Chapter 169 Who Gave You the Confidence_1

Li Lu had a belly full of anger, feeling that she had been used by Tan Chengcheng and in the end, even caused trouble for Gu Xiaonuan.

Li Lu knew her own abilities better than anyone else. Singing? In a professional competition like Star Creation, she was nothing but a drag.

Nuannuan wouldn't disdain her. But Li Lu, she disdained herself.

"Nuannuan, if it really doesn't work out, just replace me. You don't have to choose from underclassmen, even among these peers you can find someone taller from the short ones, right? Why let me embarrass you and me?"

Li Lu was confident about other things, but the thought of such an important competition made her tremble all over.

Nervous, oh, she was so nervous that she couldn't even speak, and the competition hadn't even started yet.

"Choose who? Lulu, I've chosen you, would you reject my invitation?"

Gu Xiaonuan smiled and looked at the nervous Li Lu, who didn't even know where to put her hands, reassuring her not to be so tense.