Chapter 70 Serial Car Accident_1

Hospital, Emergency Department.

Doctors and nurses were bustling about, their efforts, like one person doing the work of eight, still insufficient to stem the tide of traffic accident victims being brought in.

"Another pile-up with a dozen or more cars?"

Shen Liang stood outside the hall, gazing at the line of ambulances, now extending to the green belt, engines roaring.

The head nurse flipped through the records, "It looks like it must be a collision involving over ten vehicles. Didn't we just clear out a batch recently?"

Lately, the hospital had been plagued by mass traffic accidents, leaving the emergency nurses and doctors with no time to rest.

Shen Liang's expression was unprecedentedly solemn, gone was his usual nonchalant demeanor, "Where is Director Si?"

In critical times like these, Si Yuchen's absence was keenly felt. He was a master surgeon, especially when there were always a few cases of severe brain injuries in such accidents.