Chapter 1 Scum Man Proposes to Younger Sister_1

"Youlin, I'm sorry! I ran into some trouble, I'll be there soon!"

"Yes, very soon, very soon!"

Ye Anran ended the call, her face crumpled in worry. Looking at herself in the mirror, she saw a black stain on her formal wear, a gloomy expression filled her face.

What should she do?

She had the premonition that Youlin's big surprise for her tonight was a marriage proposal, an important moment in a person's life!

But the formal wear for the banquet was dirty!

She tried vigorously to scrub the stain with a tissue again, but it couldn't be removed. Ye Anran felt frustrated but looking at the time, it was already too late. Hastily, she left the restroom after a rudimentary clean up.

A tall figure was waiting at the door.

Upon hearing footsteps, Bo Jinyu slowly lifted his head. His handsome face exuding elegance and nobility, his eyes flickered with a brief flash when they fell on the woman. His voice deep and mellow, "I'm sorry for the trouble just now. I was in a rush. I'll buy you another dress."

"Forget it, it's too late to buy one now! Be careful next time!"

Who would have thought that just as she was entering, she would be bumped by another, and even more unfortunate was her collision with a waiter passing by with coffee, resulting in the coffee spilling onto her."

Thankfully, the waiter was quick to react and managed to steady the coffee cup, otherwise her dress would have been completely ruined.

But despite this, a small stain was left behind, ruining the overall aesthetics of her dark blue gown.

She struggled to keep a straight face with the man who had dirtied her dress, but she didn't have time to dwell on the issue now.

Ye Anran was anxious, the banquet had already begun, and she wished she could sprout wings and fly to the top floor!

"Give me your phone number, and I'll send you the money later."

"Sir, don't bother with the dress! There's no point even if you do! I don't have time to discuss this now, I'm already late for the banquet." Ye Anran hurriedly rushed towards the elevator without giving Bo Jinyu another thought.

This was the first time he had met a woman who was indifferent towards him. No, this woman probably hadn't even paid attention to what he looked like from the beginning!

How interesting!

Bo Jinyu's gaze followed the slender figure as he slightly curved his lips into a faint smile, then, ready to leave.

A cleaning lady from the ladies' restroom rushed out with a small purse, handing it to him, "Sir, this is your friend's purse. She left it in the restroom."

Long fingers gently ran over the delicate handbag, he took hold of it.

Unclasping the golden latch, opening the purse, a lipstick, a compact, a phone and a card holder lay within. He picked up the card holder, opening it to catch a glimpse of the ID inside.

His expression immediately changed.

Ye Anran!

No wonder she looked familiar!


Tonight was the seventieth birthday of the Bo family's old father, Bo Chengkun. The entire top floor banquet hall of Manerwei Hotel had been booked by the Bo family.

Most of the influential figures in City A were present. The Ye family was also one of the guests. Father Ye and Stepmother Ye had arrived earlier with Ye Rouxin.

Ye Anran had come directly after changing clothes from school.

Handing the invitation to the waiter at the entrance, she entered the banquet hall.

The banquet hall was filled with guests. Women in their elegant dresses and men with their fine wine glasses mingled about, creating a fragrant and colourful scene.

She spotted Bo Youlin the instant she walked in.

He looked even more composed and handsome tonight. Wearing a tailored suit, his smile graceful as he moved among the guests with ease and poise.

Bo Youlin also saw Ye Anran and started walking towards her.

"Youlin!" Ye Anran greeted enthusiastically.

Compared to Ye Anran's joy, Bo Youlin's face was almost expressionless, "You're here?"

"Sorry, I encountered some trouble downstairs and was late." Ye Anran apologized.

"It's alright, you're still in time."

Bo Youlin looked at Ye Anran, his eyes troubled.

Ye Anran smiled. She wasn't sure if it was just her imagination, but tonight, Bo Youlin seemed a bit off.

Before she could say anything more, he turned around and left.

In the center of the banquet hall was a small round stage for the host to conduct the program, and at this moment, Bo Youlin was already on the stage.

Ye Anran became nervous at this point. Youlin had mentioned that he had a big surprise for her tonight.

Just a few days ago, when she went to his office, she accidentally caught sight of a receipt on his desk for a diamond ring.

They had been dating for a year and a half, and he had always expressed his desire to marry her. It seemed that tonight he was going to propose!

Ye Anran felt a surge of excitement. Although they hadn't been dating for very long, Bo Youlin was kind and gentle, and she really liked him. If he were to propose, she wouldn't hesitate to say yes.

Lifting her eyes, she looked towards Bo Youlin, her eyes filled with tenderness.

Thinking about Bo Youlin's upcoming proposal, she started to feel an anxious knot in her stomach. She nervously gripped her wine glass, her gaze never leaving Bo Youlin.

Bo Youlin's gaze was indifferent. He glanced at Ye Anran and then quickly looked away.

Picking up the microphone, his voice echoed, "Today, on the occasion of my grandfather's seventieth birthday, I would like to invite everyone here to witness a joyous occasion."

Upon hearing this, a radiant smile broke across her face. She took a deep breath, prepared to go onstage.

Bo Youlin casually glanced at Ye Anran before calmly pulling out the diamond ring box from his pocket and moved towards the edge of the stage.

Most of the guests knew about their relationship, so they naturally made way for Bo Youlin and Ye Anran.

However, nobody was prepared for what happened next. Instead of walking towards Ye Anran, Bo Youlin headed in the opposite direction.

When he stopped in front of Ye Rouxin, everyone was surprised.

Ye Anran stared in shock, her face full of disbelief.

Youlin must be joking, right?

What on Earth was happening?

She stood still, gasping in shock. Her pupils contracted as she stared unblinkingly at Bo Youlin and Ye Rouxin, unable to react.

On the other hand, Ye Rouxin was ecstatic. Her face was flushed, filled with barely concealed happiness. Clasping her hands over her mouth, she looked at Bo Youlin in astonishment.

She softly exclaimed, "Youlin…"

"Rouxin, I have loved you for a long time. Would you marry me?" Bo Youlin, knelt on one knee in front of Rouxin, the diamond ring in his hand presented to her.

His voice was filled with deep affection.

The guests watched the three with incredulous eyes.