Chapter 21 Most Women Are Fickle_1

"Women really are heartless creatures. Not even a month has passed, and she's completely forgotten the man with whom she shared passionate encounters,"

Si Yuchen's magnificent voice floated over casually, causing her cheeks to instantly flush a deep red.

"Mr. Si, what kind of wind has blown you here today... Huh?"

Just as she found herself at a loss for words, a middle-aged man emerged from behind the folding screen. Dressed in a traditional buttoned shirt, he moved with light and steady steps, his voice loud and friendly, appearing to have a good relationship with Si Yuchen.

Li Du was slightly taken aback when he noticed that the man beside Mr. Si was not one of the other gentlemen.

The moment his gaze fell upon the delicate young lady on Mr. Si's left hand side, he suddenly slapped his forehead!

He understood! Mr. Si had finally seen sense and realized it was time to find a woman to spend his life with!