Chapter 80 I'm Afraid of Catching a Disease_1

Her shoulder suddenly sank, and Gu Xiaonuan immediately felt her body being lifted.

With a shock, she opened her eyes to find Si Yuchen's stern profile first entering her vision.


"Don't talk."

Displeasure and even a touch of depression were written across Si Yuchen's face.

Gu Xiaonuan tugged at the corner of her mouth, "I insist on speaking, is it your duty as a doctor to wander freely into a patient's room in the middle of the night?"

"Gu Xiaonuan."

The man's deep voice suddenly rose in the quiet ward. Gu Xiaonuan felt her heartbeat skip, "Why are you calling me?"

Somehow, her name carried a mesmerizing Magic Power when it came from Si Yuchen's lips, making her blush and her heart race.

"Mr. Si is in a very bad mood, don't ask stupid questions."

Really bad, really bad, you damn bad mood, does that mean my mood is any better?