Chapter 110 Can I Ask You for a Dance? _1

"Anran, where have you been? I haven't seen you for a while."

"My phone died, and somehow I ended up near the emergency stairs. Then noticing the crowd here, I just decided to wait downstairs." Ye Anran, not adept at lying, couldn't dare to meet Sister Jiang's gaze while speaking.

"You're quite good at hiding!" Jiang Yun laughed. She didn't suspect anything, or perhaps she did but didn't probe further.

"Sister Jiang, aren't you going to dance? I just saw a male colleague asking you!"

"I don't like dancing." Jiang Yun shook her head.

"I don't either, so let's sit and chat while having some food!" Ye Anran hinted at the buffet table with a cheeky smile. "Tell me what you like, and I'll get it for you, Sister Jiang."

"Some fruit would be nice." Jiang Yun smiled.

Ye Anran warmly stood up to head towards the buffet.

A male colleague approached her, somewhat shyly. "Miss Ye, may I have the pleasure of dancing with you?"