Chapter 82 Not Letting You Sidestep the Important Points_1

"Aren't you the one who told me to only dredge up the dry stuff? Otherwise, shall I dig out the soaking wet bits to share with you?"

Gu Xiaonuan looked as unbothered as a pig facing a scalding kettle, sprawled out on the sofa, her aura completely different from the cautiousness she displayed just moments before.

The person who had asked her to stick to the "dry" details was Li Lu, and now it was Li Lu who complained that she wasn't sharing enough.

Ah, how did she end up with such a contradictory friend?

"I certainly didn't tell you to avoid the important and dwell on the trivial."

Li Lu knew that Shu Yu must have said something to Gu Xiaonuan, otherwise, how could someone so guarded trust a man accused of "theft"?

"Lulu, trust, the most basic trust between people, you know? Do you think I would betray you for a guy's good looks?"

Of course, Gu Xiaonuan was at a loss for words; she had betrayed Lulu, and quite thoroughly at that.