Chapter 190 It's Such a Coincidence_1

Gu Xiaonuan was surprised as she watched Gu Xijue park the car in front of a vegetarian restaurant, completely thrown off.

"Brother, we're not having meat today?"

Gu Xiaonuan wasn't strictly a carnivore, but at that moment, she wished she was.

It was the same vegetarian restaurant where she had met with Mu Shan and Tan Chengcheng before.

Gu Xiaonuan inwardly cursed her luck; how could she forget that the owner was acquainted with Mu Shan and Si Yuchen? Out of all the places, Gu Xijue had to choose this one.

If, by some awful coincidence, Gu Xiaonuan ran into Si Yuchen, how would she explain her "chance encounter" with Gu Xijue?

The restaurant happened to be near the Military District General Hospital, and every cell in Gu Xiaonuan's body was rioting.

Gu Xiaonuan, you can't go, you absolutely can't go! If you go, you won't even know how you died!


Gu Xijue saw Gu Xiaonuan spacing out and a hint of indulgent smile curled at the corners of his mouth.