Chapter 66: Scandals Everywhere_1

Shen Liang had just arrived at the office, and before his butt even got warm, a young nurse came in to gossip with him.

He was the type who was talkative and informal, so he got along quite well with everyone around him.

Any new rumors brewing in the hospital wouldn't escape his ears, as his network of informants spanned every corner of the hospital.

A nurse, all too familiar, sat down and said, "Director Shen, aren't you quite close to our Chief Director Si? I heard from the girls upstairs that Director Si transferred his recently admitted patient down to the third floor's general ward."

"To the third floor!"

So the marriage proposal that day was really a disaster, huh? But that reaction was too direct, wasn't it? Losing his temper because he was angered and then not treating the lady's mother?