Chapter 27 Bringing It Upon Oneself

Ye Anran bit her lip, looking at him; she really hadn't expected the consequences to be so severe.

"Just over such a small matter, he would fire you?"

"Miss Ye, there are so many people who want this job, and Second Master, well, he doesn't need me specifically..." Charlie pulled the car over to the side of the road, and when he reached the heartbreaking part, the grown man just leaned on the steering wheel and started crying, "I went through so many trials, fought so hard to earn this job, and finally managed to get my elderly mother into a nursing home. Now, if I lose this job, my mother will have to go back home with no one to care for her, and my sister... whining... will have to drop out of school..."

Seeing a big, burly man sobbing so miserably in front of her was such a shocking image that she didn't even consider the possibility that it might be fake.