Chapter 32 I'm Just That Malicious_1

After leaving the police station, Gu Xiaonuan hailed a cab. Perhaps she had seen too many cop and robber movies; she always felt like someone was following her.

She deliberately had the taxi drive in circles, even switching cars, and within half an hour she had spent 150 yuan on fare.

The apartment that she co-rented with Li Lu was not in a great area, outside the fifth ring road, but it was conveniently close to the university town. It was a bag-and-move-in kind of place, and the rent was inexpensive.

She took out her keys and looked around for a long time. Not seeing any suspicious strangers, she finally turned the key and went inside.

The smell of alcohol pervaded the room, and before she could even call out, she tripped over a beer bottle on the floor.

She grabbed onto a cabinet handle nearby, her heart almost leaping out of her throat.