Chapter 112: Can You Get Married Without a Household Registration Book?_1

Li Lu rubbed her sore temples and struggled to get up from the bed with a frown.

A typical reaction to a hangover, her whole body ached, and her head was a mess, as if it had exploded.


A familiar male voice suddenly floated into Li Lu's ears, and her reaction was a beat slow.

By the time she snapped back to reality and prepared to run, the man's large hand happened to press on her shoulder.

"The lawyer, what a coincidence to run into you like this!"

Before she blacked out from drinking, she should have been in a dazzling place—had Shu Yu suddenly taken an interest in men?

Li Lu shook her head fiercely. Shu Yu had not gone to the dazzle for men but had dragged her there.

"Hmm. It is quite the coincidence," Shu Yu said, restraining Li Lu with one hand, making her escape impossible, while he took the wallet from beside the pillow with the other hand, opened it, and pulled out the "bill" from yesterday's dazzle, placing it in front of Li Lu.