Chapter 141 A Surprise for You_1

Military District General Hospital, inside the elevator.

Shen Liang looked up, the eighteenth floor had arrived.

Si Yuchen didn't know what kind of trick he was playing, having gone to the neighboring city and directly asked the Dean for five days off.

The "special, special, special, special, special" patient on the eighteenth floor was now his to "serve", all ancestors indeed!

Anyone who could end up... no, anyone who became Si Yuchen's patient, was not an ordinary person.

The patient he currently had to carefully attend to was even more so.

Shen Liang walked through the quiet corridor, noting that the eighteenth floor of the hospital didn't have many patients, and the high-level special care wards were mostly empty.

Those old men with status and backgrounds hardly ever got sick, and if they really got sick, it was the kind of sickness that had one foot in the coffin.