Chapter 100: The Sinister Ye Rouxin

Bo Jinyu seemed not to notice her embarrassment as he smiled serenely and gently patted her bouncy, rosy cheek, "Alright, get up and brush your teeth and wash your face. I'm going for a run, are you coming?"

"What time is it?" Ye Anran asked.

"Six o'clock."

"Why don't you go for a run, and I'll sleep a bit more, I still feel very sleepy." Ye Anran said.

"That's fine." Bo Jinyu didn't insist like he used to when they were in a relationship, he just smiled lightly and threw back the covers, getting out of bed.

Completely naked, he acted as if he were alone, not even bothering with a robe, and walked straight into the bathroom bare.

Ye Anran watched his retreating figure and silently mouthed three words: exhibitionist.

And yet, her eyes undeniably swept up and down his entirely bare back, thoroughly appraising him.

Eventually, she came to a conclusion.

In her mind, she executed the signature pose of the Venus de Milo: perfect!