Chapter 138 Life-saving Straw_1

Gu Xiaonuan made snide comments, and even Si Yuchen almost wished he could tear her apart and reduce her to ashes. What was most infuriating was Shu Yu!

The newlyweds were ganging up against her, and what about Shu Yu?

"Lulu, aren't you coming over?"

Shu Yu glanced at Li Lu, and tonight, even if Si Yuchen decided to take Li Lu aside and give her a lesson, Shu Yu would wholeheartedly support it.

Lulu spoke without any restraint, offending even the male pride of Si Yuchen.

If Li Lu and Gu Xiaonuan weren't good friends, Si Yuchen wouldn't let her off the hook.

As a man himself, being questioned by a woman in that area, no wonder Si Yuchen was not in a good mood.

Li Lu shrugged her shoulders, "I didn't mean it like that, you two mustn't misunderstand! Oh, my head is spinning so badly, I drank too much at the party earlier, and now my tongue isn't obeying me!"

At the crucial moment, Li Lu could only feign craziness or play drunk.