Chapter 38: Arc 4, Family


The Throne Room was completely quiet as Oberyn Martell absorbed the information the King of Westeros gave him. Daeron who was now walking up the steps of the Iron Throne, continued speaking. "Uncle I know you want me to leave now. To return them to their home, and I will." The King turned around and sat down. "But now I must deal with someone that hasn't grown up and hasn't left her childish ways."

Oberyn, who was staring at the young king, nodded and said. "Do you promise to bring my sister, and niece back?" The King nodded which brought a smile upon the deadly spearman. "Then I trust you to keep your words, Your Grace. And if you do I promise you two of my sand snakes."

Daeron nodded, and grinned. "Me? A King needs permission from a lowly knight to fuck two of his daughters?" The King looked to the man. "I will take what I want, and suffer the consequences… not like I would have any for they would love for me to take them."

Oberyn only grinned wider, and bowed. "Then I shall leave and let my daughters know of this development." He looked up at the young conqueror. "By any chance do you know where they might be, Your Grace?"

The grin never left the man's face as Daeron nodded. "Aye. And I believe you know as well, Uncle." The man nodded but motioned for him to continue. "Well they would be fucking my Dornish Wife in the bedchambers." The King said, sounding disappointed that he couldn't stay with them and watch the fun. But the king's duties always out rules the bedchamber.

The man nodded, and took notice of the signs of enjoying this topic. "Then I'll leave them too. I will see you in the morning?" He asked the last part as he was leaving.

"Maybe, Uncle." Daeron responded as he righted himself so that he wasn't only a king, but a king to be reckoned with. And when he was ready he looked to the guard closet to the side door, and ordered. "Bring her in."

The knight nodded and opened a door to show a redhead fighting against her chains yelling at the guard, one Sandor Clegne, to unhand her. But that stopped when she was placed in front of the throne, being forcefully kneeling and looking up at the throne where Daeron now sat glaring at the pathetic girl he once called sister.

Daeron watched as the woman went to speak but was stopped when the King spoke. "Shut her up." And as any loyal dog, the hound placed his gauntlet hand over her mouth. The King nodded. "Good. Now 'cousin', the reason why you're here is to answer for your crimes against house Stark. For you were one of the reasons Lord Eddard Stark was killed, and beheaded." The woman fought against the hand covering her mouth. "And so your punishment for this crime will be exile to a small castle in the North. A castle where no one goes or comes. A castle I named, Lady's Fall." The woman stopped her struggle as she took in the punishment she received. But Daeron continued. "In this castle you will run it as your own, and you will pay the rightful taxes to the crown. And to make sure you don't try to make a smart move and run away, and turn lords against me. I will be placing Sandor Clegne and half a dozen on my own guards in your care. They will be my eyes and ears, and if they ever hear of you doing anything suspicious, you will find yourself standing before me, and when you do find yourself in front of me again, don't expect a smack on the wrist, for it will be your last time stepping foot on the land of Westeros."

The woman was silent as she took in the knowledge of her punishment, and soon a look of hatred was on her face. The King didn't waste a minute or waited for her to speak, as within a second six roars were sounded around the capital of King's Landing, which silenced the girl.

"Good." Daeron said as he stood from the throne. "You will be shipped to White Harbour with Sandor, and the guards I choose, when I get back from my trip." He grabbed his two swords, and started making his way down the steps. "But until then you will have a room in the Maiden's Vault, where you will stay until then." He then waved her off.

When Daeron placed his booted foot onto the marble floor he released a tired breath. "How long has it been since I was last out of this god forsaken room?" He said looking over to the closet Dragonguard. Who had three stalks of wheat woven into his cloak.

The knight remained unmoveable. "Four to five hours, Your Grace." The voice was Ser Barristan the Bold.

Daeron nodded. "You may all go rest now. I'll be fine from here." The knights remained still and unmoved. The king shook his head, and looked over to Missandei, who was sitting down on the stairs. "Missy." He called to the girl, who's golden eyes immediately flew towards him. "Do you want to go to Naath?"

The girl stood up and skipped towards the man. "Why would you ask me, Jon?" The girl stopped in front of the man and smiled up at the man.


Jon smiled down at the golden eyed girl when he finished attaching his swords to his belt with Blackfyre over Dark Sister. "Well it is your home, and I thought you would like to see it again." And as Jon finished he sent a mental command to one of his two dragons.

Missy smiled. "I would like to see my birth place, yes. But I don't want to return to Naath." She smiled up at the man. "My home is wherever the dragons are, Jon."

Jon nodded, and went to leave the throne room. But as he did a guard opened the door saying. "Tycho Nestoris of the Iron Bank." The knight stopped and held the door open for the bearded man.

Jon smiled seeing the man. For he knew what this visit was about. "Tycho. It's nice seeing you here." Jon said with a smile. "How is the city going? Also walk with us. I was about to leave with Missy here to Naath." Jon said as he continued his way towards the exit.

The man nodded, accepting the invite and followed the king and the young lady. "The capital is going fine, Your Grace. The grounding of the area is done and now we are on the way to make the walls, and the castles you wanted Your Grace."

Jon nodded. "Good. Do we have an estimated time for the competition of the city?" He asked as he felt the presence of his first dragon.

Tycho shrugged. "From what builders say, the city will be complete in ten plus years, Your Grace." Tycho then pulled out a scroll. "But with the news of the capital, Your Grace. I also brought a blueprint for an idea the builders would like made for the creation of the capital."

Jon nodded and took the blueprints and looked it over. "They said this should help with the building of the capital?" The man nodded. Jon handed back the scroll, and nodded. "Have them made, Tycho. But now I must go." At that moment a shadow grew overhead, and Jon looked up to see Syndor.

