Chapter 106 The Most Beautiful Star

"Alright, now we come to our annual 'Star of Beauty' election, the time when our male colleagues are needed the most by the ladies," the host, a humorous young man, said with an ambiguous laugh, "So, gentlemen, are you ready?"

"Ready!" A group of excited male employees shouted, especially those outgoing salesmen from the business department. Their call was so loud, coupled with a suggestive sigh, their response was practically tainted with insinuation.

"This year, President Bo suggested a small change to the game rules. In the past, our male colleagues would offer roses, and the woman with the most roses would win. But President Bo mentioned that since we all work in the same company, seeing each other day in and day out, with work relationships in the mix, voting for someone would inevitably offend others. Open voting might affect the camaraderie among colleagues and is not entirely fair, so this year, we have anonymous voting!"