Chapter 143 Who Knows if You Chicken Out_1

"He's proposing to you?"

Even with her mouth covered by Li Lu, Gu Xiaonuan's voice still cracked.

"Gu Xiaonuan, do you want the whole coffee shop to know about Shu Yu and me getting engaged and share the joy with everyone?"

Li Lu gave Gu Xiaonuan a severe pinch on her left waist.

Gu Xiaonuan's smile froze, "Li Lu, you don't have to be so ruthless if you want to silence me! I just bought a bikini yesterday."

She could imagine that her left waist must have been pinched blue by Li Lu. It would soon turn into a purple bruise.

Gu Xiaonuan had sensitive, tender skin; even slight pressure would leave it red for half a day, not to mention the force Li Lu applied just now.

"It's couple's fun,"

Li Lu slowly let go of Gu Xiaonuan and gave her a suggestive look.

"I bought it before registering our marriage with him, it has nothing to do with couple's fun."