Chapter 33: Alluding to Second Master?

Kidney deficiency?

Wasn't that remark directed at Second Master Bo?

He had better stay away from this guy for a while!


The waiter, quite familiar with Shen Qi's style, didn't say anything and was about to serve the dishes.

Bo Jinyu spoke up, "Leave it, you may go."

"Yes, Second Master Bo." The waiter nodded.

Ye Anran, at this moment, truly felt her face heat up.

Had yesterday's incident been a big scene?

Why did it seem like everyone knew about it?

"Don't worry about it, he's my good friend, Ziyang from Haoting, it's normal for people in that circle to know." Bo Jinyu explained casually.

Ye Anran nodded, "Hmm."

"But to be honest," a trace of teasing flashed across his eyes, and then he mysteriously left his sentence hanging.

Ye Anran immediately leaned in curiously, "What honest thing?"

It couldn't be that many people already knew about it, right?

"I really was tired last night!" he said, his expression calm and matter-of-fact.
