Chapter 26: The Dazzling Golden Turtle_1

Gu Xijue was called back by a phone call from Zhao Ying, and she still stayed to keep an eye on the hospital.

As dusk fell, Li Lu arrived at the hospital with a lunch box in hand.

"Look at you, you heartless thing, enjoying the royal palace without taking your sister here!"

The one thing that's never in short supply at school is gossip, especially among the girls.

"Who's the big mouth that's not afraid to spread rumors!" She took off her sterile suit, grinned, and took the lunch box Li Lu offered, not immediately satisfying her gossip-monger's curiosity.

Seeing this, Li Lu hissed and snatched back the lunch box, "Spill it, who's the handsome guy you went with? The whole grade's gone crazy... saying you've snagged a golden bachelor that shines brightly."


Shining brightly? A golden bachelor? Were those people blind?

"Come on, spill the beans," Li Lu shook the lunch box in her hands, clearly determined not to let up until she confessed.