Chapter 51 This Slap is Loud Enough

Ye Anran looked at the intimately seated couple dining in front of her, her smile becoming exceptionally radiant. She wasn't someone used to being close to others, but at this moment, she intentionally looped her arm through Uncle Bo's and walked over to them in an affectionate manner.

Bo Jinyu looked down at the pretentious intimacy of the young woman.

This girl, it seemed, only showed intimacy like this when it served her purpose, right?

However, Uncle Bo, clearly being used, had the word 'enjoying' written all over his face.

As they say, when a man meets a woman he likes, there's no limit to how cheap he can be.

"Uncle, are you two here for dinner as well?" Bo Youlin really didn't want to greet them.

He thought that after dumping Ye Anran, he would see her crying and begging piteously for his forgiveness, but who would have thought that she had cozied up to Uncle Bo instead?