think she can pull that off? I've been ready for this moment for ages. The public's in for a show—I've got pictures and video."

Sophie smirked and texted back, "Go ahead and release the pictures, but hold onto the video for later. I want to give Nathan and Amber some time to have their little spat first."

"I understand completely!" Lisa replied with unusual excitement. "We'll wait for the perfect moment. When they're at their lowest, I'll drop the video and lock it in."

"I want Amber to crash from her highest peak," Lisa continued, her voice filled with determination. "Even though many are against you, Sophie, I've seen a few standing up for you. It seems there's a silver lining in all this."

"Lisa, please be careful," Sophie replied, her voice tinged with concern.

After her exchange with Lisa, Sophie swiftly deleted their conversation, a sly smile playing at the corners of her lips.