The man nodded then bowed. "Then with your permission, your Grace. I will return to the city." Jon nodded, and the man looked at the young lady with them. "Lady Missandei." The girl smiled and waved.

At that moment the black dragon landed. Jon reached out with his hand and placed it on the dragon scaly nose, and his eyes changed to a crimson red, and then a blood red. Jon smiled, and turned to Missy holding out his hand, offering to help her up. The girl smiled and took it and Jon helped her up onto the dragon.

The King followed and sat down behind his young friend, and commanded. "Sōvegon." And with a flap of the dragon's wings Jon and Missy found themselves in the air, and in the direction of their destination. And as they left Jon's eyes changed to those of his bonded dire wolf's, a blood red, and with it came an enhanced sense of smell, and soon Jon could smell everything going on in the Red Keep. But two things caught his attention from the rest of the smells he caught.

The first was a smell of dirt, woods, mud, and blood, but it was also familiar, like he missed this person. The second was about three thousand plus people in one area, and with it was a mass of steel. But with the speed of the dragon they were soon out of range and Jon' eyes returned to normal.

A Few Hours Later

The King enjoyed this, sitting atop his dragon, over the Summer Sea. With him was Missandei, who's hair was in an even messer mess then normally is. But also with him was Sheepstealer, the mud brown dragon started following them once they passed Dragonstone, and Syndor welcomed the dragon with a roar.

But something else was on Jon's mind as he looked towards the increasingly growing view of the island of Naath. Jon felt a deep dread as he left the capital, he didn't know why but it all screamed because of the second set. But Jon needed to return his family to Westeros.

So with a shake of his head, and with his focus returning to reality, the king found his dragon landing on the sandy beaches of Naath. Jon climbed down from his first bonded dragon, and looked around. If he planned it right he would be near a town. Jon looked around to see if there was any sight of a town nearby, and as of the gods were with him. Jon, rather than seen, he heard a crowd of people coming towards his location, to see what was happening.

Jon looked to his little friend, and held up a hand offering to help her down, and Missy accepted it. When the girl had her feet on the ground he looked back towards where the sound was coming from and found a small hoard nearby.

His eyes scanned the group, looking for the people he came here for. But after minutes of looking he saw no one, Jon looked to his friend. "Do you know what they are saying, Missy?"

The girl, who had a hand on the dragon's nose, smiled and looked at Jon. "They are just asking why a Dragonlord is on their island, Your Grace." She then looked around. "But I also think they see you as a threat, Jon."

Jon nodded, still looking through the crowd looking for his mother and sister. Getting annoyed Jon started making his way into the crowd, keeping his hands close to his swords.

But before anything could happen Jon, then felt arms around him, and a buxom against his chest, which was soon followed by a high pitched voice of. "Little Brother!"

If Jon didn't know that voice from the little visions he had. The King would have gutted the idiot for hugging him. But that wasn't the case. Jon smiled and brought his arms around the woman. "Big Sister." Over the older woman's shoulders Jon could see a beautiful slender woman that had a small chest.

But then it hit Jon… how did Rhaenys know who he was? Jon broke the hug and looked into his sister's face, and by the Olds was she a beauty. Rhaenys was exactly like he saw, a young beauty of average height, a curvy body, and a buxom beauty that rivaled Val in size. She has a round face, a loveable set of lips and shoulder length dark hair that had a few strands of silver. But her eyes were what got Jon. They were exactly like his, deep angry purple.

Jon smiled, trying to hold back his desires, and said. "Sister how did you know I was your brother?" The lady smiled. But when she went to speak, Jon had visions this time of Red Keep, and how there was fire, blood, disaster, and dragons going crazy flying around the red castle. Then Jon found himself standing in front of a man wearing a simple white tunic.

The King then felt that he should have seen this happen. But he didn't. Jon curses, making a one-eighty, and made for Syndor. When he was atop the dragon he looked down towards Missy, and his sister both with a worried look on their face.

"Something has happened in King's Landing." He looked towards the slender woman, Elia. "I promise to return to you, and when that happens I'll bring you home, mother, sister." He said looking towards the two. They both nodded, and Jon then found himself in the air.

Everything was happening so fast to Jon, so fast that he didn't notice that the minute his dragon left the sands of Naath, that Sheepstealer landed, and this time in front of the older sibling. The dragon looked to the woman and the two had a staring contest, and soon the mud coloured dragon was leaning down, and out stretched its wing allowing the woman to ride it.

The king was in thought. A group of people were able to get their hands on weapons and he didn't know about this. He needed to know how they got weapons.

But when Jon heard a roar coming from behind him, he turned to look and saw his older sister on Sheepstealer. She was grinning at him, yelling as well. "You asked how I knew you were my Brother, Daeron?! It's because I have had visions and you are always in them!" She winked at him and blew kisses. "And most of the time it's more than a brother/sister relationship!!" His grin grew and she continued. "So I want you in-" she stopped mid sentence and started coughing.

Jon was confused at first but when he remembered what happened when he first flew on a dragon he broke out laughing. After a few seconds Jon smiled and looked towards his sister. "Then you better fight for it sister. For I have many lovers, and most of them are not willing to share."

The king then remembered what had happened and focused on what he needed to. He needed to get to the Red Keep and find out who is the traitor among them.


Hey everyone,

I hope you're all doing well! I wanted to update you on the New Valyria fanfic. I've run into a few plot holes and realized some chapters need a bit of a rewrite to make everything flow better. So, I'm going to put New Valyria on hold for a few months while I sort these things out.

I know this might be a bit of a bummer, but I really believe this break will help me make the story even better. Don't worry—my other stories will keep rolling on as usual, so there's still plenty to enjoy!

Thanks so much for your understanding and patience. I'll keep you updated on how things are going and let you know as soon as I'm ready to jump back into New Valyria.

Take care and talk soon!
